《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Two: Worlds Collide- Fishing for Dreams


"That's it Natsu, you're fired." Happy said, with an extremely confused and shocked expression.

"You don't need to worry about that Happy, I'm quitting." Natsu said with a similar expression.

In front of them was a huge pile of fish along with three gigantic fish that were rare to find in these rivers. Gon was in front of the pile polishing off his fishing rod.

Natsu sighed. "Well, Gon, you have skills. I wasn't able to catch a thing. Teach me your secrets."

Gon scratched his head. "Well, I spent my entire life on an island with a lot of fish so I spent most of my free time fishing. At this point, it's just really easy."

"You have a lot to learn Natsu." Happy said, trying not to laugh.

"Shut it Happy, don't make it worse."

Happy flew over to the huge pile of little fish. "Remember, we're not cooking these. These raw fish are for ME."

Gon wondered how they were going to cook the huge fish left and started gathering firewood to make a big fire. Natsu noticed what he was doing and stopped him.

"Don't worry kid, I got this. Stay back though." he inhaled a huge gulp of air.

"Fire Dragon..."


Gon had never felt so much heat before. He was out of the collision course but he felt so much power. He didn't feel scared like when he and Killua had run into Hisoka's Nen, but he was amazing by how much energy he was feeling from that blast. These people here are really strong, he thought.

When the fire was gone, the giant fish were perfectly cooked, not burnt like what Gon expected. The firewood Gon had gathered had also been turned into a warm fire.

"I was sure those fish were goners." Happy said.

Natsu gave Happy a dirty look. "I can control it when I want to, Happy. But enough about that, LET'S EAT!"

They sat on the logs around the fire. Natsu was still curious about Gon, he could tell that there was more then what met the eye with this kid.


"So Gon, you said you were a Hunter, right?" Natsu asked through mouthfuls of food.

Gon nodded. "Yes, it's a job which few people have. We explore new places, and stop crime."

"Are you like, a fishing Hunter or something?"

Gon hesitated. "No...there's...something I need to do first before I decide want kind of Hunter I want to be."

"Ooh, what is it!? Are you trying to find some exotic species of fish!?" Happy said, who always had fish on the mind.

Gon thought about what to say next. He already felt like he could trust these people and his true goal was never really a secret to him. "My dad is a Hunter. His name is Ging. He became a Hunter when he was 12, my age, and he's devoted his life to it. When I was born, he left me with my Aunt Mito and went away."

"The reason I wanted to be a Hunter...was so I could see Ging again."

Gon clenched his fist in determination with a grin on his face. "I want to know why be wanted to be a Hunter so badly. I want to know what he's like. So...before I even start to be a Hunter, I need to find Ging."

Natsu could see the passion in Gon's eyes. It was hard to believe that his goal was so similar to...

"Natsu, look at this juicy fruit I found! It's delicious!" Happy said, flying down with an orange in his hand.

His thoughts interrupted, Natsu was pulled back into the moments. "Sweet! Where'd you find it?"

"Over there." Happy said, pointing to a tree a little to the right. "I can try to get more."

"No, I have a better way." Gon said, standing up.

He walked up to the tree and put his right hand into a fist, placing it against his left hand. Natsu wondered want he was going to do.

"First comes rock..."

Aura surrounded his hand. Gon focused on suppressing the aura so it wouldn't be destructive but it would be enough to give a shock. Natsu couldn't see what was coming from Gon's fist but he could sense an unfamiliar but powerful energy. A few seconds passed.





Gon punched the tree. The impact didn't destroy the tree but the tree shook violently enough for a good amount of the oranges to fall from the tree.

"I got it, I got it, I got it, I got i- nooooo!" Happy exclaimed as one of the oranges he was trying to catch went flying away.

A fishing line unreeled and caught the orange in the air. Gon pulled it back with ease and gave it to Happy.

Natsu was amazed. At that age, he was burning everything with his flames. "What was that?"

"It's my Jajanken. It's my Nen ability. I used my favourite game as inspiration."

Natsu smiled. At that moment, he was sure of one thing. "You know what kiddo, you're definitely going to find your dad."

Gon looked up from the orange he was about to eat. "Really?"

Natsu nodded. "You know, I had a dad who disappeared also. His name was Igneel. I used to live for the day I was going to see him again. I never lost hope. You're already pretty talented kid, you seem like the type of person who keeps on pushing until the end."

He plopped one of the orange pieces in his mouth. "When you have a goal, there is nothing in the world that can stop you from reaching it. Nothing stopped me from finding Igneel and nothing's going to stop you either."

Gon was surprised at how similar Natsu's story was to his. And Natsu found his dad. Gon wondered what Igneel was like and where he was now.

He was sitting close to the fire and he could feel its warmth. At the happiness of Natsu's confidence in him, Gon couldn't help but realize how warm the fire was and how good it felt near his hands.

With his shock, he saw a small flame on his fingertips. He was about to shake it off in panic when he realized it didn't burn. It felt nice and warm and almost...part of his body.

Scared to put the flame out, Gon slowly put his hand into a fist, allowing the flame from his finger to slowly spread through his hand. He gazed at his flaming hand in awe. Finally, he couldn't maintain it any longer and the flame went out.

"What...did I just do?!" Flames were a Transmuter ability and he wasn't compatible enough for that category to do that. Plus, he would need intense exposure to fire.

Natsu grinned. "What do you think, kid? You just used magic!"

"I did!? But how!?"

Natsu shrugged. "You're in this world now so I can't see why it's not possible. Magic is a part of us. Whatever magic we have, it's like a second nature and we don't feel the effects from it that others would feel. That would explain why the fire doesn't burn you."

Gon didn't really understand but his mind was already swimming with ideas. If he could somehow improve this new flame ability, it would add enough power to his Jajanken so that he wouldn't have to wait a few seconds for it to charge. His enhanced punch would also be stronger and maybe he would be able to do Emitting. He could improve his Nen!

Seeing each other's abilities, both Natsu and Gon had a lot of questions on their mind. At the exact same time they spoke.

"So what do you do as a wizard?

"What have you done so far as a Hunter?"

Both boys smiled. They talked until it was almost evening.

The sun was still in the sky as they made their way back to the guild hall. Gon couldn't wait to tell Killua what had happened. Maybe Killua had also learnt something.

He didn't expect the greeting they got the minute they entered the hall.


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