《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part Two: Worlds Collide- The Guild Hall


As Wendy lead Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and, Leorio closer to the guild hall, new information was circling in everyone's minds. They had exchanged stories but it had only made the situation more confusing.

Hunters, Wendy thought. These people are Hunters. It's a job that involves discovery and solving crime. And apparently, it's really hard to become one. These people must be really talented.

Carla was silent. She felt her mind was trying to tell her something and she felt parts of her dream coming back to her. But she wasn't able to grab hold of a clear image and it was frustrating.

Meanwhile, Gon tried to comprehend what they had been told. Wendy is a wizard, he thought. That seems to be a job that is as rare as being a Hunter and in order to be one, it seems you need to find a group, no, a GUILD. That's where Wendy is taking us. A place called Fairy Tail. Weird name but I wonder what it's like. And magic. That's what she said wizards use. Does that mean it's like Nen?

Learning all of this, it was almost like Wendy was from an entirely different world. How far had they really teleported? The group had been through some crazy stuff before but the idea of world traveling seemed absurd. But... it was possible.

"Well, here we are. Welcome to Fairy Tail" Wendy said, standing in front of a big building.

The group looked at it, amazed.

"Wow!" Gon said, clearly impressed. "This is a guild!? It's so cool!"

Wendy smiled and was about to open the door. She then hesitated and turned towards the group.

"Okay, so before we go in, just a warning. The wizards here are a little...um...wild. But they're all really nice people. I just don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed."


"That's fine" Gon said. "How bad can it be?"

Wendy opened the door. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio looked inside with various levels of shock.

The place was crowded. Every table was filled with people talking, laughing, and eating. It was very different from the sometimes cold environment the group encountered when meeting other Hunters. Nobody had noticed them yet.

A girl older than Wendy, with blonde hair in two ponytails looked up from the table she was sitting at and ran towards the entrance. "Hey Wendy! Where were you this entire time?" She noticed Gon, Killua, Wendy and Kurapika. "Oh, who are they?"

"Hi Lucy. I'll explain later. Where's Mirajane?"

"Over here!" a lady with long white hair and a pink dress approached. "Who do we have here? New members?"

"No, its not that." Wendy answered. "This is Gon, uhh Killua, um Kurapika and uhhh Leorio" Wendy secretly sighed in relief of remembering the names. "They're not from here. I'll explain everything in detail later but basically, they were trying some sort of experiment that brought them towards the place where I was practicing an enchantment. They have no way of going back so I brought them here to help."

"We had a machine and we were trying to figure out how it works. It somehow teleported us here." Gon added.

Mirajane thought for a moment. She sensed a strange energy from these four. They definitely weren't from here. "Well, this is a situation we don't come across very often. I'll get the full story from you four and Wendy later. In the meantime, you are free to stay here."

Gon was surprised. "But isn't this a wizard guild? We aren't wizards."

Mirajane smiles. "Anyone is welcome in Fairy Tail. Feel free to explore the place. We used to have out of bound areas but not anymore."


She turned towards everyone. "Everyone! We have some visitors! They're not members but please treat them well."

A chorus of welcomes and cheers erupted from the crowd. The group wasn't expecting that.

"Cut it out." Killua mumbled. "This is embarrassing."

"For real" Kurapika said, close enough to hear.

"Well, it's certainly...different from what I was expecting." Leorio said.

An older boy with spiky pink hair and a a black vest ran across to the entrance. "New visitors!? Cool!" He then pointed at Kurapika. "Hey you! You look strong enough. Let's fight!"

Kurapika was taken aback but quickly regained himself. "Um thanks, but I'm going to decline."

The blonde girl grabbed the boy's arm and forcefully pulled him back to the tables. "I'm really sorry about that, he's always like this. I'm Lucy, by the way." She headed back to the tables.

"Okay... so we have some nice and crazy people." Leorio concluded.

Kurapika sighed. "Well, it's different but we can't do anything about this. Might as well see what's in this building." He and Leorio went farther ahead into the guild hall, leaving Gon and Killua alone with Wendy.

Carla forcefully nudged Wendy. "What is it Carla?" Wendy said in a whisper.

"Well child. You brought these people to the guild hall, which makes you the host. You should act like one. Don't leave them standing around" Carla answered back in a whisper.

Wendy looked back at Gon and Killua. "Want me to take you two on a tour of some of Magnolia?"

Before they could answer, Gon heard a loud conversation by the side tables.

"Well, what do you say Happy? Want to get some fish?"

"Aye sir! As long as you leave them raw for me. Oh, and make sure you actually catch some fish."

"Have a little faith in me, buddy! I'll catch a big one!'

It was that pink haired boy! And he was talking with... another talking cat... with wings!

"Gon. Where are you going!" Killua said as Gon ran over.

"Um, I'm sorry but I heard you saying something about going fishing, Mr. ummm..."

The older boy smiled. "The name's Natsu, kid, and you can drop the Mr. You're one of the visitors, right? What is it?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could come along. I'm good at fishing and I can help!"

Natsu smirked. "Of course, why not? It's nice to have some company."

"And also nice to have someone who can actually catch fish."

"Lay off, Happy! Oh yeah, this is Happy by the way"

Gon laughed. "So I can come!? Thank you! I'm Gon, by the way."

Killua ran through all the ways he was going to kill Gon as he ran out the door, completely ditching him with that girl, Wendy.

Like, what in the world was he supposed to do now?

"Well, I can still show you Magnolia, if you want." Wendy said.

This left Killua in a difficult place. Wendy's cat, Carla, was staring daggers at him. He had no idea what her problem was. A tour of Magnolia wasn't going to be pleasant with her tagging along. But then again, he didn't particularly want to stay in this crowded place and Wendy seemed nice enough. Plus, Magnolia looked pretty neat from what he saw of it on the way to this guild hall. A tour didn't sound bad. He and Gon could always wake up early tomorrow to explore it again.

He sighed. "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

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