《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 40: Risky Bussiness.


I am flung forward into the wall as shards of glass crash into the wall beside my face. I cover my face as a huge shard flies towards my head. My eyes widen as a flash of red splashes into my eyes.



"Fuck!" I hiss, hitting the wall. Shards of glass flying around me. I growl in anger, "What the fuck was that?!"

"That, is another attack from the Underworld army." Luckie answers, Zi and Daegi struggling with a huge ugly ogre fighting to get into the hallway entrance.

"Where's Canton?!" I shout, my heart dropping. Canton is still drained from a few days ago. "Well where is he, Luckie?!"

"He was in his room resting." Luckie thrusts out black magic at a few small demon dogs. They get shredded into nothing but a pile of flesh and organs. I look through the broken window and see blood splattered onto the wall. Near Canton's room.

"I can't sense much from Canton!"

"I can smell his blood!!" Ujik growls, rushing past us. Suzuki on his trail. My pulse speeds up.

"Canton?!" I scream, running down the hallway to his room. Seeing him leaning against the wall near his room. "CANTON?!"

"Shut up." Canton responds, blood all over him. He holds up his arm. Blood squirting all over. Ujik rushing to him, sliding on the floor onto his knees. Wrapping a cloth around Cantons arm. I stare.

"Canton....your hand it's..."

"It's fine. I'll be fine." Canton says, before seeing his missing limb on the ground, "Did someone lose a hand?"

"Canton, really?" Ujik asks, Suzuki stares down at Canton shocked.

"Canton needs both hands to use all the power within him." He says, Canton rolls his eyes.

"I still have both hands, silly."

"No, no you don't." I say, harshly.

"But I do. I-"


Dragons roar and the glass shatters. Luckie covers me while Suzuki covers Ujik and Canton. Then Dukem emerges. Looking drained and broken hearted but holding his blade hastily in hand. He runs over to us.

"Sorry, where's Can- (See's the cut limb) Uh, who's is that?" Dukem points to the hand. Canton see's.


"Well that looks like..." Canton's eyes widen, "That's my fucking hand!!! What the fuck!!"

"Calm down, Canton." Ujik growls. Dragons crawl to the intruders and whip around the demons. Before a huge black dragon with red eyes emerges attacking them. "Fuck, we need to move!!"

"What about my hand!!"

"Grab it and let's go!" I hiss, running down the hallway.


. (Normal POV.)

"My hand..." I trail off, looking around for Lithu. "Where's Lithu?"

"He's with father. Calm down."

"I need to see Lithu. We need to banish them again. I need to see Lithu." I demand, making Mynx glare at me. Smack! My cheek burns and eyes water from the force. I stare at Mynx. "What the fuck, Mynx?"

"I'm sick of your whining. If you were truly the Prince of light than we wouldn't be doing this right now. (Grits teeth) I deserve to have that title more than you." Mynx growls, I scowl.

"You're afraid to show your face. A prince that's scared of showing his face is-"

"Fuck you! At least I don't go bitching about how I'm useless with my power. If you trained as long as I have you would have-"

"That's where you and I differ I know! But what can I do I was sent to earth. I can't say I'm sorry for not knowing about-"

"You're not hero worthy I am!"

"Mynx, (heart gets heavy) yeah you are. I am supposed to be the hero but I make hasty decisions and you turn up and always save me. I'm useless, I know. (Daegi points to a falling Dragonheart) I wish I could be more like you."

"Dragonheart!!!!" Daegi screams, running away flailing his arms.

I flinch as Dukem grabs me and tosses me over his shoulder rushing away quickly. The shape of the falling Dragonheart getting closer to the ground. I start shouting. Before getting thrown onto the ground as the wind gushes from the Dragonhearts landing hits us. I wince in pain.

"Ouch." I whine.

Getting pulled back onto my feet and dragged to the meeting room. Lithu and father killing some possessed faeries. Lithu slashing into one the wings and digging it out. Blood spurts onto his hands. I pull away from the guys and grasp onto Lithu's white cloak with my one hand. Father runs to the wall, does a backflip over the faerie and cuts his air blade into the faeries head pulling it back and the faerie falls limp. I stare, amazed. Even dads a better fighter than me. Dad stops and retracts his blade back into his hand. He snickers.


"That was so much fun!" He shouts, happily clapping his hands.

"Jeez, you're still the same." Luckie comments, face palming. Ujik chuckles, nodding.

"Canton?" Lithu asks, I let go of his cloak and gaze into his eyes.

"We need to do the banishing spell again." I command, Lithu looks at my arm. Shaking his head.

"We cannot do it if you only have one hand." Lithu responds, pushing me away. I stare at him.

"So how-"

"I will lead. Just follow." He instructs. My loving gaze turns into hatred. I grab his arm and squeeze.

"What do you mean, you-" He slaps my hand away. I stare dejected. My mouth moving but not making a sound.

"Follow my lead!" He commands, making hand gestures and saying something in a different language. A big white circle surrounds us.

"What are you doing? We can't leave them here?!" Mynx disapproves angry.

"They have already retreated. Everyone is safe. This attack was to be expected." Lithu responds, I shake my head stepping back out of the circle. Windows shatter and the shards fall onto the ground in twos and threes. I bleed out more.

"Lithu?" I ask almost in a whisper.

Red eyes glare at me....

"Canton?" Daegi asks, noticing I'm not in the circle, "What are you doing?"

"I-It's wrong. I-I..." Red eyes surround me and I feel cornered. My feet backing up to the wall. I slide down it and cover my eyes with my hand. "Something's wrong. I-I can feel it. There's something wrong. I-I can't leave."

"Freedom?" Father says, watching me. I get up and fling myself out the window.

"CANTON!!!" Mynx screams. Before I turn to see a flash of white.

Dragonhearts fight to keep whoever is here alive. A three headed behemoth demon swats at the ones flying around him. Trying to take him down. I look at the opening for the sun and moon in the Earth city on the ceiling. If I can call a Dragonheart than I can escape that way.

"Canton, come here..." I hear whispered in my ear. Spinning around to see the red eyes pursuing me. I flinch and run.

Jumping over pieces of cement and trees. Wincing from pain as my body begins to feel weak. I see a fire of burning dead demons piled up. Then glance at my arm. Dashing up to it and taking off the cloth. Holding my bloody nub out. Biting down on my lip. The fire melts the nub. I mentally scream for my life. Biting down hard breaking skin. Blood trickling down my jaw. The fire burns away the exposed skin cooking the opening closed. I stop biting my lip. Blood covering my jaw. The perfect imprint of my teeth sunk into my bottom lip. My body starts to shake impulsively. I scream, the fire closing up my wound. I pull away. Sweating, shaking and gasping for air. But look at my nub and see that it's closed. Cooked is more appropriate. Dragonhearts roar above me. I peer up meeting the bright pink eyes of one.

"Help me." I whisper, holding my hand up to him. Sending a ball of light towards him. The dragon smirks, lowering to the ground near me.

"What are you doing here, Endamin? You could've been killed." The dragons deep loud voice says to me. Glancing at my burnt nub. I snicker.

~Canton, come to us~

"Come where?" I question, staring back at the red eyes.

~Dragons peak~

"Dragonheart, take me to dragons peak." I command, the dragon lowers his head for me to get on.

"As you wish." He responds.

The red eyes watch as we fly off and up into the ceiling. The wind blowing through my hair as we reach the outside. The Suns beginning to set. I sigh. I don't want to worry everyone. I had no choice.

I heard something...

It could change everything that we know....

Everything that I've known....


What do you think he heard?

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