《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Four: Endgame- Luck and Change


Erza walked into the infirmary, now the new sleeping quarters of the Hunters, to check whether the boys had left yet, and was shocked to find Killua waiting, already packed with a single backpack.

"You guys were supposed to leave by now! Where's Gon?"

Killua groaned. "You tell me. He said he'd be here in an hour after getting some fish. He must have gotten lost or something."

"Oh." Erza said. "I suppose I should send Natsu or someone to go look for him."

As if on cue, screams started to erupt from the guild dining hall.

"Natsu, where are you going!?"

"Hold on man!"

"Natsu! Wait!"

"Don't stop me, this is urgent!"

Both Killua and Erza raced into the hall, to see Gray and Lucy trying to hold Natsu back from zooming out of the guild hall. Happy was watching helplessly. "What's going on!?" Erza boomed.

Natsu was busy using his nose to sniff for something. His eyes were wide. He pulled away from Gray and Lucy.

"It's Gon!"

"What!?" Killua exclaimed.

Natsu nodded his head. "I can smell him. His scent has gone into the opposite direction in the forest. And..."

He sniffed a bit more. "It's very faint, but I can pick up other people!"

In a flash, Killua threw away his backpack. "Dang it, we should have known!"

This time, it was Erza who held Killua back. "Where are you going?"

"Isn't it obvious?!" Killua said. "The SIA has struck first. Gon is in danger, we need to go after him!"

"What's going on?" Kurpika said, just then coming down the stairs.

After an extremely quick explanation, Kurapika looked at Killua firmly. "You are going to continue your task without Gon."

"What!?" both Killua and Natsu said at the same time.

"Come on, think it through." Natsu said. "Wherever Gon is, is obviously where the SIA base is. We need to forget about that town place!"

"I hate to admit it Natsu, but that actually makes sense." Happy chimed in.

Kurapika shook his head. "The Archive doesn't lie. If anything, the SIA is trying to lure us to a decoy, to take us out. They've made the first move."


He looked at Killua. "But that also means that Gon will be unharmed. We can't fall for their trick. So..."

Kurapika quickly thought. He looked at Natsu. "You are the one who can track his scent, right? Then you go to the other base to rescue Gon."

"That's not a bad plan." Lucy said. "I'll go with Natsu."

"No." Natsu said. "They're trying to lure us there to take us out. However..." He grinned and held up his fist. "I can probably take them! It's a one person job, so there's no need to bring more people!"

"Remember, the goal is not to fight them, it's to bring Gon back." Erza said.

Killua sighed. "Okay... fine!" He looked at Natsu. "I don't know how good you are, but you better be able to do this."

Natsu only gave him a thumbs up. "Mark my words kiddo, I'll bringing Gon back safe and sound!"

Killua picked up his backpack. "Okay then. I'm already late so I'm going now" He rushed out of the guild hall.

It wasn't until he had gotten of the first train when he realized that he had forgotten to take a radio to communicate with the others. "Dang it!" He tried to think of another way as he headed to the next train station.

"Killua! Wait up!"

Killua looked behind him to the source of the voice.

To his surprise, it was Wendy, huffing and puffing as she caught up to him.

"Did you follow me!?" He asked.

Wendy nodded. "I had to run to catch that first train, and then find you in this crowd."

"But why?"

"It's obvious. I'm coming with you."

"What? But- you still aren't experienced in Zetsu and do you even know how to hide and stay out of sight? This is serious! And besides..." He sighed. "It's no good now. We don't have a way to get our information back to everyone."

Wendy only shook her head. "That's what I was trying to tell everybody back at the guild hall, but I didn't get a chance." She looked behind her towards a bush. "Carla, you can come out now!"


Killua looked unamused, expecting the small white cat to come out. But to his shock, a girl around Wendy's age, with wavy white hair, a blue collared jacket, and a long skirt, walked out. She was completely human, other than the small cat ears that blended with her hair.

"Wha-" He couldn't even begin to ask.

"This is Carla." Wendy explained. "She has a human form."

"Are you sure this is safe, child?" Carla said, with her exact cat voice. "I'm not okay with you doing this."

"I'll be fine Carla." Wendy said. "This will work. Once the Archive collects enough information, you can go back to your cat form and transport the Archive back to our friends." She looked at Killua. "It will take longer but it's the best way to avoid being discovered."

Killua was in awe. "That actually works. But-"

"I've practiced the basics of Nen, so I'm better at Zetsu." Wendy said, not admitting that she had practiced it as an excuse to avoid using her magic, which she still felt strange about. "And nobody will suspect me, just another girl in the town. I will follow all of your instructions, you don't have to worry."

Killua still felt uneasy about the whole thing. But he also felt relief. This plan could still go smoothly. Besides, Wendy was no Gon, but they still definitely knew how to work together.

He sighed. "Looks like there's no choice. We're partners again." He then couldn't help but smile. "You ready?"

Wendy nodded. " I also brought food. Do you have the Archive?"

"Yup." Killua said, gesturing to his backpack.

"Then we're ready."

Gon's eyes slowly fluttered open. He groaned. His head hurt and he could feel his body on a cold hard floor.

He slowly sat up and adjusted his eyes to the darkness. He was in a cell as far as he knew. In front of the bars, he could only see a narrow hallway.

Where was he?

His blood went cold as he heard footsteps approaching the cell. Suddenly, two cloaked figures were in front of him. "You're awake." One of them said.

"Wha-" Gon quickly got to his feet. "Who are you people!? How did I get here!?"

The same figure chuckled. "You seem to have forgotten." It was a woman's voice. She put her hand up. "Let me remind you."

Immediately, Gon's body went stiff and he just stood there, unable to move, the very same feeling he had in the forest. He hadn't been paralyzed by fear, this was the work of magic. Or...

"You're SIA..." Gon managed to say. This wasn't magic, this was the work of another power source.

The woman chuckled. "How very smart." She waved her hand and Gon fell to the ground, surprised by his sudden returned movement.

"Do not hurt him." the other figure said, revealing a man's voice. "His comrades will probably be here soon. You can have your fun then."

Gon gritted his teeth. So this was a trap. And he was the bate!

The woman chuckled and her hood fell off, revealing long ice white hair. "Oh well, best things always happen last." She smirked at Gon. "You stay put. Not like you have a choice. This cell is magic resistant."

And with that, they headed off in the other direction.

Gon stood up again. In normal circumstances, he would be angry. But instead, he grinned at the mistake SIA had made.

They had made the cell MAGIC resistant. He could easily get out of here.

But they would notice immediately. Gon had no idea how many people were in here, and whether or not he could fight them off. He couldn't do this alone.

Suddenly, his nose picked up a scent, And a familiar one, heading towards wherever he was. It was getting closer.

Grinning again at the help that was about to arrive, Gon held up his fist, getting ready to execute his own plan now that things had changed.

"First comes rock..."

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