《Enda (Boyxboy)》*Special* Chapter 39: Daddy Loves You....


The air soldier kindly called for dragons to escort us to the Eastern region near the water purifier. I hold my breathe as the big bronze Dragonheart lowers to the ground. I hiss, throwing myself down and landing on my feet, hunched over. The fire soldier screaming out that I could've got hurt. I scowl. Kicking the door in. Freezing. In. Place.

"Mew." Small baby Skanta's cry. Skanta laying beside her 2 kittens dead. My knees buckle. Bloody handprints on the walls and footprints lead to my fathers room.

"Father?!" I push myself up onto my feet and throw open the door. Eyes growing wide.

"Dukem is he alright?" The air soldiers calls out. Before stopping behind me. Silent.

"Daddy." I whisper, eyes brimming with tears. Before I tear myself away from the shock moving towards my father laying on the bed with a knife in his hands and throat slit. His eyes black and void of life. I cry out, taking the bloody dagger from his cold pale hand. Looking at the other hand to see a piece of paper stuck in his grasp. I open his hand gently and pull the paper our unfolding it. Something rattles onto the ground from it. I begin to read...

"I won't try to be secretive to you because you probably already know. You've felt it. The urge. The blood lust. Endure it, my son. This key is to my bathing room. I have been cutting my arms lately trying to keep my mother quiet. I only have so much blood. Skanta misses you. I miss you. I've been lonesome ever since you left. Mother has been calling me home. I may need to go soon. Take the blood from my bath to her in the Orcania forests. A building with a long glowing tower will be seen. That's where we will meet one last time. I love you so much."

Tears fall onto the piece of paper. Blurring my vision. I drop the paper and fall to my knees in a hysterical sob. Clutching the key in my palm to my chest. The air soldier drags me away from the bed. Pointing to the others.

"Go and collect the blood." He pries the key out of my hand replacing it with his own. I try to blink away the pain. The soldier makes me lean my head back onto his shoulder. Crying in hysterical sobs. Eyes locked on my dads body. The air soldier makes me look at him but my eyes fall shut. I cry out. The pain in my chest too much to handle. I rush to the bed and hug my fathers dead body. The soldier stands frozen. The tears and pain break my soul more and more. I grab my dads hand.


"Please, don't leave me. Please. I love you....I need you. Ple-please. N-no. Daddy, daddy no. Daddy please." I beg, holding his cold hand. The air soldier grabs me.

"Come on, child. We must go." He swallows down his emotions, pulling me away, before taking me in his arms, "I'm so sorry, Dukem. But we must go to the shrine as your dad instructed. (I sob loudly and it echoes) I'm so sorry. Pl-please don't cry...(his eyes tear up..) Please, Dukem, don't cry."

"Daddy..." I trail off in a mess of tears and pain, the soldier grabs me and holds me like a bride as my eyes stay locked on my dad. "I-I.."

"Shhh, don't speak. Don't even move. I'll take care of you." The air soldier commands, his black hair falling in his eyes. I shake, furiously. Sobbing. "Hold onto me. Please, don't let me go, Dukem."

"O-okay..." I manage, wrapping my arms around his neck. Leaning my head into his shoulders.

I stare at the ground as the soldier leads me through the shrine. Vile's of blood and the foul smell of death flood my nose. Immediately I look up to see bodies hanging from the ceiling. My lip quivers. These are mothers children. 2 younger men and girls hang by black ropes looking as if they were there awhile. I feel the guilt hit me. They didn't want to shed blood of the ones they love so they took their own lives to feed her. My hands shake. That could have been me. The air soldier nods to the others.

"In that room(points to the black blood stained door) is the assassins dear mother. Don't look her in the eyes. Don't get too close. Understand?!" He shouts at the others, they oblige nodding their heads and taking out the vile's of my dads blood. Without thinking, I push open the door and rush in.

"Dukem?" Fathers voice asks. I look up into young eyes. Staring deeply into the young eyes of my father in his teenage form.

"Dad?!" I croak out, walking to him. Behind him, mother twists her head around in a 360* spin. I freeze but look only at my dad. In a tight white leather onesie like mine with a black scarf wrapped around his neck covering his mouth. He pulls it down and smiles.


"Dukem, my son. I've missed you."

"Son?" A woman's voice asks, mothers voice. I smile at the hideous monster behind my dad.

"Yes, grandmother, son. I'm your grandchild." I answer, unfazed by the beast that she is.

"Urian, he looks like you..." Mother trails off. My dad chuckles and nods. Reaching out for my hand, I watch as it falls through mine.

"I'm with my mom now, Dukey. I'm not alone anymore...(he looks at me and saddens) I didn't want to tell you but...I've been sick for a while now. It had gotten worse after you left. Skanta took good care of me. I'm sorry I did not tell you, my love." My father stops watching the tears roll down my cheek. I break out a useless smile.

"It-it's okay. So you took Skanta too?" I ask, feeling my heart threatening to cave in. Father stares, confused.

"No, I didn't hurt Skanta. I left her with her children." Father steps closer to me as the soldiers pour his blood into a fountain flowing with nothing but blood. Looking at me, upset. "There's something else that you must know. Someone's looking for you. He's not a very good person."

"You mean Kindermin?" I cut my dad off. He shakes his head.

"No, this man has been watching us for a long time, Dukem. You are trained by me to be the best in stealth but he's always been better than me. Better than us. He's someone not to be trusted."

"Why are you telling me this, dad?"

"Dukem, I don't want to worry about you while I'm here now. As I've said I'm with my mother now. I'll be very busy. Dukem promise me that you'll stay weary of the man that lurks within the darkness. Dukem, (sighs) he tried to take you from me when you were a child. You tried to leave with him." Father says, saddened.

"I would never go with that man. Wh-why are you telling me all this?"

"I don't want you to disappear like he did." My father simply answers.

"Who is he?" I ask, father stares.

"He's...my real son. My blood son."

"If he's my brother then-"

"He hates you. When you were younger he tried to take you so he could kill you." My eyes widen.

"What is his name?"

"Nai, his name is Nai." Father bites his lip, "Mother has recieved my blood. I must go now. I've served my purpose."

"But dad?!" I scream, tears spilling over again, I reach for him and catch nothing. He just smiles sadly at me. I fall to my knees as my hearts walls cave in. Reaching out as my father looks back at me.

"I love you...so much..." I hear father say as he faded away with mother. Before I let out a cry of pain. Still reaching out to him.

"Please, don't leave." I beg.

"My dad died a long time ago, bastard." A rough pierced voice says behind the stone table.

I rub the tears away. Squinting to see clearer. Black baggy pants and the assassin's usual tight black onesie shirt is ripped with a gash across the chest. Revealing long claw marks upon tanned skin. My dads black scarf wrapped around his neck and covering his mouth. Dark red hair covering one blue eye. Half his head is cut down to the scalp with a long piece of red drapes from front to back. I stare, frightened.

"N-Nai?" I ask, jumping to my feet. My body feeling frail but resists falling down. The guy nods.

"I didn't have to find you. Father lead me to you, bastard." He hisses, I wince. The soldiers grabbing me and retreating to the dragons. As I am pulled onto one. I see Nai disappear into the darkness. I stare. How did an assassin get that good? Did he make a pact with mother herself?


Sorry if it sucks. I'm extremely tired and it's only 6:30 pm. Oh god. *^*

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