《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Three: The Invasion- Sound Waves


They hadn't run into any intersections but they knew from the map in their heads that Kurapika and Erza had run into some. Currently, it didn't look like they would hit any crossroads.

But they finally reached an obstacle. It was a large stone door in the middle of a wall, blocking their way in.

"The enemy is probably on the other side." Leorio said.

"Then's lets get in" Gray said. "I can easily take down that door."

"Wait." Leorio said, putting up a hand. He walked towards the door and put his hand near it. He activated his Nen. Leorio had chosen his Nen ability wisely. He wanted skills that would help him in becoming a doctor. Part of the Nen ability he was using now, sensing enemy movements, was also used to identify a disease in a patient.

"Well?" Gray asked. "Do you sense someone?"

Leorio's eyes widened. "Get back!"

The two barely managed to get to the back of the room before a louder than life noise echoed through the room. It shook the ground and covering their ears didn't stop Leorio and Gray from being shaken by the sound.

The stone door was completely broken. Footsteps slowly walked out of the rubble. The smoke finally cleared to show the first member of the SIA.

It was a man wearing a sleeveless shirt. On his shoulder was a tattoo of a sapphire. The SIA emblem. He looked really annoyed.

"I usually like ending things with a surprise attack. It's quick and simple. But it looks like I'm going to have to do some fighting today."

He looked at the broken gate. "Yup, I have to stop you guys here. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"None of your business!" Gray said. He put a fist to his other hand and the air around it began to cool. "It's a shame that your first fight is going to be a losing battle. Ice Make Hammer!"

Suddenly, a huge ice hammer appeared above the man. It came down at blinding speed.

The noise filled the room again. It was horrifying and Leorio felt like his ears were going to fall off.

When it ended, he couldn't believe his eyes. There were ice shards all over the ground and the man stood in the middle of them, completely unharmed. He looked bored.


"So you have that type of magic? That's boring. It's the easiest kind of magic to defeat."

Gray was shocked. "You used sound to break my ice?"

The man yawned. "What kind of person tells their opponent their ability? Figure it out yourself!"

Again, the huge sound filled the room. Leorio had a feeling that going near the man would be dangerous. Feeling like he was in an earthquake, Leorio made a last ditch attempt. He punched the ground and aimed his Nen at the man while he was performing his magic. His Nen traveled underground and a fist sprung up under the man, ready to punch him in the chin.

The man quickly realized and jumped away before it could hit him. But Leorio was prepared. The made another punch and his Nen traveled to the wall behind the man and a fist punched him at the back of the head.

The man fell to the ground. Gray realized what was happening.

"He dodged the previous attack instead of breaking it. And the next attack hit him. It was a fist. That means..."

Gray put his hands together and grinned. "Your magic can't break attacks that are directly performed from the human body! Looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way!"

The man slowly got to his feet but Gray was one step ahead. He rushed at the man and got ready to punch him and send him flying. The man put his arm out in front of him.

Again came that blinding noise. And through it, Leorio could hear a scream with he realized with horror, belonged to Gray.

Once it was over, steam was coming from Gray's arm and he was clutching it in pain. The man smiled. "True, I can't repel human made attacks. However, they're no use if you can't touch me."

Gray saw a fist come out of the ground, surrounded with blue light, which punched him in the arm. To his shock, his injury vanished and his arm felt fine. He looked at Leorio. "Did you do that?"

Leorio nodded, smiling. "Looks like it works."

Everything started to come together. The reason the man had a sleeveless shirt. His action of putting his arm in front of him. The constant instances of sound.


The smile spread on Gray's face.

"I have a plan."

He got into a stance again. "Ice Make Lance!"

The curved shots of ice rushed at the enemy. The sound filled the room once again but this time, it was what Gray was counting on. He fought the pressure and ran towards Leorio.

"Okay, now he can't hear us. Can you hear me!?" Gray said.

"Yes!" Leorio shouted.

"Okay, here is the thing. He controls sound using his arms. If you noticed before, he had his arms in a stance in order to create the noise."

"Okay, what does that mean?" Leorio asked.

"It means that if we can immobilize his arms, he's helpless. Then, we defeat him. So here is the plan. I know how I can stop his arms. But I need to keep on getting close to him. It will take a lot of tries. Your job is to use your healing punch thing in order to heal any injuries I get. But finally, I will be able to stop his arms. Then, we defeat him."

Leorio was unsure. "That sounds really dangerous. Are you sure?"

Right before the noise stopped, Gray smiled. "We're Fairy Tail. Danger is our second name. Now let's do it!"

The minute the noise stopped, something happened to Gray.

A new powerful energy began surrounding him. Leorio watched as a black matter covered Gray's right arm and went all the way to his chin. The minute the transformation was complete, Gray rushed at the man.

Before he could get in contact, the noise came again but Leorio was prepared to send a healing punch at Gray. The minute that was done, Gray rushed at the enemy again.

After a few minutes, this became a pattern. Gray could barely feel the injuries before getting healed again. And both Gray and Leorio became accustomed to the sound that came often.

Finally, finally, fatigue began to show on the man's face. His movements became slower. On the next attack that Gray moved in on, the man was too slow to activate his magic. Gray took the chance to grab both his arms. Ice began to form on the man's arms and soon, they were completely frozen.

"Now!" Gray yelled.

Leorio ran in and punched the man in the face with as must strength as he could muster. The man fell to the floor, out cold.

"Oh yeah!" Gray said. "That was easy." He put his hand up for a high five.

Leorio was feeling pretty good about that victory so he accepted. "Now we just have to keep on going."

Leorio checked his mind map, which still hadn't been updated. "What is Kurapika doing? His Archive should have picked up the route by now."

"Worry about that when we actually hit a crossroad." Gray said. The black matter on his body disappeared. "Let's go!" He ran ahead.

And just like that, a victory in the SIA invasion had been achieved.

"Kurapika must be fighting now or something." Killua said. "But what are we going to do now?"

Wendy pointed at the left tunnel. "Let's go that way."

"What makes you so sure?" Killua asked. "Most people pick left when coming across a crossroad. If we had to choose, I'd say right."

Wendy scratched her head, not sure how to explain. "The air is really fresh in that direction."

"Huh?" Killua asked. "Well... okay then. I'll trust your instincts this time."

The left pathway led them to an open indoor courtyard, to their shock. Wendy looked to her left and gasped.

There was a women, sitting near a tree. She hadn't noticed them yet and it seemed like she was talking on a radio.

"... invaded? By who?"

There was silence.

"But why this base?"

More silence. The lady looked at Killua and Wendy's direction, causing them to grimace. She turned back to her call.

"Here?... yes, in fact, some of them have just entered this area. Two kids. What should I do?"

Silence once again.

"Yes... anything for Safire Ina."

The women stood up and turned towards the kids.

"Kill them at all costs?"

She disconnected the call and got into a fighting stance.

"Yes, of course."

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