《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Three: The Invasion- Fire


Great, the minute I put the title, The Promised Neverland opening started playing in my head XD. Okay then. Also, the last chapter was one of the most popular ones in this story, you guys must really like the Wendy and Killua camaraderie :) Duly noted.

They ran into four tunnels. Gon checked his mind map but other than some pathways updated on the very left corridor, nothing was there.

"Did Kurapika's Archive not get the route yet?" Gon asked. "What do we do now?"

"Wait." Natsu said. "Stay quiet for a minute."

Natsu's enhanced hearing could pick up a male's voice in the very left tunnel. "Through this tunnel. Someone's in there."

"We're already running into the enemy!?" Gon was more excited than shocked.

Natsu grinned. "Great, we don't have to wait. I'm all fired up!"

They ran into the tunnel, which opened up into a circular room. The enemy, a man who was giving out a scary vibe, seemed to be talking on a lacrima.

"Kill them at all costs." the man said. He then glanced at Gon and Natsu and disconnected the radio. "Looks like I have my own mess to clean up here."

Gon became worried. "Who are you ordering to kill!?"

The man shrugged. "One of my partners has ran into a couple of kids. They will meet the same faith as you two."

"Death at all costs."

"So Wendy and Killua!?" Gon exclaimed.

"That's perfectly fine."

It was Natsu who said that. He punched his hands together and walked towards the man.

"Your partner has ran into some of our friends. So I wouldn't expect victory. Your partner won't know what hit them."

Natsu ran at the man, his fist on fire. "Just like you won't realize you're about to be burnt to a crisp!"

The man smirked. "A fire wizard? Too easy." He suddenly stopped Natsu's fist with his hand.

What was once a flaming fist was now soaked. "Ahh!" Natsu said as he shook the water off his hand. "Did you liquefy my flame or something!?"

Seeing Natsu's fire, Gon was able to create a flame of his own. Natsu was right. There was no way Killua and Wendy would lose their fight. And he and Natsu weren't going to either.

"First comes rock..."

His fist powered up immediately and Gon, using his naturally speed, rushed towards the man.

"Rock... Paper... ROCK!"

And just like that, Gon scored a clear hit on his opponent's face. The man slid back.

"Good job Gon!" Natsu said.

Them man slowly looked up. "I'd watch your footing if I were you."

As Gon landed on the floor, the ground below him suddenly turned into water. "Aaah!" Losing his footing, Gon fell face down on the ground.

The man touched the wall next to Gon and suddenly, an avalanche of water was about to hit him.

"Not on my watch!" Natsu said. "Fire Dragon Roar!"


The huge burst of flames countered against the water and evaporated it. Gon quickly got up and backed away from the collision site.

Then, the same thing happened. The ground under Natsu's feet became water but this time, it wasn't just a puddle. To his horror, Natsu could feel himself sinking.

"Natsu!" Gona yelled. With only seconds to react, Gon tossed his fishing rod. The hook went around Natsu's arm and Gon began pulling.

Feeling himself being pulled out of the water, Natsu got an idea. "Gon! Is it possible for you to use your fishing rod to propel me at that jerk?"

Gon nodded. "Okay!"

Using all his strength, Gon pulled Natsu put of the water and using the momentum of his fishing rod, he swung Natsu out and towards the enemy.

"I'll finish this in one hit!" Natsu said in the air. "Dragon Slayer Sword Horn!" His entire body went on fire.

He was heading right at the enemy, his speed and power far too much for their opponent to be able to dodge. Both Natsu and Gon had confidence.

And that's when things began to go wrong.

Natsu felt himself stopping just inches in front of their opponent. Their opponents hand was on his head, stopping him. The momentum of the fishing rod lost, Natsu fell to the ground.

"So you're a Dragon Slayer." The man said. "Your fire power comes from the fire you have in your body. Quite impressive. But in this scenario..."

"It will be your downfall."

Suddenly, Natsu began to scream. What was happening?! He could feel his flame began to fade away and the immense power he carried before was disappearing. When it was over, he slumped to the ground.

"Natsu!" Gon yelled. "What happened!?"

Natsu tried to lift his head up to the ground. "I... don't know. But my fire... it's all gone."

"That's because I turned it all into water." The man said. "My ability allows me to turn any object or power into water and control it. Your friend here no longer has any fire power to use in his attacks." He looked at Gon. "And don't think you stand any more of a chance."

"What makes you think that?" Gon slowly said. He was getting angry. In the end, it was his recklessness that led to this situation. He should have figured out this guy's magic beforehand. Then he would have known that it wasn't a good idea to send Natsu right at him.

He wanted to get stronger. He wanted to see Ging again. But none of that would happen if he didn't defeat their opponent right now, with everything he had.

"First comes rock..."




Gon sent a burst of aura at the opponent. He wasn't very good at his Emitter skill yet. The aura wasn't the strongest and it was slow. The man would have easily been able to dodge it. But he couldn't.

Because he couldn't see aura.


So instead, he was propelled backwards into the wall.

"Yes!" Gon said. But it was too soon to celebrate. The man touched the floor and Gon could see the floor turning into water, rushing towards him at an accelerating speed. Right before it could hit him, someone flew into Gon, pushing him out of the way, both of them landing on the floor.

"Natsu!" Gon said. "I though you had no energy left!"

"You're right, I feel like I've been hit by a train." Natsu said. He then smiled. "But thankfully, my Dragon Slayer magic is no longer the only thing I can do."

That's when Gon realized Natsu's entire body was shrouded with Ren. He had new power.

The man was still slumped against the wall but his magic hadn't stopped. Water erupted from the walls and Gon and Natsu had to quickly dodge. They were lucky this time. But how would they be able to dodge all the attacks to reach the man?

"Gon, I need you to do something for me." Natsu said.

"What is it?" Gon asked.

Natsu quickly explained. "The magic I use is Dragon Slayer magic. Long story short, it means that I get my power from eating my element, which is fire. Right now, I have no fire in my body so I can't use magic. That's where you come in."

"I need you to give me some flames."

"But-" Gon said. "I don't know how to conjure a flame on my own yet!"

"Why not?" Natsu said. "You've come a long way, I know that if you just focus, you'll be able to do it." He grinned. "I believe in you, kiddo."

Gon didn't know whether he could do it. But that didn't matter anymore. For the sake of Natsu and everybody else, he had to. He had no choice. So he was going to suceed, no matter what.

"Okay! I'll distract him for as long as I can until I can send a flame to you. Then you finish him off." Gon said. He rushed towards the man.

This was when Gon's natural abilities came in handy. The man slowly got to his feet and sent more bursts of water at Gon. But Gon knew it was coming and was able to dodge them. He soon memorized the distinct scent of the man's power and was able to predict where his next attack would come from.

Now, it was time. "First comes rock..."

Gon needed absolute focus. He had been around Natsu's fire magic enough times to be able to feel its heat. He imagined all the heat in the center of his palm, trying to picture a flame. He tried to recapture the same feeling he would have every time Natsu produced a flame.

And suddenly, there it was. Gon's hand was on fire and he could feel its warmth. "Rock..."



He sent the flame over to Natsu and Natsu ate it with one gulp. "All right, now I've got a fire in my belly!" He rushed towards the enemy.

The man got ready to stop Natsu but Gon was prepared for that. "First comes rock... Rock, Paper... SCISSORS!"

Gon got a direct cut on the man's chest. Normally, it would be enough to kill, but Gon held back. The man clutched his body in pain.

"Let's end this!" Natsu said. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art..."

"Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!"

A huge torrent of flames attacked the man. Once the smoke cleared up, he was out cold.

"All right!" Natsu said.

"Wait..." Everything had gone by so quickly for Gon. "Did I... use a flame attack by myself?"

Natsu put his hand up for a high five. "You sure did kiddo!"

Gon grinned and returned the high five. "All rightttt!!!!!!" He put both his hands up in the air in celebration.

Three pathways laid in front of them. Gon checked his mind map again. Still nothing. What was going on?

Suddenly, it began to change. The very left pathways started reforming into an entirely different route and it was marked. New pathways began to form to connect the other three corridors to this new pathway. Gon could clearly see how he and Natsu's area would reach this new pathway. "What is Kurapika doing?"

"Everybody. Can you hear me?"

Gon and Natsu both looked up. "It's Warren." Natsu said

"Yes, we can" It was Gray's voice. "What's up?"

"What happened to our maps?" Killua's voice rang in.

Erza's voice began to speak. "There's been a change of plans. Turns out the energy source is in a completely different area. Kurapika knows the route and updated the Archive accordingly. Everybody, follow this new pathway and we'll meet up at the energy source."

"Really?!" Leorio exclaimed. "Kurapika, what happened?"


Erza's voice came in again. "It's best not to ask questions now. Let's all meet up soon."

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible." Killua said. Gon was surprised at the urgency in his voice. "Killua, I heard you and Wendy ran into an enemy. Are you guys okay?"

There was a scary silence. Killua spoke again. "No, we're not. I'll explain everything later. Let's finish this!"

"Okay, if everyone understands, I'm disconnecting the telepathy. Good luck." Warren said. He went out.

"Well, you heard him. Let's turn around." Natsu said.

What had happened to Killua and Wendy? Killua seemed fine but come to think of it, Wendy hadn't spoken at all. And neither had Kurapika. Gon hoped everyone was all right. They had to meet as soon as possible.

"All right, let's go!"

Phew, writing fight scenes are harder than I thought. Definitely not my best, but oh well. It's getting late so I better stop writing for now. See you all next time!

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