《Wizards x and x Hunters》Bonus: The Power Systems


Fairy Tail

Magic: An essential tool for every civilian in the Country of Fiore. It's popular in every market and used for every day necessities. Those who pursue magic as an art are called wizards.

Ethernano: The natural energy in the atmosphere. The human body naturally absorbs ethernano in order to convert it to magic energy.

Magic energy: The energy that is the baseline of magic. In order to utilize magic energy to perform magic, one must do practices like meditation in order to control magic energy. An important factor of magic energy is feelings. The greater someone's feeling are, the stronger their magic will be. Different people have varying levels of magic energy. Ultear, for example, was born with a dangerous amount of magic energy in her body

Dragon Slaying Magic: Rare and powerful magic that has the capability of slaying a dragon. It can only be obtained from a dragon or through a Dragon Slayer lacrima. Wizards with Dragon Slaying magic are known as Dragon Slayers.

First Generation Dragon Slayers: Dragon Slayers who obtained and learned their magic from actual dragons. Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy are in this category.

Second Gen Dragon Slayers: Wizards who obtained this magic from Dragon Slayer lacrimas. Laxus and Eric (Cobra) are in this category.

Third Gen Dragon Slayer: Wizards who obtained this magic from a dragon and a lacrima. Sting and Rogue are in this category.

Lost magic: Extremely rare magic that hasn't been used for decades. These types of magic are very powerful. People like Ultear and Meldy are Lost Magic users.

Some magic like Dragon Slaying can only be obtained through special circumstances but most wizards have the freedom in learning the type of magic they want.

HunterxHunter (Yes, this is where it gets complicated)

Nen: The manipulation of aura for many things. It is a power not many know about and a requirement for a Pro Hunter.


Aura: The life energy in everyone. For most people, their aura is inaccessible to them and their aura simply leaks out of them. The first step to learning Nen is to unlock the stoppers in your Aura, you Aura Nodes. This is done through meditation or aggressive methods.

Ten: The first principle of Nen. It is the process of shrouding yourself in life energy, preventing it from leaking out. This increases your life span and is used for defense.

Zetsu: The second principle of Nen. It is the complete blocking of your aura. This is used to conceal yourself along with recovering from exhaustion.

Ren: The third principle of Nen. It is the process of surrounding yourself with more aura than normal. This is used for attacking.

Hatsu: The final principle of Nen. It is the manipulation of your Ren in order to help you in battle and so forth.

The 6 categories of Nen: The categories that determine how a Nen user is able to manipulate their aura. They are arranged in a hexagon like this:

For someone who is a enhancer, these are how compatible they are for other categories.

Enhancer: Someone who can use their aura to increase the capabilities of humans and objects. Gon, Uvogin, and Wing are Enhancers

Transmuter: Someone who can change the nature of their aura. Killua and Hisoka are Transmuters.

Conjurer: Someone who can manifest their aura. Kurapika and Kite are Conjurers.

Emitter: Someone who can shoot their aura like projectiles. Leorio and Kurapika's teacher are Emitters.

Manipulator: Someone who can use their aura to control the actions of humans and objects. Zushi is a Manipulator

Specialist: Someone who has a special aura that does not fit in the other five categories. Kurapika, Neon, and Chrollo are Specialists.

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