《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Two: World Collide- Thoughts


"Sorry I'm late!" Wendy said, running out of the guild hall.

"No problem" Lucy said, waving it off. "Let's go."

The streetlights still illuminated the now silent roads of Magnolia. A full moon was beaming in the sky and Wendy's thoughts were as numerous as the stars in the sky.

"Say Lucy..." Wendy began. "Today was interesting, right?"

Lucy chuckled quietly. "Definitely. It's like traveling to Edolas all over again but backwards!"

She sighed. "The new people today definitely seem more sane then most of the people in our guild. Can't believe Natsu and Gray had the nerve to start a fight on a day like this."

Lucy looked directly at Wendy. "But I'm not the one who should be talking. You were outside all afternoon with one of them! What are they like?"

Wendy couldn't help but smile. "I can't speak for all of them, but hanging out with Killua was really fun. He seemed kind of gloomy at first but he's really nice if you get to know him. We ran into a bit of trouble on the way but he was pretty strong. I guess Hunters are a big deal."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. What are Hunters? What skills do these people have?"

Wendy tried to recall the day's incidents. "Well... I'm pretty sure a Hunter is someone who discovers new things and stops crime. So in a way, kind of like a wizard. And they use something called...Nen? Yeah, I think so. And it's pretty powerful. Kind of like magic but there's something different about it. It seems complicated."

Lucy smiled. "Well...I don't know about you, but I think things are going to be taking a pretty interesting turn. I knew things wouldn't stay peaceful here for long." She noticed that Wendy seemed a bit trouble. "What's wrong Wendy?"


Wendy didn't know how to explain how she was feeling. "Well...at first, I felt really guilty. After all, the reason those four are here is most likely because of my enchantment. But now...I don't know how to explain it...but something feels RIGHT about the way things are going. I don't feel that guilty anymore."

Lucy laughed. "About time you stopped blaming yourself for everything. That's a good thing. Well, we'll see what happens. Maybe we'll get to see how this Nen thing works."

Wendy suddenly remembered. "Oh right! Killua taught me some Nen!"

"And you're bringing it up now!? Show me!"

"Well...let me see if I can remember..."

"Hey Killua? Are you still awake?"

Someone grumbled. "Well now I am. What do you want?"

Gon studied the surrounding of a room he hadn't been in this morning, in a guild he had never seen before now, in a world he had never knew existed. "Everything just feels so surreal right now. It's different from Greed Island. There are actual people in this world. With different lives and abilities."

"Yeah, well being surprised about it isn't going to do you any good."

"I like this world."

"Good for you."

Gon grumbled at Killua. "You like it too! You were pretty happy when you came back this evening! And what about your cool new lighting power!?"

Killua groaned. "Okay fine, so this place isn't bad. So what?"

Gon smiled at himself. "I wouldn't mind if we can't go back to Yorknew soon. I want to stay in this place a little bit longer."

He felt a pillow hit him in the face with force. Killua's voice rang out. "Idiot! Do you WANT to be stuck in this world?"


Gon picked the pillow off his face and threw it back at Killua. "I just want to stay here a little longer. Seeing new places is part of being a Hunter! Maybe Ging came here before!"

Killua sighed and put the pillow back under his head. "I doubt it." But he couldn't really argue anymore. "Maybe you're right...It's useful experience to see new places. I guess this world isn't that bad."

Gon grinned. "Told you! Also, the people here are nice."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Two beds away, Leorio was snoring away. Killua noticed that the bed next to his was empty. "Wait, why isn't Kurapika here?"

Gon remembered. "Oh, he said he had to check something out. He said he'll be back soon."

Kurapika sat down on one of the tables. Hesitating, he brought out a small blue lacrima.


Now Kurapika was finally looking at the lacrima. He had to face it one time or another.

"Archive." he said softly, like Levy told him to.

Immediately, the lacrima transformed. Kurapika couldn't believe his eyes. It looked like a hologram but their were so many features. There was a huge screen available with many keyboards. Kurapika could only begin to imagine what he could do with this.

But it was unresponsive. Kurapika first had to figure out this magic thing.

He summoned aura to his hands. If what he heard was true, the magic energy he now possessed would be present in his aura network and therefore would be in his aura.

He was a Conjuror, which would help with operating a Conjured item. However, operating the Archive would require a Manipulator skill. He was only 60% compatible in that category without Emperor Time.

But...it was still 60%. And magic had more freedom than that.

Putting his aura near the Archive, he tried his best to get his energy connected with the energy emanating from the Archive.

The screen slowly began to illuminate.

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