《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Three: The Invasion- Morality


"Kill them at all costs? Yes, of course."

Seeing their new enemy in front of them, Killua and Wendy also got ready.

"She doesn't look very strong." Wendy said.

"But we still can't let our guard down." Killua said. "Not until we figure out her abilit-"

Killua stopped mid sentence and his eyes went wide. He felt a shocking punch at the back of his head and gasped. His strong body was able to take it but he stumbled forward.

"Killua!" Wendy yelled. "Are you okay?"

Killua nodded. The lady was right behind him. "How... did she get there in a matter of seconds?"

"Probably some sort of speed magic." Wendy said, taking a deep breath. "Let's test it. Sky Dragon Roar!"

Killua saw a huge mass of wind come out of Wendy's mouth and going in the enemy's direction. It didn't look like it at first, but Wendy had some strong magic!

When the wind cleared away, nobody was there. Wendy looked around in shock. Then, her eyes caught the women, standing in a completely different sector of the courtyard. She had dodged the attack!

"Dang it." Killua said. "What's her limit?"

Suddenly, the women raised her hand. Wendy and Killua braced themselves for another attack but it never came. The change that came after was something only Wendy could sense.

"The air..." she noticed. "It's different. It has a strong energy and its fresh. It's like... the ethernano in the air has gotten stronger!"

"So that's how it is..." Killua said. "She makes herself stronger by making her environment stronger."

"Then we have to get stronger." Wendy said.

Huh? Killua wondered what she was going to do.

"Stand close to me." Wendy said. Killua did. Wendy started chanting.

"Elemental resistance rise! Deus Corona! Physical ability rise! Deus Eques!"

Killua started to feel power surrounding him. Suddenly, he felt like he had new strength and his defenses had risen. He couldn't believe it!

"Healing... wind magic... and now this. How many tricks do you have up your sleeve?!"

"I'm a Dragon Slayer and an Enchanter. It's what I do." Wendy said. "Are you ready?"

Killua grinned. "Of course! Let's tire her out!" He brought out his yo yo's.

The two kids ran at the women. Both of them were prepared for her sudden bursts of speed and had the one goal of trying to get a hit in.

Unfortunately, it wasn't getting anywhere. Killua's yo yo's were fast and he was expertly able to handle them. But their enemy was quick and kept on avoiding their clutches. He felt like he would be able to defeat her in hand to hand combat but she was too fast to be able to face one on one. For the first time, Killua's speed couldn't match up.

"Sky Dragon Wind Attack!" Wendy aimed at the women. The women dodged the bursts of wind and aimed a kick at Wendy, which she could barely dodge.


However, in that moment of that kick, Killua took advantage of the women's momentary distraction and aimed his yo yo's. They snagged around her arm. Killua quickly pulled the yo yo in, gripping its hold on the enemy.

"Wendy! Now!" Killua yelled.

"Got it!" Wendy said. "Sky Dragon Talon!" She aimed her magic at the women.

All it took was a millisecond. The air burst with energy again. The women dodged Wendy's attack and elbowed Killua in the face. With his attention gone, she broke the hold of the yo yo and punched Wendy. Both Wendy and Killua fell to the floor.

"Ow..." Wendy said. "She's too fast."

She is, Killua thought. But... it's a good thing I have more than one trick also. He could use Godspeed. That was the one thing that would make him as fast as their enemy.

"Wendy..." he began.

"Killua. Let me do this."

Killua hadn't been expecting that. Wendy slowly came up to her feet. "I have a way to trap her. After I've done that, it's up to you to use your lighting to attack her. We can defeat her."

"But..." Killua complained. "I also have a way to match up to her speed. How do we know your way is better?"

"The air." Wendy said simply. "The ethernano is charged with energy. The air here is amazing."

Wendy took another deep breath. "This..."

"Is my domain!"

Wendy opened her mouth and air began to go into her mouth. She began to transform. When she was done, Wendy's hair was now pink, along with her eyes. She was radiating energy to a whole another level.

She smiled. "Let's do this Killua!"

And she was off. She moved in bursts of speed that Killua noticed as equivalent to his Godspeed. The women was fast but Wendy was on her trail.

Wendy had to be quick and careful. As she chased the women, she began controlling the wind. While keeping up with her enemy, she formed a loose barrier surrounding her opponent.

They were about to go into a wall. Using the slight second the women would take to make a turn, Wendy unleashed the full strength of her wind magic, enveloping the women in a wind barrier.

But she wouldn't be able to maintain it for long. "Killua, quickly!"

Killua had been watching. He knew exactly where the women was in the barrier. He would need to make his lighting strong enough to pierce through the wind barrier.


Killua summoned three spheres of lighting. He put a good amount of Nen evenly in the spheres. "Lighting Sphere!"

He released the spheres and they traveled towards the wind barrier. They pierced through it and the result was an explosion which Killua and Wendy quickly backed away from.

When the smoke cleared, their enemy lay crumpled on the floor.

Wendy returned to normal. Killua grinned, "Let's go!" He put his hand up. The two did a high five.


"Let's get out of here." Wendy said.

"No... you're not going anywhere."

Wendy and Killua looked at the women in shock. She hadn't spoken a word throughout the entire battle. She could barely move but her words were clear.

"I... won't let SIA down. If I need to be defeated..."

"I'm taking you two down with me." She closed her eyes, out cold.

Suddenly, the air changed. It's power decreased and a poisonous feeling spread throughout the area. Wendy and Killua began coughing.

This seemed familiar. What was it? Wendy's eyes widened at the realization.

"Bane particles!"

Killua looked at her. "What?"

Wendy quickly explained while holding her face. "Poisonous particles in the air. They kill anybody who get exposed to them for too long! If this goes on for longer, this will spread and our friends will also get affected!"

Killua tried to think. He was used to poison so these Bane particles would not do any damage to him. But what about everyone else?

"So that lady is the one doing this?" he asked. Wendy nodded. "Back in Tartaros, it would be initiated after the demons died. Now, it seems like she is controlling it herself, even in that state."

Killua realized what he had to do. It made him really sad that it had come to this but maybe... since he was saving others, it wouldn't be so bad.

Wendy got scared, seeing Killua walk towards the lady. "What are you going to do!?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Killua said. "We need to kill her. That's the only way this will stop."

"What!? No!" Wendy frantically shook her head. "We can't kill her! She may be evil, but she's still human!"

"Don't worry." Killua said. "You don't have to do this. I can take her life. You won't have to carry around any of the guilt."


"I used to be an assassin Wendy." Killua said. "I've taken hundreds, thousands, of lives. So it's okay to let me do this. I'm different, you don't need to feel bad that I have to take a life."

Killua was horrified that he would have to kill again, after everything he had promised himself. This must have been what that cat's vision had been talking about. But it gave Killua relief that in the end, he would be doing this for the good of others. He wasn't a bad person after all... His hands turned into claws and came closer to the women's neck, ready to make the kill.

"But... I don't want you to kill anybody!"

Killua's hand stopped. Next to him was Wendy, gripping his hand with a determined look on her face.

"I don't care whether you've killed thousands or even millions of people! I refuse to believe taking this one life won't give you pain. Don't think you're different Killua, you're just like anybody else, and like anybody else, you shouldn't have to take a life!"

Wendy smiled with tears coming out of her eyes. "You're my friend Killua. And I would never let a friend do something like this."

Killua couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't believe it. For his entire life, he had felt different from the crowd. He had taken so many lives believing that his job as an assassin made him less humane than everyone else. The only person who had made him feel human again had been Gon.

And now this girl standing right beside him. She cared. She didn't see him as different. And that meant the world to Killua.

"So..." he looked down. "What should we do?"

Wendy sighed and tore a small strip from her dress. Suddenly, she directed Killua's claws to the women's hand, drawing a little bit of blood. Wendy collected the blood on her dress strip.

"Wha- What are you doing!?" Killua exclaimed.

"Killua...." Wendy said. "Whatever you do, do not stop me from what I'm going to do next."

Wendy summoned as much healing magic energy as she could in her weakened state and spread it out around her. She could feel the ethernano particles collecting her healing energy.

She then opened her mouth. The world went in slow motion as Wendy absorbed all the Bane particles into her body, until there were no more left.

Killua couldn't believe his eyes. "Idiot! What the heck did you just do!?"

Wendy stumbled and Killua had to steady her. Her words came out slow and broken.

"I'm... a Dragon Slayer. I took in the Bane particles but... my lungs can take it. Also... I also took in my... own healing magic I... put into the air. It won't cure me but... it'll slow down... the poison."

She put the dress strip into Killua's hands. "I know... a healer named Porlyusica. She can cure... Bane poisoning if... she has the blood of the castor. That's why I collected that lady's blood."

Killau shook his head. "That was still a stupid thing to do!"

"I know..." Wendy said. "But... it was the only way... to save EVERYONE. Including you." She stumbled again and Killua had to stop her from falling over.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the exit. Thankfully, there was only one. They had to get out of her! Wendy needed help quickly! He would not let a friend die!

As a quick note, if you guys didn't know, I'm a huge Tower of God fan! I started writing another fan fiction,a KhunxReader. If any Tower of God fans reading this want some extra ToG material to read, feel free to check it out!

But, until next time,

-Heavens Wheel

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