《The Storm and the Dragon | Rhaenyra Targaryen》II.


Chapter II

Storm's End

110 a.c.

Cassandra was in her chambers when someone knocked on the door. It was Ser Stephen Warrin. He is one of her father's guards.

"Good morning my lady!" he said in a good tone.

"Good morning, Ser Stephen!" Cassandra said.

"Are you ready for the trip to King's Landing?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." Cassandra said timidly.

"You must hurry because your father sent me to get you. The ship is ready."

"Why didn't Borros and Orys come to do it?" Cassandra asked, watching the guard look at the ground and not knowing what to answer.

"I see, apparently they forgot me again..." Cassandra said quietly.

"It is not true my lady..." Ser Stephen said trying to comfort Cassandra.

"Yes I know, I know they don't do it on purpose, they have duties and men's work to do. You don't need to tell me that every time Ser Stephen." Cassandra said.

"Let's go before my father gets mad."

"My Lady there is one detail I must mention to you before we leave for King's Landing. During the time your father and brothers are out hunting, you will have to-"

"Cassandra!" a heavy male voice shouted.

"Come, hurry my dear sister, the ship is waiting for us." It was Cassandra's brother, Orys, who was in a very good mood because he was going to King's Landing and could see his best friend Ser Martyn Lannister.

"Martyn will be waiting for us at the port." Orys said with a smile on his face.

Cassandra knew that Martyn wasn't just her brother's best friend. She knew about her brother's preferences for male attention and had no problem with it.

"Will Martyn be so kind as to spend the time you are hunting with me?"


"But my lady-" Ser Stephen tried to tell Cassandra again, only to be interrupted again by Orys.

"He won't do girly things. Get some friends Cassandra, like the princess." Orys said with a smirk in an attempt to tease his sister.

"Very funny brother." Cassandra said with a bit of disappointment that she really needed friends but not the princess. Cassandra didn't want to be pushed into the flowers again or worse.

Ser Stephen gave up on telling Cassandra about the princess after being repeatedly interrupted by the young knight and left her to find out in King's Landing.

"Ser Stephen, I'm sorry my brother interrupted you. What were you going to tell me?" Cassandra asked.

"Not that important my lady, I just wanted to compliment you and tell you that you are very beautiful today." Ser Stephen lied without batting an eye and let Cassandra find out for herself.

"Are we close yet?" Cassandra asked her brother curiously. She hadn't left Storm's End in so long and couldn't remember how long it was to travel to King's Landing.

"We're almost here, we'll be there soon." Borros said to his sister.

"Brother, do you think I'll be able to make friends this time in King's Landing?" Cassandra asked with a slight frown.

"Of course sister. Forget the past and go with the flow. You are beautiful and there is probably not a person in Westeros who has not heard of your beauty." Borros said with a smile.

Boros wasn't the typical caring brother, or so everyone thought. He didn't love many people, but he loved Cassandra. He was on her side no matter what, even if he had to fight with his father.

"There it is!" there was a shout from Orys to tell Cassandra that they are very close, but Cassandra wasn't too happy, she was even a little scared.



Are you ready princess?" Ser Laurent asked her, who the king had arranged to escort Rhaenyra to the port.

"Yes I'm ready, let's go." Rhaenyra said slightly worried about the upcoming meeting.

"Has Lady Alicent gone?" Rhaenyra asked curiously.

"Yes, this morning with the lord hand." replied Ser Laurent as well.

Rhaenyra thought about Cassandra as they drove to the harbor. They hadn't seen each other in a very long time and Rhaenyra didn't know if she had become beautiful or ugly or if she had remained short or grown very tall.

"Princess we arrived a little early, the ship will arrive shortly." Ser Laurent said as he looked out to the sea to see if the ship was coming.

"There it is. Look into the distance and you will see it." Ser Laurent instructs Rhaenyra so she can see the ship too.

Cassandra sat on the deck looking out over the harbor. The princess's silver hair could be seen from miles away and Cassandra was shocked to see it.

" Princess Rhaenyra, what is she doing here?" Cassandra asked.

"I don't know, apparently she's waiting for us." replied Borros with a smile because he knew that Cassandra and the princess did not get along.

Cassandra considered walking past Rhaenyra and continuing on with one of the servants who was waiting for them.

She got off the ship and the princess immediately saw her and recognized her. Their eyes met, but Cassandra quickly looked away. She walked forward right past Rhaenyra.

"Lady Cassandra, what a fine day to meet again." Rhaenyra said looking Cassandra in the eyes but the beauty was looking anywhere but the princess' eyes.

"Yes, have a lovely day princess." Cassandra said and continuing to walk and Rhaenyra going after her like a puppy.

They didn't tell you, didn't they?" Rhaenyra asked as a smile appeared on her face.

"What should they tell me?" Cassandra asked curiously.

"That you will have to spend your whole day with me while our fathers and your brothers are out hunting." Rhaenyra said.

Cassandra stopped suddenly and turned to face Rhaenyra.

"Listen princess, maybe when we were little and you and your best friend insulted and crushed me, but now it's not like that. I know who I am and I know who you are. I'm aware that you're a princess, but that doesn't mean that I will allow you and your friend to humiliate me. Understood?" Cassandra said as she inched closer to Rhaenyra's face.

Rhaenyra was speechless as she looked into Cassandra's brown eyes.

"No I don't understand. Why do you hate me so much." Rhaenyra asked as she glared at Cassandra.

"I don't hate you princess." said Cassandra "I can't hate a person who has done nothing to me."

Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow and asked "Then why don't you want to spend the day with me. I don't demand it, my father does. He ordered me to come here and get you. He sent Alicent to The Old Town." Rhaenyra replied slightly angrily.

"If the king orders it, then I will do it. Not because of you, but because the king ordered it." Cassandra replied.

For the first time Cassandra noticed Rhaenyra's sea blue eyes. As he stared at them, he wondered how anyone could have such beautiful eyes. Cassandra had a strange feeling in her belly, just thinking about the princess. She didn't know why, but she wasn't going to give in to Rhaenyra's sea blue eyes...

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