《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 43: Some BIG Help.


"They should be there!" I shout, Mulnire's big rainbow scaled wings fluttering.

My hair flying in the wind. The bright silver hitting me like an iceberg. My hair changed last night. So did Mulnire's, his was blonde and spiky now it's black as night but still spiky. His red eyes now have white slits for pupils. I have bright silver hair a huge change to my brown poop colored hair and my eyes are not brown anymore, they are now a sparkling gold. Like gold gold. I was amazed. I wince grabbing onto Mulnire's reigns tighter as he starts to duck down further towards the forest.

"Mulnire, slow down!!" I hiss.

"I know! Shut up!" Mulnire growls back as his Dragon, gliding sideways. My eyes wide as we swoop passing by tree after tree. Turning right, left and twirling to go back up. I smirk.

"Was that necessary?!" I question.

"For you, yes!" Mulnire bloats, "I didn't think you'd like to fight the corrupted Dragonhearts that were flying above that bit of the forest so I gave you another ride, my sweet!"

"Dragonhearts are being corrupted?!" I shout back.

"Yes, there are the Dragonhearts that have given up on living a life waiting and hoping for the air clan to return so they would turn rogue and make pacts with the Underworld. It's ridiculous actually." Mulnire says, tilting a little. I hold on tighter.

"I was asked to go Verucchi for the help of the Dragonhearts. Where is that?!" I ask, Mulnire drifts to the right and turns us away from the direction of the Ice Kingdom. Flying quickly before going up..up...up...up. My eyes widen as I hang onto the reigns with all my might.

"Hold on, my love! Verucchi is up here. Don't let go!" Mulnire says, I scream as we go through the clouds.

Almost letting go as I see a huge pack of Dragons flying around together. Then see a land as big as the province of Enda. My mouth drops. It's been up here that the Dragons live and prosper. Small dragons no bigger than lions glide around. One a light pink twirls and almost falls. The others golden, bronze, black. No other rainbow scaled dragons are flying. So Mulnire is special!

Mulnire starts to lower himself onto a landing space. Other Dragons landing gently but is landing with a huge thud. I let go of his reigns and slide down his scaly back onto my feet. Moving as he shifts into his human form quickly. Smiling at me, holding his hand out for me. I smile and take it. We intertwine our fingers together. Walking towards big black gates that lay opened for any.


"So what now?" Mulnire asks. I grin, letting his hand go raising it. Aiming for the air clan symbol that looks old and rusted.

"This is what's next!" I shout, focusing my power and shooting the symbol with a ball of light. It absorbs it and starts to spread to the top of the rusted tower like ivy. Returning it to its glory. White and shiny metal. I stare as something rocks back and forth at the top.


"That's fucking loud!!" Mulnire hisses, covering his ears.

While he does that the chattering around us stops, the Dragons that were flying stop and hover over the land. Eyes trained upon the air clan bell. Their eyes shining and sparkling in amazement. I glance at Mulnire, stepping forward. Forming an o with my hand and tossing the light up in the air pulling it back like a rope making it shatter and flakes of light flow down the kingdom like snow.

A giant of the dragons appears landing as others move away. I stop and watch as smaller dragons land beside the giant deep red dragon. He shifts and my mouth hangs ajar. Blonde hair cut short, big dark red eyes, dressed in big black heavy metal armor. The others dressed in almost the same but made cheaply. The red eyes meeting my golden ones. I step forward. Mulnire trailing close behind me.

"You are air clan?" The giant asks.

"I am the King. The rightful King of Aripostale. Of the air clan, yes. I am in need of Dragonhearts." I inform, the guy nods.

"Well..." He thinks, "If you're here where are your people?"

"My people are protected in Aripostale. My army is in the Ice Kingdom awaiting the help of our saviours the Dragonhearts. You see, the Underworld has-"

"I know. I've seen." The guy cuts me off, "I am Prince Red. My father ushered me to come quickly. He hasn't been feeling well since the demons rose up. But you ringing the bell made his spirit stronger. He was actually smiling and was very excited to meet you."

"As am I." I respond, "I am Canton and this is my Dragonheart Mulnire."

"Mulnire?" Red questions, eyes flashing as he squints his eyes at Mulnire, shaking his head, "Little brother?"

"Little...brother??" I question, gazing at Mulnire who looks like a deer caught in headlights. He sighs in defeat, throwing his arms up in a shrug.


"I was gonna tell you...someday."

"Someday?!" I hiss.

"What I told you about the girl, my little sister, getting hurt by those men was true!" Mulnire shouts.

"Mulnire was banned from Verucchi at 12." Red answers. I glare at Mulnire. He shrinks away, terrified.

"The girl, my little sister, was a human Endamin. They adopted me into their family. I was so alone for a few months until they found me and loved me. Until...." He trails off, but snaps out of it, "You know the rest Canton. I haven't lied. I cannot lie to you!"

"Mulnire, it-"

"Canton, I mean it! My life in the prison was nothing until you showed up and let me out. I-"

"Mulnire!!" I shout over him. He drops it and stares sad. I smirk and kiss him. "Calm down. I love you."

"So...this is your true master, brother?" Red looks me up and down, grinning, "An air clan. The King of the air clan. Hmm, I'm impressed. So I guess this means that you two have already mated?"

"Eh?" I blush, embarrassed.

"Yeah, it was great. Canton is-" I slap my hand over his mouth. Giving him the look.

"That's enough you." I growl.

"Haha, come. Father wants to meet quickly." Red informs, shifting then taking off. I stand back for Mulnire to shift into his Dragon.


"Hello, air clan!" An older man, I'm guessing is Grellvo, shouts excitedly sitting in a wheel chair.

"Hello father. Mulnire is home." Red informs. Grellvo nearly jumps out of his wheel chair trying to see past me. I move aside and Mulnire stares at his dad in awe.

"He-Hello, father." He says, quiet.

"Mulnire...my baby boy!" Grellvo gushes, eyes brimming with tears. He holds his arms out, "My baby give me a hug!" Red leans into Mulnire a hand covering his mouth so his father won't see.

"Sorry, Mulnire, Father's on medicinal tea right now. He's kind of out of it." Red whispers. Mulnire goes to his dad and gives him a hug. His father slapping his back and looking me up and down.

"Well, well. You've already mated!"

"WHAT?!" I hiss, turning scarlet.

"Um, thanks father."

"Thanks?!" I growl, angered.

"Oh, come on. Canton don't be that way." Mulnire teases, kissing my cheek. I smile at him.

"Well stop saying it like that."

"I'm going to be grand dragon." Grellvo dances in his wheel chair.

"Father..." Mulnire grumbles, face palming embarrassed. I turn red.

"Grellvo, I seek assistance of the Dragonhearts for the upcoming battle." I inform, breaking the awkward waves going on between us. Grellvo stops dancing and stares at me, mouth forming an 'o'.

"Oh, you're serious?" Grellvo asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry it's so sudden but my soldiers will be stronger with the Dragonhearts beside them."

"Hmm. I understand. How many air clan soldiers are there?"

"I'm unsure. Though I know that some were lost in this last raid by the Underworld. Taken out by some of the corrupted Dragons." I respond, Grellvo looks at my arm.

"Corrupted...hmm." He growls, shaking his head, "I'm guessing the loss of a limb was your last demise in this last attack?"

"Yeah...we were attacked in the Earth Kingdom. Many of the Earth clan retreated back to Aripostale to be safe from the war in Enda." I inform, shifting my weight onto my other foot.

"Who else has banded together?"

"All of us. Air, Fire, Ice, Eart-"

"Have you been approached by the Vampires? The Islandmin? The Wolves?" Grellvo asks, leaving me puzzled.


"So the Underworld is just focusing on Enda for now. Smart. Enslave the races here to make an army to take over the rest of the world. Very smart." Grellvo runs his chin, impressed.

"Well you help me or not?!" I shout, unimpressed, "I'm here to make sure nothing of that sort happens! Help me or not!"

"Calm down, King. We'll send our Elites. That should be enough. They'll be near you but the rest of my army will attack from up here. Give them a little surprise. I like that." Grellvo plays with his beard.

"That's all I needed to know, Grellvo. Mulnire and I are going back to the Ice Kingdom." I pull Mulnire behind me. Grellvo waves.

"Bye-bye!" He shouts after us.

"Goodbye father." Mulnire says, quietly so that only I hear him.


Grellvo is a bit of a nutjob yeah. But I like the guy. :p

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