《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Three: The Invasion- The Plan


"Are you sure you guys need me for this?" Leorio asked. "I just recently mastered Nen."

"Well, more people would be better." Gon said. "A lot of people need to learn."

"Relax" Killua said. "Wendy was a really fast learner so I'm sure everyone else here will pick it up really quickly."

"If you say so." Leorio said.

"We're not as qualified as Mr. Wing though." Gon said, a bit concerned.

"What, Four Eyes? His job was easy, we can definitely do it." Killua reassured.

"Okay, let's do it!" Gon said, enthusiastically.

And with that, the three of them went in front of a crowd of wizards, waiting to learn the basics of this mysterious power called Nen.

"First comes rock!"

The aura came easily and along with it, fire surrounded Gon's wrist with immense power. This all took only around a second.


Gon punched the boulder. Almost immediately, it crumbled under the force of his combined Nen and magic.

"You're doing great, kiddo!" Natsu said, putting out the flame he created on his own.

"Thanks." Gon said, scratching his head. "I now need to wait for almost no time before I can activate the Jajaken. But I still can't make a flame without feeling the heat from yours."

"With the rate you're going at, you will be able to imagine the flame on your own in no time." Natsu said encouragingly.

"I hope so..."

"Huh! Why not!?" Killua asked.

"Sorry." Wendy said apologetically. "I'm not really a fighter."

"Aw..." Killua groaned. "I wanted someone to practice my long range lighting with. Figured you'd be up to it."

"But why me though?" Wendy asked. "I'm not that strong."

Killua was visibly confused. "What are you talking about? I felt so much powerful energy from you before. If that's not strong, I don't know what is. Besides, I want to see exactly what a Dragon Slayer does."

Wendy hadn't meant for her Dragon Slaying magic to sound so impressive. She guessed it was, in a way. It was kind of shocking how quickly Killua was willing to believe her story about Grandina and the Eclipse Gate. "Maybe you'll get a chance to see it in this invasion."

Killua shrugged. "Yeah, maybe. I swear, Kurapika must have a darn good plan. He has barely taken a break this week. He even dropped out of teaching everyone Nen."


"I'm sure he does. Working with an Archive is difficult so it would take some time" Wendy said.

"Does this meeting mean you came up with a plan, Kurapika?" Gon asked.

Kurapika took out his Archive lacrima. "Um... not just me. Levy helped by telling me about the abilities of people in the guild. She learnt more about the SIA. But yeah, I think this plan should work. Archive."

The huge screen now had a sort of map on display. Well... less of a map and more like a maze. Kurapika began to explain.

"This is one of SIA's minor bases. The wizards deployed here are juniors and therefore aren't a great threat. That's good for us."

"I was able to investigate the base using the Archive. It's a solar powered dome. At nighttime, half of the roof of the dome gets opened in order to get natural light from the stars. That's our best chance to get in. The place with the energy source is sealed off by the other half of the roof."

"Of course, since the base is the most vulnerable at night, that's when the wizards patrol the base. We can invade the base and take out these wizards at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone."

Kurapika pointed at the map maze. "For security, the layout of the dome is a complicated maze. This map here isn't the accurate maze but it shows the starting points."

Kurapika pointed to four pathways at the beginning of the maze. "According to the Archive, the junior force of the SIA should be around 5 to 8 people. That means there will be at least one wizards on one pathway. My idea is that in groups of two, we each go down one pathway in order to take out these wizards. "

"It's a pretty safe bet to make that all these pathways will lead to the energy source. That's the only efficient way that any of these wizards would be able to reach the source themselves. We will all split up and meet at the source."

"But what about the maze?" someone asked.

It was Gray. "There will be multiple dead ends in these mazes. For all we know, one of these pathways is a dead end. How will we be able to navigate them?"

"My Archive." Kurapika said simply. "The closer we are to the base, the more information the Archive has about the layout. It will use more energy, but I will upload an empty map of the base into the head of everyone participating. As we go into the base, my Archive will have more information about the route, which I will upload onto that map."


"Now, for the teams. Two people per route. It goes without saying that all the Hunter have to be in this invasion" Levy said. She pointed at the very left route. "Who will take this one?"

"I'm definitely going." Erza said. "Who wants to come with me on this route?"

"I'll come." Kurapika said. "My Nen... doesn't have a lot of attack power but your magic can make up for that."

"Works for me." Erza said. Maybe she would be able to discover the secrets behind his ability.

Killua looked at Gon. "Gon, let's take the next route, what do you say?"

Gon looked a little guilty. "Sorry Killua but... I really want to test out my fire ability but I can't make a flame on my own yet. I still need someone to produce a flame for me to copy." Gon looked hopefully at Natsu.

Natsu grinned. "Let's do it! Okay, me and Gon will take the next route."

Killua huffed. "Fine." He looked at Wendy. "Wanna come with me on the next route?"

Wendy was surprised. "Me?... Are you sure?"

Killua groaned. "This again? We made a pretty good team back against those robbers. Besides..."

He smirked. "I want to see your magic. You've got me curious."

Carla was about to open her mouth to protest but was interrupted by Wendy's grin. "Okay! Sure!"

Leorio sighed. "Guess that leaves the very right route to me. Who wants to come?"

"I am, of course." Gray said. "Nobody's leaving me out of this."

He looked at Natsu. "Bet I can reach the energy source before you, flame brain!"

"Yeah right! I will be at the end point before you even START!"

So it's a race? Gon and Leorio wondered gloomily.

"Okay, that's settled." Levi said. "We have three communication Lacrimas. Kurapika, since he has the Archive, and I will take two of them. I will be on the outside with Warren. Warren has a telepathic magic so he can relay any messages I tell him, to all of us. I will signal a flare if for any reason, we have to abandon this mission."

Levy looked at Happy and Carla. "You two will share the third lacrima and patrol the dome from above. Lily is on a job with Gajeel so it's up to the two of you. Alert my radio if you see anything wrong or discover something new. You can intervene if you find a reason but try not to get involved. You will also be flying everyone into their respective starting points."

"Aye sir!" Happy said.

"Hear that child?" Carla whispered to Wendy. "I can intervene if I see it fitting."

"I can take care of myself Carla." Wendy said. "Try to clear all of your worries."

"Is that it?" Mirajane asked.

"Yes." Kurapika said.

"Okay, I got it all written down! I'll submit it to the council immediately!" Mirajane smiled. "But it should get approved. It's a good plan, good job you two!"

"Thanks Mira!" Levy said.

"Okay, get rest everyone. If all goes well, this operation will begin tomorrow!" Mirajane announced.

"Lacrima." The Archive disappeared. As everyone was leaving, Levy noticed Kurapika stumble a little.

"Hey, are you okay? You guys don't have as much magic energy as us so you'll run out of it more quickly. Try not to overdo it with the Archive."

"I won't" Kurapika assured. "Thanks"

As he made his way to the infirmary, someone ruffled his hair.

"Good job! You had everyone impressed." Leorio said.

"So that was why you skipped out on everything else." Gon said.

"It's no big deal." Kurapika said. "Thanks to the Archive, we now have certain variables so we can have a full proof plan. I just hope nothing goes wrong."

"Nothing will!" Gon said, with so much confidence.

"How are you so sure?" Killua asked.

Gon glanced at the guild happily chatting with each other, ready to leave the guild for the night. "Can't you feel it? These people can do anything! No matter what challenge they face, they definitely won't ever give up. They have experience.

He had a determined look. "I'm ready to trust them. Aren't you guys?"

The rest were taken by surprise by the question. But the answer came quickly and surely.

"Yes, we are."

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