《Wizards x and x Hunters》Part One: Arrival- Reunion


Killua raised his arms in annoyance. "Why on earth did Leorio want to meet here in Yorknew City?! 10 whole hours on an airship is not worth it at all." He leaned against a wall.

Gon shrugged. "I mean, Leorio is taking his medical exam here so he doesn't want to travel before then. Also..." he smirked. Killua's guard was down. He hit him on the side of the head.

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"You were half asleep! Now I got revenge for all the times you've punched me!"

"Jerk! I'm getting you back for that!"

"Gon! Killua! Over here!"

The chatter of the boys was interrupted by a tall man in a business suit waving them over. "Leorio!" Gon immediately ran over.

"How's it going, old man?", Killua said casually as he walked over. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm a teenager!?" the fuming Leorio said, trying, and failing, to hit Killua. Killua laughed.

Gon ignored this. He had something more important in his mind. He walked straight up to Leorio. "You have time, right?".

Leorio was confused. "For what?"

"I texted all of you guys to clear your schedules for a month. Did you do it?".

Killua shook his head at his friend. "Idiot. Do you honestly think this meeting will last a month?!", flicking Gon on the forehead.

Gon rubbed his forehead. "I just want to make sure we have time to actually do stuff without getting attacked by thieves like the Phantom Troupe!". Their last meeting involved mostly arm wrestling to make money for Greed Island and getting captured by the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika had been too busy to even meet up with them and when he did, it was to try to catch the Phantom Troupe. Afterwards, Kurapika catching a fever and them hiding from the rest of the Troupe had pretty much extinguished any chance of them actually doing anything else.


"Don't worry Gon. I'm good for a month. I've hit the books enough times to last a couple of decades!". He declared, with a thumbs up. "It's Kurapika you have to worry about. Remember, he's the one with an actual paying Hunter job. It took a while to even get him on board with this reunion."

"Speaking of Kurapika, where is he?" Gon said, looking around. Leorio sighed. "He was supposed to land here an hour ago but there's no sign off him. His airship must be delayed but come on! Not even a text! I've been waiting here for a long time!". Leorio shook his head. Kurapika was smart but he seriously had to remember to actually communicate.

Gon looked around and spotted someone boarding off another airship. "There he is! Kurapika!"

A boy with medium length blond hair and a blue tabard, pulling a big suitcase, looked towards the direction of the voice. A smile came across his face. "Gon!"

Kurapika walked over. "Did you all just arrive?".

"Well, Gon and Killua did but meanwhile I'VE been waiting for two hours for SOMEONE who didn't bother to tell me they would be late!" Leorio fumed.

"Oh, right. I got on a later airship. I forget to tell you. Sorry."

Before Leorio could go on another angry rant, Gon noticed something. "Kurapika, you look exhausted. What happened?"

It was true. There were bags under his eyes and even his smile seemed tired. He sat on a nearby bench. "It's nothing. Maybe just the ride. I also had some work. But don't worry, I'm fine. Luckily, my boss is allowing me to take a break for a few weeks"

Killua looked at Kurapika in suspicion, out of the corner of his eye. That's a horrible lie, he thought. But whatever, Gon would never know ("Okay! Great!", he had replied) and it was up to Kurapika on whether or not he wanted to tell the truth.


Kurapika felt a bit guilty but it was for the best.

In reality, ever since Neon lost her Nen after the incident at Yorknew City, all the pressure had been on Kurapika. His boss, Light Nostrade, father of Neon, was in complete shambles and was unable to come to his senses. Being the head body guard, it was now his job to try to figure how to save his boss's status, a status that relied heavily on Neon's fortune telling skills. After getting a text about meeting up in Yorknew City with his friends, Kurapika had to work extra hard in order to leave the company in a good enough state for his boss to allow him a break. It hadn't been easy.

But it's not something they need to know, Kurapika thought. Everyone, especially Gon, is here to have fun. There's nothing they can do about this.

Killua noticed the large suitcase next to Kurapika. It didn't seem like something he'd bring. "What in the world is in there?"

Kurapika looked at the suitcase Killua was gesturing to. "Oh, this. My boss acquired it from a client a few years ago. He has no idea what to do with it and he can't sell it, so he just gave it to me before I left. It's this big machine, kind of like a game system. I'm probably going to give it away."

But all Gon heard was the word "game system". "Oh, so like Greed Island!? I bet we can figure out how it works. Don't give it away yet, Kurapika. Can we have a look at it, pleeeease!?"

Kurapika sighed. "Sure, why not? But...", he leaned against the wall behind the bench. "It's almost night and like you noticed, I'm kind of tired. Let's look at it tomorrow."

"No objections." Killua said, giving a yawn. "I'm exhausted from that airship ride." He hit Gon at the back of the head. "Got you back! Race you outside!"

Leorio looked at the two boys running ahead. "Well, they've got energy. Didn't Killua JUST say he was exhausted?"

Kurapika smirked. "You can learn a thing or two from them.". He walked ahead, leaving a ranting Leorio to follow. He pulled the suitcase along, the item inside rattling at every bump.

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