《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Two: World Collide- Exploring


"...and this is the Kardia Cathedral." Wendy said, pointing to the enormous chapel in front of her and Killua.

Killua hated to admit it but he wasn't having a bad time. Magnolia itself was very lively and there was a lot to see. Wendy was doing a pretty good job as a guide. And (though he would never admit it to Wendy), the best part was...

"I noticed that your cat didn't come with us." Killua said as they walked down the street. "She didn't seem to like me very much."

Wendy chuckled, a bit nervously. "Don't mind Carla, she usually doesn't like new people. Sorry if she made you feel uncomfortable."

"It's fine." Killua said, waving it off.

Wendy looked down, feeling a little bit worried. True, Carla generally didn't like new people, but her instincts were usually on point. Wendy still couldn't shake off the words of her best friend.

Wendy didn't feel unsafe around Killua. He seemed like a regular person and he had even been excited at all the places she had shown him. She wasn't about to be cautious unless she had a reason to.

"So...is that Mirajane girl like the leader of your guild?" Killua asked.

Wendy shook her head. "No, Mirajane is just in charge of the job board and is good around people. We have a guild master, his name is Master Makarov. Um...ever since the war that happened here, he hasn't been in the best shape so we try to get him to rest more often. He might retire soon."

War? Killua wondered. He didn't pry any further but if Wendy was being serious, then maybe the life of these wizards wasn't as happy go lucky as he thought. "So what about your family?" Killua asked.

Wendy didn't even hesitate before answering. "Fairy Tail is my family."

Killua groaned. "Seriously?"

Wendy nodded. "Most of us in Fairy Tail don't have a home or family to call our own. The guild took us in, in our worst times and it's like a home to us."

Killua nodded. The idea seemed a little far fetched to him but seeing how happy everyone was at the guild, it definitely was possible. These wizards definitely didn't have a completely easy life.

"What about your family Killua?"

Killua luckily was saved from that dreaded question from a rumble. He realized it was coming from his stomach and was immediately embarrassed. "Um...uh...we didn't exactly have lunch before coming here."

Wendy looked at the sky. "It's way past lunchtime and a lot of the restaurants would be closed so..." a smile came across her face. "Want to skip to dessert?" She gestured to the building they were in front off.

Killua looked through the window and gasped. There were rows and rows of desserts and different types of sweets. It looked like heaven.

Wendy laughed at his expression. "It's my favourite place. It's a little expensive but definitely worth it. Want to check it out?"

"Uh...yeah yeah, whatever." Killua said, but there were already stars in his eyes.

They went inside the store and Killua wondered how on earth he was going to choose something.

Wendy saw his indecisiveness. "I'll recommend you something. By the way, I'm going to guess you don't have any money on you."

"Oh! yeah..." Killua hadn't bothered to bring any jenny with him and he had a feeling it wouldn't have done him any good anyways.


"No problem, this treat is on me!" Wendy said cheerfully. Killua didn't complain. There wasn't anything he could do about it and those sweets...

Wendy quickly paid for two delicious looking slices of cake and brought them to a nearby table. "Try it! I guarantee you it's great!"

Killua put the fork in his mouth and his eyes widened. "Thi- This is delicious!" he started gobbling it up.

Wendy laughed. "Told you!"

Needless to say, both cakes were done in a matter of minutes.

Killua stood up, energized by that taste of heaven. "So, what no-"

He was interrupted by a nearby scream. People in the shop began to panic. Immediately thinking the same thing, Killua and Wendy both ran out.

"They're heading into the alley!!" someone yelled.

"The bank is near here." Wendy said. "I think it got robbed and the robbers have gone into the alley.

As a wizard and a Hunter, both kids automatically had an obligation to stop crime when convenient. Killua got into action. "Okay, so we use Zetsu and chase them into the alley."


Dang it, Killua thought. Nen clearly wasn't a thing here. But how? Every human being has an aura network. These people may be in a different world but they couldn't be an exception.

Killua's mind started working quickly at a theory that had been forming in his mind the entire afternoon. When they had first met Wendy, she had used something called magic. That means that the wizards here had a different network in their bodies for this magic, along with an aura network. Considering the fact that magic would be similar to Nen, it wouldn't be surprising that wizards had already opened their Aura Nodes without knowing it. The only reason why aura wasn't leaking out of their bodies could be because their magic network was the dominant one, keeping their aura in their bodies and inaccessible to them.

"Okay, I need to test something but we have to be quick." Killua said to Wendy. She was clearly giving off a strong energy, Killua had to have trust in her skills. "Close your eyes."

Wendy, a little surprised but understanding of the urgent situation, closed her eyes.

Killua continued, trying to remember what Wing had taught him and Gon. "You have an energy for using magic but don't focus on that. Suppress that energy for magic and focus on a new one. Imagine a energy flowing through your veins like blood."

As a wizard, Wendy had good mental training. She closed off her magic energy and really focused. After a few seconds, to her surprise, she could feel a different energy flowing through her body. It was faint, but she could feel it. "I...feel something."

Okay, this is working, Killua thought. "Now imagine that energy surrounding you like a protective blanket." He waited in panic for a few second. Suddenly, he saw aura surrounding Wendy. He smiled. "Open your eyes."

Wendy opened her eyes and almost jumped in surprise. She felt like she was being surrounded by warm air and around her was a form of energy that...wasn't her magic energy.

"This is Ten. It is surrounding you body with life energy, aura, and it usually used for defense." Killua quickly explained. "Now, I want you to memorize the feel of that energy and now suppress it. Make it disappear."

Wendy focused a little more and suddenly, Killua couldn't sense her presence. "Good! This is Zetsu, closing off your aura in order to avoid detection. We're Hunters who know Nen, the manipulation of our aura." Killua quickly activated Zetsu for himself. "Now stay in Zetsu and let's go after those robbers! Try to catch up!"


Killua sprinted into the alley. Wendy had been a fast learner but they still lost time. He looked back to see if Wendy could match his speed but realized she was right beside him. She was using...wind to propel herself forward. Amazing, he thought.

Wendy couldn't believe what she had learnt. A new skill to hide her presence, that was extremely valuable. But what was even more shocking was the fact that a new kind of magic existed. That's what these people used. "Don't worry. This alley leads to a dead end! These robbers are clearly new here!"

As Wendy said, they reached a dead and and two men with a bag of money each were using a sort of heat ray coming from their hands to melt the wall. They were wizards. One of them noticed Wendy and Killua and started aiming his ray at them

Both of them dodged and Killua sprung into action. "Thunderbolt!" Electricity immediately shot from his hands and effectively electrocuted the two robbers. He quickly pulled out his two yoyos and in a matter of seconds, the two robbers were tied up.

Wendy, in awe of Killua's skill, quickly took the two bags of money. Killua turned his attention to the robbers. "What was that scream before?"

Reluctantly, one of the men answered. "One of our teammates wanted to chicken out right before escaping. We had to stab him before he could rat us out. He's at the bank if you want to catch him."

Their own teammate! Killua got a very dangerous look in his eyes. "So you hurt your own comrade?" His hand got dangerously close to the neck of one of the men. "Scum like you don't deserve any mercy."

That was when Wendy understood what Carla was saying. He felt...so dangerous. She instinctively backed away. He was dangerous, he...could kill people. This wasn't safe, she should run, she had to get out...

Snap out of it! Wendy same back to her senses but her hands were still shaking. "Killua! Let's turn them in at the bank! Don't worry about their teammate, I can help. Let's go now."

And just like that, the feeling was gone. Killua's hand went away from the man's neck and he stood up. "Okay, as long as these idiots get punished. Let's go."

At the bank, a man was slumped against the wall. Wendy ran over and Killua wondered what she was going to do.

A blue glow emitted from her hands. In a few minutes, the man's wound was completely gone.

Killua was surprised. Originally, she had used wind and now...she was a healer? And when they had met her, she was using spells! How versatile was she? Impressive.

Everything soon got cleared up and Killua and Wendy left the bank, both tired.

"Dang...that was hassle." Killua complained, putting his hands at the back of his head.

"It's horrible that it happened. But I have one last place to show you before we head back." Wendy said, determined to end this tour on a right note.

She led Killua to a higher ground and they walked towards the edge of the peak. Killua couldn't believe his eyes. There was a beautiful view of Magnolia and it was pretty amazing! "Wow..."

"That was some cool magi- um...I mean Nen you used back there." Wendy said.

"Oh, you mean my lighting?" Killua asked, creating a charge between his fingers on cue. "Yeah, it's cool but it could be better. I can only do long distance shots with my Thunderbolt but I wish I could expand the range of my lighting. My Nen category prevent me from being able to project my lighting like a missile, which would be cool."

Wendy had also been thinking of a theory and she decided to share it. "You know, the atmosphere here has something called ethernano. Our bodies naturally absorb the ethernano and convert it to magic energy. Wizards can turn that magic energy into magic."

She looked into the distance. "Anybody can absorb ethernano. That's no exception to you guys now that you're here. So, if you can have magic energy...it's possible that you can also use magic. I don't know why your Nen has restriction but that doesn't apply to magic. So, this might sound weird, but maybe you can have more freedom with your lighting now that you also have magic energy."

Killua thought about that. It made sense. He surrounded his hands with electricity and then, focusing, he concentrated it into an electrical ball. Setting his sights on a far away tree, he then threw it with as much strength as he could. To his shock, the electricity separated from his hands and hit the tree, far away!

"Awesome!" Killua said. He grinned at Wendy "Thank you!"

Wendy became embarrassed "No, it's fine! Don't thank me."

"Okay, I won't" Killua said, to her surprise. He smiled "Because you are a friend now. I have a rule where I don't thank my friends."

In a shock, Wendy stumbled a little. But then, she too smiled. "That makes sense." She tried to re imagine the feeling of the warm energy and to her delight, activated Ten once again.

"Anyways, that was some cool healing magic you did back there. Leorio would be jealous." Killua frowned. "And here I was, almost about to kill those guys back there."

The slight grimace from Wendy told Killua that she had noticed his intentions back then. He figured she had a right to know why. But he hated doing this.

"You know...I think I know why your cat doesn't trust me. I...used to be a professional assassin. I come from a family of assassins so I've been trained to kill from a young age. I've quit ever since I became a Hunter but I give of an underworld feeling whenever I have a murderous intentions. You cat must be pretty sharp."

He waited for an agonizing couple of seconds but Wendy only smiled. "Well, that explains back then. That must have been hard."

Unable to help himself, Killua started to laugh. "You're the second person, aside from Gon, who's actually believed me! No one really takes me seriously. Usually, people just back away."

Wendy shrugged. "What's there to be scared off? Fairy Tail has all sorts of people and we never judge anyone."

She smiled at Killua. "You're a nice person. Being an ex assassin doesn't change that."

Surprised at her reaction, Killua quickly looked away. "That's...good to know."

"Besides, I can't judge. My mother is a dragon."


"Well...you see..."

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