《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Three: The Invasion- The SIA



The glowing database appeared from the lacrima.

"Wow...cool!" Gon said, impressed by Kurapika's new "magic".

"So THAT'S why you came back late." Leorio said. "Learn to be quiet next time."

"So what does it do?" Killua asked.

"Well..." Kurapika began. "I was only able to turn it on last night. There was a lot to explore so I figured I'd try it out the next day."

"That would be good timing." Leorio said. "Apparently there's going to be a meeting this evening. Looks like they're taking helping us seriously."

"Okay, so we have an entire day." Gon said. "What should we do?"

"Oh! I can show you guys around Magnolia. I think I memorized most of it yesterday. What do you say Gon?" Killua said.

"Sounds good to me." Leorio said.

"Let's go!" Gon looked at Kurapika. "Are you coming?"

"Thanks, but I think I'm going to work with this Archive for sometime. I'll join later." Kurapika said.

Soon, he was alone in the room. Okay, it was time to work the Archive. Now that he was able to link his aura/magic energy with the Archive, all he had to do was use it.

Right now, treating it like a search engine would be the best option. But what should he search for? The best thing to do now would be to learn more about this world.

Like the Hunter website. Kurapika first expanded his search to Fiore. With numerous options, Kurapika narrowed it down to current events.

Something caught his eye. He looked more into it and started reading the information that came up.

"Wait a minute..." he said to himself.

"Okay. So in order for us to figure out what to do, I need the full story from both sides." Mirajane said.

Quickly, Gon narrated the events that had happened at Yorknew leading to them landing in Magnolia. Wendy told Mirajane about her enchantent.

Mirajane thought for a while. "Wendy, is it possible for you to use your enchantment again to send them back?"

It made sense to Carla. "Yes child. How do you plan to send back a summoned weapon during battle?"

Wendy shook her head. "There's a reason why I didn't try it yesterday and brought them to the guild instead."


She began to explain. "My enchantment only works when there is a high concentration of magic energy. I can send back a summoned weapon because it has the same concentration of magic energy that was there when I summoned it."

"But that's not the case here. It's true that Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio summoned a high concentration of magic energy when they used the machine. That's what made my enchantment react to it. But now, they don't have enough magic energy for me to use the enchantment again. I realized it then also. Whatever ethernano they are absorbing, it is going into their aura networks, and my enchantment doesn't work with aura."

Kurapika thought for a moment. "So we can be sure of two things. First, it is possible for Wendy to do her enchantment again as long as me, Gon, Killua, and Leorio can manage to create a high concentration of this energy again. And second, the machine has something to do with why we were able to do it in the first place."

"We were using Nen on the machine." Killua said. "It might be possible that there was something in the machine that reacted with our aura, and created magic energy."

"Actually, that's a possible idea." Mirajane said. "But ethernano is the only source of energy we know. What other energy is there that can create magic energy when combined with aura?"

Lucy's eyes widened. "Tartaros."

Everyone was confused, especially the Hunters. Lucy continued.

"Remember, Tartaros didn't use magic. They used Curses, which don't need ethernano. But they must have operated with a different type of energy."

"Lucy's right." Erza said. "Our atmosphere isn't only made up of ethernano. It's possible that there is another energy in our world that doesn't naturally get absorbed by the human body."

"And Tartaros members were demons." Wendy added. "They were probably created to naturally be able to absorb this new energy."

The Hunters understood the gist of what the wizards were saying, but had no idea what Tartaros was.

"Actually, I think we're getting somewhere."

It was Levy who said it.

"For the past few months, I've been doing some research. I've been getting my hands on as many books I can, and I was able to dig out some information."


She looked at the Hunters. "Before I go on, I should explain how our sort of hierarchical system works." She took out an air pen and started drawing.

"On top is our Government. Then is our Magic Council, which gives official status to guilds. Official guilds like ours do council approved jobs and our actions are also monitored by the council."

"But there are two types of guild that are not official. Independent guilds and dark guilds. Dark guilds are evil groups that perform illegal actions such as assassination requests and such. Due to a official guilds treaty, we are not allowed to interfere with dark guilds."

"The dark guilds used to have their own system of alliances and such. Three dark guilds, known as the Baram Alliance, held the most power and all other dark guilds worked under them. Oraceon Seis, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros. Fairy Tail defeated all of them."

"Whoah, really?" Killua asked, looking at Wendy.

Wendy smiled sadly. "It hadn't been easy."

Levi continued. "For the past year, the system of the dark guilds has been out of order. But now, a new guild has risen to the top. They have replaced the Baram Alliance and are slowly gaining a following of several dark guilds."

"They are called Saphire Ina. They are called the SIA for short. They used to be a small lowly dark guild but they've risen to the top at an alarming rate."

"I've been researching them for a few months now. And I've uncovered some information that is too much related to our situation right now to be a coincidence."

Levy's face became serious. "According to survivor reports, the guild doesn't fully use magic. They have gotten their hands on a special source of power that everyone is unfamiliar with. They have become more powerful because of this."

Wendy gasped. "Are you saying they have found the energy source of Curses?"

Levy nodded. "I can't think of another option."

Mirajane smiled. "Good job Levy. If what we know is correct, then the machine these four used contained some of that energy source that become magic when combined with their Nen. So now, what we have to do is find this energy source of this new guild and have these four use it to create a high concentration of magic energy for Wendy to reverse her enchantment."

"You guys know what this means, right?" Mirajane said. "We're talking about an invasion. We are going to have to infiltrate the base of this guild. The first thing is to figure out the location of their base an-"


The database appeared again. Everyone looked at Kurapika. To Levy's shock, she saw a detailed map with a dot in the corner.

"I figured out their location." Kurapika said. He looked at Levy. "I also found information of SIA and came to the same conclusion as you. I spent the entire day using the Archive to narrow out a location. I don't know the specifics of the base yet, but I have a location."

Levy grinned. "I knew you could do it! This is great!" Everyone was impressed.

"Wait." Gon realized something. "You said before that official guild can't interfere with dark guilds. So how will we be able to infiltrate SIA?"

Mirajane sighed. "We need official permission from the council. After the...unfortunate events that happened two years ago, most of the members of the council are new. They are most likely going to be more lenient. I will submit a request."

Unfortunate event? Killua wondered.

Wendy suddenly heard a stifled cry. Next to her, Carla's eyes had gone wide and she looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Carla! What's wrong!?"

Carla was finally having a vision again. She saw two events. But they made her so frightened, she got angry.

"Why are we even doing this in the first place!?"

Wendy was surprised. "What do you mean!?"

Carla was done hiding her visions. "I'm saying that we can't trust these newcomers! I've had a bad feeling from the beginning and my vision just now has proved it! We ESPECIALLY can't trust these two!"

Kurapika and Killua stood in shock as Carla's two hands pointed at them.

A cloud went over the just optimistic guild hall.

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