《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 20


Kageyama...And I...Almost...Kissed-

I felt him leaning in! He had his hand on my cheek and everything!

That's all I thought about while lying in bed. I was supposed to be sleeping, but that moment kept recurring in my head.

And that thing! Where he took my hand! And he- "akskkdkdkdkskek." My thoughts were all over the place.

So cute!

That feeling I felt whenever I interacted with Kageyama started growing.

"Oh my god, I like him.." I thought. "He definitely likes me too or he wouldn't have done that. Maybe he's just confused? Or he's exploring himself? Whatever, it's only a silly crush, right?"

I thought about the surgery, it was still a few more days away. I was going to help the team as best as I can.

I'm going to help them get to nationals.

I'm gonna make Kageyama happy- What-

I meant the team, of course, yeah.


Damn, I forgot what it was like having to wake up early for morning practice.

I had my walking stick with me. I usually just leave it in my locker for the day.

I almost know this school inside and out anyways.

I was almost at the gym, when I was knocked off my feet.

"Ah! L/n! Sorry!"

Oh, it was Hinata.

"Kageyama! Come and apologise to L/n!"


"Hey! Don't run away! You're cheating!" Hinata yelled. "Sorry L/n, but I can't lose!"

Did they just leave me on the ground-

I think they both ran away. Kageyama kept running though...He didn't even bother to say sorry.

"Was he running from me?"


The day went by quickly and I never got the chance to talk to Kageyama.

I let him be, since he has to focus on the spring tournament, and he was probably embarrassed with what happened yesterday.


Either that or...

...He regrets trying to make a move.

I pushed that thought to the back of my head.

I was outside, on my way to after school practice.

Then, I bumped into someone...Or more like they bumped into me.

"Oh, if it isn't my dear friend, N/n."


"You don't get to call me that anymore," I seethed.

"Woah, getting tougher are we?" He taunted. "I heard you joined the volleyball club again...Good for you I guess," he said uninterested.

"Just, be careful not to get hit in the head with the ball," I could just sense he was smirking right now. "You might just lose the rest of your eyesight from the impact."

I clenched my fists.

"What? You gonna punch me now, N/n?" He laughed.

I relaxed and let out a breath.

"That won't happen," I replied. "Man, what happened to us? We used to be best friends.."

He stayed silent, so I continued.

"Remember that time we were playing in my backyard, and my volleyball went to the neighbours house? I tried jumping over the fence but it broke while I was in mid air."

I heard him chuckle every so lightly and smiled.

"I was in huge trouble, but I didn't care cause I got my volleyball back," I laughed.

"It was hilarious," he said, almost in a whisper.

A comfortable silence enveloped us.

"Hey, how about you come over and watch my practice, yeah? If I can recall...That's how we met," I gave a smile and stuck my hand out.

I stood there for a bit, before he slapped my hand away and said. "Whatever, just don't touch me."

I smiled lightly. "Sweet, follow me to the gym."


I started walking.

"I think it's the other way, idiot."

"Oh my bad.."


When we got there I introduced myself to the team.

They were currently playing a match amongst each other.

I sat beside their beautiful manager, looking bored...Cause I was.

L/n didn't do anything special so far.

He had a couple of failed receives, which I found hilarious.

He kept making a face whenever that happened.

Also this one kid kept glaring at me. I remember him from the day we had that festival.

I only smirked back.

I stretched in my spot.

"Megami! Ball!" I heard someone yell my name.

Suddenly a ball was hurdling towards me...

...I closed my eyes...

...But I didn't feel the impact.

I opened my eyes again. In front of me was L/n who received the ball with his face.

I was shocked, his nose was bleeding slightly, but he still got back up onto the court.




"Chance ball!"



Then as quick as I could even comprehend.



The ball landed on the other side of the court.

"M/n!" A short boy with a blond streak in his hair ran over to him with some pieces of tissue.

"Why did you go after that ball!?" He scolded. "It would've been out anyways!"

"But Megami would've gotten hurt," he replied. "And I don't think he knows how to do a receive."

I was speechless. From the corner of my eye, I could see the kid from before glaring at me again.

"Sorry about that," A third year who I assumed was the captain, came up to me. "You didn't get hurt, right?"

"Uh, no. I'm fine."

"Hm. Good thing L/n was there, huh?" He said. "I think you should go over and thank him after practice. He's definitely hurt."



Their practice ended and they started cleaning up.

I saw L/n putting the balls away in the equiptment room and followed him.

"Hey, L/n," I called out. "Thanks for the save back there..."

"It's no problem Megami, glad you're okay."


There was a short silence.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I questioned. "Why did you invite me to watch your practice, when all I've done is hurt you?"

L/n stayed silent.

"Hey! Idiot! I asked a question," I said getting agitated. "Don't tell me you've lost your hearing too-"

"I can't forgive you that easily," he cut me off. "The things you've said and done to me, really did hurt...But I wanna move past the bullying and be on good terms with you again," he continued. "I know we aren't going to be as close as we were before, I just want us to get along, without every conversation we have being full of insults and snide remarks," he kept going. "I know you were scared when I came out...But I'm still me, I didn't exactly change that much."

It was my turn to shut up now.

"So let's start over, yeah?" He said with a soft smile. "Hello, my name is M/n L/n. I'm a second year at Karasuno High and I'm 16 years old," he stuck his hand out.

I stared at it and looked at him.

"Just because we aren't fighting right now, doesn't mean we're friends," I said harshly, but L/n didn't falter. "Still...I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and get along with you..." I concluded.

I took his hand and shook it. "Hey, I'm Megami Taro. Nice to meet ya."

L/n smiled.

"Thank you, Megami. It's nice to meet you too."


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