《The Storm and the Dragon | Rhaenyra Targaryen》III.


Chapter III:

King's Landing

110 a.c.

Rhaenyra didn't know what to talk to Cassandra about. She wanted to find a theme to talk about as they walk to the room where Cassandra would stay. She was right across the princess' chambers and they were forced to go together.

"How was the trip with the ship my lady?" Rhaenyra sked quietly.

"You don't need to talk to me Princess . I won't talk to you and you won't talk to me-" Cassandra couldn't finish because it was interrupted by Rhaenyra.

"But I want to talk to you and try to fix our relationship-"

"We have no relationship to fix". Cassandra said when she stood at the door of her room. You did it yourself. Please do not look for me until the dinner time. When the time comes, knock on my door and I will come. If something very important happens, for example, that King's Landing is on fire, then you can go in without knocking, but I don't think that will happen". Ironically Cassandra and shut the door behind her so she can annoy the princess.

"I'm not, don't worry". Rhaenyra said while watching the door closes." The Princess entered her chambers, thinking only of Cassandra. The Baratheon Beauty didn't come out of her mind. Rhaenyra had never experienced anything like this before. But she didn't know why Cassandra. The girl who hated her.

Cassandra was not different. After she closed the door, Cassandra sat on the bed and began to think about the beautiful princess and the fact that she wanted to communicate with her. But Cassandra had learned her lesson. She knew it was not a good idea to let the princess close to her, because she knew she would be hurt again.

"Why can't you follow the plan once?" She told herself, while she was thinking about the princess. She felt this strange feeling in her belly again, which she felt at the port when Rhaenyra spoke to her.


"She's your enemy, not your friend, don't let her close..."


Dinner time came, and one of the maid knocked on the door of the chambers of Rhaenyra while she was sitting on her bed.

"Come. Rhaenyra said, hearing the knock on the door."

"Princess, it's time for dinner. Where can we serve your dinner?" The maid asked.

"Serve to me and Lady Cassandra here". Rhaenyra said with a smile.

Mary, what was the maid's name nodded with her head and went out of the room.

"Also bring us some wine." Rhaenyra said.

"Okay princess." Mary answered.

Rhaenyra watched the maid walk out of her chambers and wondered if she could call Cassandra herself or send someone to do it. She was afraid that if she sent someone, Cassandra would think she was arrogant, or that if she went alone, Cassandra would consider her special as she was, but Rhaenyra would not see it.

After the dinner was served in Rhaenyra's chambers, Mary asked the Princess she could call Lady Cassandra?

"No need I will call her myself. You can leave us." Rhaenyra said with good current to her maid.

Rhaenyra came out and knocked three times on the door of Cassandra's room. It was about a minute that Rhaenyra was waiting outside the door.

"What?" Cassandra went out and asked.

"It's time for dinner." Rhaenyra said lifted an eyebrow, surprised by Cassandra's tone.

"Are we going to have dinner together? Alone?" asked Cassandra.

"Yeah in my chambers, if you don't have a problem." Rhaenyra said with a light smile, knowing that Cassandra was worried about being alone with her.

"There is a chocolate cake for dessert. Your favorite." You can't say no. Rhaenyr said while a small smile appeared on her face.

"How do you know chocolate cake is my favorite?" Asked Cassandra, wondering how Rhaenyra knows.

"One little bird told me." Rhaenyra smiled.


"We'll have dinner and that's it." Cassandra said.

"Okay my lady, welcome." Rhaenyra said, so she can annoy Cassandra.

"So how was the day spent in your room?" Rhaenyra asked with a little smile on her lips.

"It was nice. I sat on the bed all day and thought about different things." Cassandra said while dinner.

"For what, for me?" Rhaenyra asked and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Surely not for you." Cassandra said, lying to the princess.

"Do you want wine, there is a lot and someone should drink it." Rhaenyra asked.

"Yes i want some thank you." Cassandra said, looking at the princess.

They weren't talking at all and the princess drank a lot of wine and Cassandra knew where she was going.

While Rynira was pouring more wine, Cassandra was sitting and looking at her strangely. She wonders how the princess has the courage to drink so much in front of someone.

Suddenly Ryhenira started laughing and laughing.

"What? Are you laughing at me, Princess?" Cassandra asked slightly angry at the princess' laughing. "I think the wine is enough for you for the night." Cassandra went to pick up the goblet from Rhaenyra.

"No, why are you taking my goblet?" asked Rhenira continues to laugh. The princess was a little drunk.

"I think that much wine was enough for tonight."

"You can't tell me what to do? Who are you to tell the Princess of the seven kingdoms what to do?" Rhaenyra asked angrily when she got up from the table to get her glass back.

"I'm not anyone, but I'm not gonna let you get drunk." Cassandra said while watching the distance between her and the princess decreased.

Rhaenyra knew that the easiest way to get her glass was to get too close to Cassandra, and that's what she did, but Cassandra would not give up so easily.

Cassandra came near Rhenira's ear and whispered "Don't think you have control over me because you don't have any control. Next time you try to manipulate me with a physical touch, think twice." Cassandra said and slightly caught Raenira's chin and slightly touched her lips with a thumb. Then she gently pushed her back and said that Rhaenyra didn't drink more.

Rhenira was left without words and just returned to her place.

Time has come for dessert and while Cassandra's eyes were full of happiness because of the chocolate cake, Rhaenyra couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

"Well princess there is no wine for you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to drink. The chocolate cake will go very well with wine, so would you give me the seagull?

"Of course!" Rhaenyra answers.

"So now you can tell me how you know about the cake?" Cassandra asked and smiled slightly at Rhaenyra. This was the first time Cassandra smiled at her and Rhaenyra melted.

"Well, you have brothers, and I am a princess. People don't dare to refuse me." Rhaenyra's answers and smiled at Cassandra back.

"Yes, you found out about that, but you can't win me with a cake. Even if it is my favourite cake." Cassandra said with a small smile.

"And what can I get you to win you, Lady Cassandra?" Rhaenyra asked while looking straight into Cassandra's eyes.

"I don't know, you'll find out yourself someday."

"What if I don't find out?" Rhaenyra asked softly.

Cassandra lifted the eyebrow and answered "I guess we'll never know."

Cassandra was not scared by Rhaenyra, she knew she could do whatever she wanted with Rhaenyra and she would not refuse her. But she was afraid of letting the princess too close to her heart...

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