《The Soulmate Of The Spider》1. The Huntsman Spider.


I was running down the halls of my school, luckily the teacher was late to class. I walked in and took my normal seat sitting next my best friend.

"Hey, Y/N", happily waved, I smiled at Ned. "Hey, Y/n." My best friend Maggie said. I responded with a smile not dealing with people right now.

The whole day went on quickly, though I wasn't so happy about that. My dad was part of some gang called the Avengers.

He was the leader of the gang meaning he was stressing out bad. He stressing about his rival gang called the Huntsman Spiders.

They have been planing to take over the Avengers for months.

My dad Tony Stark, was afraid, but denied everything.

He has me spying on them. Hiding in plain sight, following some of the members even though they don't say anything in public.

"Y/n want to go to a party later?" Maggie asked. I shook my head no,

"I can't Fridays are family night." I lied to my best friend. "Okay." she replied. I waved goodbye to her, getting on the subway trying to get home.

I walked in the huge building my dad owns. My dad is not only apart of a gang he is a inventor.

A very famous one, but no one knows he has a daughter but the Huntsman Spiders. But they say nothing.

"Hey, Boy." My dog tails shakes in happiness.

"Hey, Y/n You need to change now! Your going to spy at a teenage party. Remember no drinking though." I rolled my eyes at my dad.

"Okay dad." I place my items in my room looking at the beautiful view of New York city.

I plopped on the couch, turning on the tv to the news petting my dog.

"Selena Gomez found her soulmate look at her picture on instagram-" I groaned loudly burring my face in the couch pillow. "soulmate" a word I had to hate by my father.

Soulmate is this weird thing where your born to find someone with the matching tattoo and fall in love and when your soulmate is in the same city, same place, or 10 miles from you.


There's also this thing where if you cry then your soulmates tattoo starts to burn.

They say it burns like hell if they are crying so much.

My dad's tattoo appeared when he was 11 when my mum moved to New York. He met my mum at age 15, at a party.

His tattoo was a Iron helmet cool feature designs on his chest. But when my mum died when I was little, the tattoo faded.

My tattoo appeared when I was born, but when my mum died my dad has become scared something bad will happen to me.

So he would tell stories of horror to scare me.

I wouldn't believe them, instead of being scared I would imagine how I would meet my soulmate.

"That reminds me cover your tattoo on your wrist." I nodded, "I know the drill, dad."

I get up and change to red not to tight dress with red flats shoes.

I put on some light makeup and grabbed my purse fixing my watch, covering my tattoo.

"Okay bye, Y/n. Remember i'm only one phone call away." He kissed my forehead and walked out. I got to my car and drove to the party.

When I parked in front of a kinda big house that was little outside of Manhattan I saw a bunch of young teens drinking in the front yard.

I got out of the car and went on inside.

I was standing in the middle of the living room with kids making out, drinking, dancing, asking one a other what there tattoo is.

I saw with surprise (note the sarcasm) Maggie in the corner grinding on some dude.

She sees me and makes her way towards me.

"Y/n I thought you said that you needed family time with your family."

I was lost, no excuses to think of. "I-I-I" I stutter and she laughs lightly. "Guess what? Never mind. My tattoo showed. Finally!"

She lifts up her shirt to see her hot pink bra with a tattoo of a computer under the left covered boob.

I started to laugh hard while she gives me a unimpressed look.


"You know nothing about computers." I continue to laugh.

"I know but still imagine he tries to help me with computers and we fall in love." Her blue eyes lit up with excitement. "What about your tattoo-."

I covered her mouth quickly so no one else would hear.

She looks at me weirdly. "I need to go, I will be back in a second." I saw the one and only Peter Parker rushing to a room.

I stand outside trying to listen to the conversation. "I heard that stupid Tony Stark's daughter is here."

Peter Parker's thick New York accent sounded through the door. Peter Parker is the nephew of the leader of the Huntsman Spiders.

Ben Parker and my dad were friends in high school but obviously not now.

"She will be fun to kidnap and make bleed." a other guy says. I swallow a huge lump in the back of my throat.

"Yes, But we don't know what she looks like. Just she has y/h/c and y/e/c that can be anyone."

I feel something bad happening but I didn't have to wait long.

"Y/n!! Y/n!! Where are you!" Maggie calls out for me.

I heard some of the people in the room walking towards the door. Suddenly the door opens.

"Hello princess." One blonde with blue eyes says to me. He grabs my arms not letting me escape.

I don't even know how it happen, one second getting information then being dragged into a strange room with 3 boys staring at me.

I was pushed on the bed and the blonde one was holding me down.

"Leave her alone. We just need to ask her some questions then you can do whatever you want with her."

The blonde smirks and pulls me to the floor making me sit.

"Your Tony's daughter right?" Peter laughs evilly. "Who? Tony Stark he has a daughter? Wow a story the news would love to hear about." I chuckle nervously.

"You match the description perfectly." The black haired guy says. Peter laughs again but more like someone told a joke.

"What's so funny?"

The blonde one asks. "When I was little my uncle would make me follow the one and only Y/n Stark. You look the same, except your hotter now."

He levels himself to me sitting on his knees.

"Now tell us what does Tony Stark know." He makes deep eye contact with me. "I don't know what your talking about."

I press the panic button on my purse calling him quietly.

"Oh oh oh dear Y/n don't lie to me." He wraps his fingers around my hair. His face very close to mine, but some weird calling is telling me that I never want to get any further.

I hit his head with mine making him fall back. I ran out the room to Maggie grabbing her hand running to the middle of the street.

"Y/n What is happening?!" I climb in my car quickly, "Maggie get in the car now! I will explain everything! Get in!"

She flinch back hopping in the car.

"whoa!" Was all that she could say. "Are-Are you okay? Are they going after you?" She worries about me.

"Don't worry. We're going to my place because they will probably come after you." She nods scared.

Maggie was comfortable in my bed sleeping. Suddenly the door was slammed shut.

"You're stupid! You need to be more careful! Now they're coming after you!" My dad yells when he saw me on the couch.

"Dad I'm sorry. I will be more careful next time." He laughs and my eyebrows rise in confusion.

"Your not going to spy anymore." He demanded.

"What?! Why?!" I asked furious.

"Your the only thing I have left Y/n. I can't lose you too." You could see the tears in his eyes. He hugs me tightly before I could continue. I rub his back reassuring him. "Sorry."

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