《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Three: The Invasion- Trust


"And I ESPECIALLY don't trust these two!" Carla said.

Kurapika and Killua had no idea what they had done wrong. And what was with the sudden outburst?

"Carla has the ability to see the future. Its called her Clairvoyance. It's not controllable so visions come at random times." Wendy explained, trying to figure out how she could quell the conflict at hand.

"Carla, tell us what you saw." Lucy said calmly.

Carla put her hand to her forehead and the images came back to her again.

"That boy..." she said, pointing at Killua. "I see... a woman lying on the floor. The boy is walking towards her and... his hands..."

Her eyes widened in frights. "They have claws! He's approaching the lady. He... he's about to kill a defenseless person!" The vision went dark for her.

Wendy looked at Killua and she was shocked. Never before had she seen Killua so frightened.

"No... I wouldn't. I wouldn't do something like that. Not... anymore." He shook his head, trying to convince himself.

"Killua..." Gon said, not knowing what to do.

"Anymore? What do you mean not anymore!? Have you done something like this before!?" Carla interrogated.

"Carla!" Wendy shouted out. Killua was an ex assassin, she knew that. That meant Carla couldn't have chosen worse words to say.

Killua's eyes had already gone dark. "Shut up..." The fight had gone out of his voice.

Kurapika, of course, was concerned about something else. "You accused both me and Killua. Was I also in your vision?"

Wendy had a horrible feeling that things were about to get worse. But what could she do? There was nothing she could do to stop Carla from sharing the second half of her vision.

The vision played over for Carla. After her vision of Killua went dark, new events began to play out.

"He's... in front of another person. I can't see their face, but I think it's a women. He looks angry and..."

Kurapika had no idea where this was going. Carla's next words however, brought all of his senses into focus.

"... his eyes! They... they're turning..."


Everyone looked at Kurapika, who had interrupted so suddenly. His eyes had also gone dark. When he spoke again, his voice was soft but held a threat.


"Don't... say another word."

Kurapika walked out of the room without a sound.

The usually noisy guild hall was silent. Nobody knew what to do.

"See why we can't trust them!? We're heading into trouble!" Carla said. "My visions are clear proof!"

"Carla!" Wendy called after her as she ran out the room.

Wendy looked over at Killua, who still looked disturbed. She then turned to Mirajane.

"This meeting is done, right? The only thing you have to do is speak to the council, right?"

Mirajane nodded. "That's right."

"What are you going to do, Wendy?" Gon asked.

"It's obvious." Wendy said. To Gon's surprise, her voice sounded a little bit angry. "I'm going to have a talk with Carla." She walked out of the hall.

Gon turned to Killua. "Are you all right?..."

Killua nodded grimly. "I don't care what that cat says. I will never kill a person again. It won't happen."

"Of course it won't." Gon said optimistically. "Who said you can't change the future?"

"Let me guess. Your Scarlet Eyes activated."

Kurapika hadn't expected Leorio to walk in. He sighed. "Yes. I had to get out of there."

"So you're not concerned about what the cat said?" Leorio asked.

Kurapika shook his head. "I just don't understand it. The only people who usually trigger the Scarlet Eyes are... the Spiders. That's not a possibility in this world. If the vision has something to do with the coming invasion, I don't know what to expect."

"I wouldn't worry about the vision too much. It's not going to do as any good." He looked at Kurapika eyes, now black from the contacts.

"Kurapika, you're aware that this world is different, right? The Kurta and the Scarlet Eyes don't exist here. There's no price on your eyes in this world. Why try to hide it?"

"It's just an instinct, I guess." Kurapika said. "I don't want anybody to know about the Scarlet Eyes. We know too little about this world. The people here seem friendly but it's best to just hide the Scarlet Eyes."

Leorio shrugged." Well, as long as you're not worried about the vision, it's fine."


"Hello child." Carla said.

"Don't try to act normal again Carla. You told me a lot about respecting guests but you didn't do a very good job of it just now." Wendy said.

"Everyone has a right to know if there is something suspicious about these visitors!" Carla argued. "I had a bad feeling about them from the beginning and my visions prove it!"

Wendy sighed, her sympathy coming back to her. Carla's visions weren't always easy to experience. "Look, I know what you saw was scary. But you shouldn't have accused them like that. Your visions don't always show the full story."

Wendy was determined. "I haven't known Killua for very long but he would never do something like what you saw in your vision. I know that as a fact. And how do you know Kurapika wasn't against a member of the SIA?"

Carla began to feel a little guilty. "I guess that was a possibility... Come to think of it, I did see a tattoo on the opponent."

"Really?" Wendy said. "What was it?"

The vision came back to Carla. "Its was... a tattoo of a spider. But it had more than 8 legs. And there was a marking on it, which I think was a number."

Wendy shook her head. "The guild mark of the SIA doesn't look like that. But that doesn't matter now. We need to talk about you."

Carla looked away. "I just don't think we should so readily work with these people. We don't fully know where they're from and what they do."

Wendy sighed. "Look Carla. I'm going to make it clear."

"I know we haven't known them for very long. But... they've become friends. They've adjusted to this world quickly and they're good people."

"I know you're a little bit scared Carla, but can you try to put that aside? Let's make this work."

Carla couldn't help but smile. "You're too nice, child. But... I guess that's a good thing at this moment. I'll listen to you, for now."

And just like that, a conflict became resolved. There were no more barriers to the battles that would come in the future.

"I'm... sorry."

"Whatever." Killua said. "It's fine"

"Yeah... don't worry about it" Kurapika said, smiling.

Both were better off than yesterday but both now had the same determination. The determination to change the future, no matter what the cost.

"Everybody!" Mirajane said. "I got a response from the council!"

"Well, that was fast" Natsu said.

Mirajane summarized the letter. "Turns out the council has also been wanting to deal with SIA for some time. They're willing send us on a council approved invasion, PROVIDED we send in a proper plan."

"Sweet!" Natsu said. "So we just need to figure out how to infiltrate their main base? Easy, we just barge in!"

"It's not their main base, it's ONE of their bases." Kurapika said.

That was news to everyone. Kurapika continued.

"Think about it. A guild that is hiding a secret source of power would be smart with it. They would store it in different places. Their main base would be where they have the tools to extract the energy from the atmosphere. But they would store this power source in different places. The location I showed yesterday is the base closest to Magnolia, which holds some of the power source."

"It's good news for us. The energy would be enough to send me, Gon, Killua, and Leorio back to our world. However, since it isn't there main base, their strongest fighters won't be deployed. We can easily invade their base, take out their side force, and access the energy source."

Kurapika looked at Natsu. "And even then, we can't just barge in. We need a proper plan that the council will approve and one that will decrease danger for us."

"I now have better use of the Archive. We will be able to form a good plan by the end of this week and invade their base."

Mirajane smiled. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Let's do it everyone!"

"Yeah!" Everyone said. The optimistic mood was back in the hall.

It was now time to take action.

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