《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part One: Arrival- Encounter


The light that had come from the machine had blinded Gon. But as soon as it started, it ended. He felt a soft breeze brushing past his face and he opened his eyes.

Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio were next to him, looking at their surroundings. They were in some sort of field and in the distance, they could see a town with many buildings. One thing for sure, they weren't in Yorknew City anymore.

"How-" Killua began, still a little shocked from that burst of light.

"I don't know." Gon replied. "But, where are we?"

"So that machine was some sort of teleporter..." Kurapika said. "It would be useless to anyone who wasn't a Nen user and Neon probably didn't even try to use Nen on it."

"Whatever it is, I'm starting to regret trying this out. I mean, what is this place?" Leorio said scratching his head.

"Um..." a soft voice suddenly rang out.

They had been so shocked after being teleported that the four of them hadn't noticed that a blue haired girl was standing right in front of them. She looked around Gon and Killua's age.

Wendy couldn't believe her eyes. She had done her spell and these four people had just... appeared. That meant...

"Oh my gosh, I summoned people!?"

The group watched as the girl bowed her head towards them over and over again in apology. "I'm so sorry! I had no idea my spell would do this! I didn't mean to bring you here, I'll do my best to set things right!"

"Wait, so you teleported us here?" Gon asked.

Wendy sighed. "Well, it's kind of complicated... I was simply just trying to..."

Suddenly, Gon noticed a small cat who was behind the girl. "You have a cat!? It's adorable!". As an animal lover, he ran towards it.


"Stay away from me!" Carla exclaimed. She had no idea who these people were and what in the world Wendy had done.

Gon's eyes widened. "It can talk!? So cool!"

"I'm not an 'it'! I've got enough of a mind to hear you say that!"

"Carla! Be nice!" Wendy said. "Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Wendy Marvell and this is Carla."

"I'm Gon. That's Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio." Gon said, pointing to his friends.

This girl, Wendy, said that she used a spell, Killua thought. It's hard to believe, but she must be a Nen user. But I'm not sensing any aura from her. I am sensing SOME sort of energy from her but what is it?

"Can you tell us where we are?" Kurapika asked.

Wendy nodded. "This is Magnolia. Well, the outskirts of it anyway."

Wendy was surprised to see the blank look on all of their faces.

"I've never heard of Magnolia. Have you, Killua?" Gon asked.

"Beats me. And I've been to a lot of places."

Wendy scratched her head. "Well, it's in Fiore. A country in the eastern continent of Ishgar. Ring a bell?"

That only made them more confused. "So, have any of you guys heard of these places?" Killua asked.

Gon, Killua, and Kurapika shook their head.

We're not getting anywhere, Wendy thought. "Where are you guys from?"

"We were in Yorknew City. It's a long story, but we were trying to figure out a certain machine and we ended up here."

Now Wendy was very confused. She had never heard of Yorknew City. And another weird thing was that she couldn't sense any magic energy from these four. She was sensing something else but she wasn't quite sure what it was. "I've never heard of Yorknew City."


That was surprising. Yorknew was very popular, especially since the auction. It was hard to believe this girl knew nothing about it.

"We're getting nowhere." Kurapika said. "All we know right now is whatever that machine is, it brought us here. And Wendy was doing some sort of spell that brought us here."

Wendy looked at Carla. There was only one thing she could do but Carla wasn't going to be very happy about it. "I can take you guys to see my friends. They might know more about what's going on and could help you guys."

Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio looked at each other. They all knew there was no other choice. "Okay." Killua said. "But on the way, you need to tell us about this spell and more about this place. We'll tell you about where we came from."

Carla was furious that Wendy was inviting strangers to the guild hall. But the look in her eyes told Carla that there would be no talking her out of it. But she couldn't help getting a bad feeling from these people...

"Okay. The guild is this way." Wendy said, turning her back.

Guild? Gon wondered. That's when he noticed a strange tattoo on Wendy's shoulder. Could she be working as a Hunter?

"Um, excuse me Wendy. Do you happen to be a Hunter?"

Wendy looked at them, completely confused.

"What's that? I'm a wizard."

She gestured to the tattoo on her shoulder.

"And this is the emblem of the wizard guild I'm part of. We're Fairy Tail."

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