《The Storm and the Dragon | Rhaenyra Targaryen》VI.


Chapter VI:

King's Landing

110 a.c.

Cassandra had promised Queen Aemma to stay in King's Landing and take care of Rhaenyra, but it might not have happened because of Lord Boremund.

Cassandra asked her father to stay in King's Landing and become the personal maid of the king's new wife, but her father did not want to leave her in perhaps the most dangerous place in all of Westeros, namely the Red Keep.

"Please Dad, I want to stay here. That's the only thing I've ever wanted. I feel good here. At Storm's End I feel bad and lonely. Here I found friends, and in Storm's End I have no one but Borros and Orys, who are men and almost always gone or train. Please I want to stay." Cassandra prayed to his father, although she knew he would not change his mind.

"I'm sorry Cassandra but I can't leave you here so small and all alone. I want you to be happy, but I also want the best for you and it's not to leave you here. Please understand me. I have a suggestion for you, do you want to hear it?" The Lord asked.

He was sure his daughter would give up coming to King's Landing after a while.

"What is it?" asked Cassandra.

"After your 16th name day, you can come here to work as a personal maid of the new queen, whom the king will marry and study hard. What do you think, do you agree?" Lord Boremund asked, thinking that his daughter will give up.

"I agree. Can I be excused now to go pack my bags?" Cassandra asked her father.

"Yes, of course. Go and hurry, because the ship will be ready soon."

Cassandra was in no hurry to pack her thighs. She wanted to find Rhaenyra to explain what she had dealt with her father.

They had not seen each other after the time they spent together at the Queen's chambers.


Cassandra reached the princess' chambers and knocked on the door.

"Alisent how many times I have to tell you that I want to be alone-" Rhaenyra said while opening the door.

"It's not Alicent, but if you want, I'll leave you alone." Cassandra said. Meanwhile a smile on her face showed up because she saw Rhaenyra.

"No, stay." Rhaenyra said softly.

"I'll stay, but not for long. Can I come in and talk?" Cassandra asked and the smile on her face disappeared.

"Well, tell me what it is?" Rhaenyra asked Cassandra.

Cassandra didn't know how to tell Rhaenyra because she didn't want to leave her right after what happened.

"I'm- I'm leaving for Storm's End." Cassandra said, looking at the ground.

"Wait what?! Why?! You promised my mother to stay with me. What will I do without you? No one else here understands me." Rhaenyra said angrily looking at Cassandra.

"My father does not let me stay. We made a deal that after my 16th name day I will come here to be the new personal maid of the new queen and to study. We will be together again i promise. Please Rhaenyra, calm down." Cassandra explained and tried to calm down Rhaenyra.

"I can't believe it." Rhaenyra said quietly.

Cassandra Rhaenyra's hands and touched her head to hers. "We will send letters and find a way to see each other." Cassandra tried to calm Rhaenyra again.

"I just found you, and now I'm losing you. I lost my mother, my newborn brother, my father's kindness, and now you." Rhaenyra said as tears fall down on her cheeks.

"You are not loosing me. I'll always be there for you. It's not so long." Cassandra responded while her eyes filled with tears too.

The two said goodbye with tears in their eyes and hugged strongly.

Cassandra packed her thighs and before she left again knocked on Rhaenyra's door.


"I wanted to give you this before i go. This is my favorite ring. It is not Targaryen style golden, but I hope you like it." Cassandra giggle and gave the ring to Rhaenyra.

"It is beautiful, even if it is not Targaryen style. I will wear it every day. I will not take it off. I promise you. Rhaenyra said while she was taking off a gold ring from her hand.

"This is the ring I will give you. It is not silver Baratheon style, but I hope you like it."

"I love it." Cassandra said and blush.

The two put the rings on their hands and said goodbye for the last time. They promised to never take them off until they saw each other again.


Cassandra is not the only member of her family who wanted to stay in King's Landing Landing.

Orys also wanted to be with his lover best friend, Martyn Lannister.

Orys has no courage to ask his father to stay in King's Landing. For Orys, the most important thing was honor and dignity. He knew he had to stay at Storm's End to prove to his father that everything he gave him, worth it.

Boros has always been his father's favorite. He was stronger, but he was no better with a sword than Orys.

Orys had no friends at Storm's End, just like Cassandra. His only friend was his sister. They shared everything for years, but this time Cassandra was scared to tell him about the night she spent with the princess.

They were going up together to their chambers alone together because Boremund called Boros again for something. Orys's chambers are next to Cassandra's.

Orys asked his sister quietly "Tell me what happened between you and the princess while we were at King's Landing?"

"Nothing happened. What do you mean?" Cassandra started panicking and didn't know what to answer Orys.

"Don't lie to me, sister. I know something happened. You've been smiling too much for the last few days. Tell me it's not Rhaenyra Targaryen. You cannot." Orys said and started to giggle.

Cassandra looked only into the ground and did not look at her brother as they walked.

"Something happened, i know it. Don't try to lie to me, I'll understand." Orys tried to get some information from her sister about what happened between her and the princess.

They reached their chambers and she invited Orys inside.

She told her brother about everything that happened between her and Rhaenyra.

"That means that your princess is now your secret girlfriend?" He asked and started laughing.

"No, I mean..." Cassandra tried to answer her brother's question, but she couldn't and blush her cheeks in red.

"Okay, I'll let you think. Don't worry about it, the time will pass very quickly, you won't even know when. You'll exchange letters, think about her and time will fly away. Believe me i know it well."

Cassandra gets sad every time she is thinking about the princess. She didn't know if Rhaenyra told Alicent about what happened between them, but Cassandra knew she would not worry about Rhaenyra. She'll be fine with Alicent next to her. Or maybe that's what Cassandra wanted to think. The jealousy Cassandra felt was huge. Only by the thought that Alicent was near Rhaenyra and touched her, Cassandra became crazy. But that doesn't matter because she knows Rhaenyra chose her, not Alicent.

The Golden ring on her hand reminded her of the princess and all the good moments they had together...

(The ring Rhaenyra gave to Cassandra. Golden with a ruby stone.)

(The ring Cassandra gave to Rhaenyra. Silver with floral print.)

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