《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 38: Mother, Mother.


"Lithuannai?!" Dad shouts, smacking Lithu on the shoulder. Making him stumble forward breaking him away from his daydream. I chuckle. Lithu glares at dad and resets his gaze upon me. It's been like this since this mornings steamy make out session. That constant lustful gaze watching my every move.

"Dukey!!" I squeal, Dukem emerging from behind Zi. A bandage around his bare chest. I dash to him and give him a hug. He grits his teeth and pushes me away. Before giving me a small grin. I look at the bandage. "When in the battle did that happen?"

"When we came from the cave entrance. I-I was spliced by something....but I couldn't see it." Dukem says, dejected, lowering his eyes.

"Why does that upset you?"

"Before I got hit, I..." Dukem trails off, turning away from me and walking off. Daegi watching suspiciously. Before glancing at me. I blink a few times, concerned.

"He must not be feeling well." Zi chirps out, grabbing Daegi's arm and dragging him away. I nod, glancing down the hall. Dukem's back to me. My eye catching a black marking peeking out from the bandage.

"Canton!!" Mynx shouts in my ear. Before tearing me away from my thoughts, "Luckie and I spent the night together."

"What?" I crease my brows, upset.

"Well we just kissed but that's all. Then we fell asleep in-"

"Alright, alright." I tsk, evil eying Luckie up. He sinks behind Lithu.

"Freedom?" I turn to Dukem.

"Dukem? Why do you have that?" Ujik hisses at Dukem's drawn blade. I stare and back up.

"Dukey, what-"

"Mother told me to get rid of you. I-I cannot let mother down." Dukem says, shaking. I tense up, pushing Mynx behind me. Gulping down fear. Stepping up.

"Mother? Mother Favera?" I ask.

"Freedom, how dare you accuse your mother like that." Father shouts, angrily.

Lithu watching closely. Eyes saying that he's seen this before. Luckie scrambles in front of me. Eyes glowing black before flicking red. Revealing something glowing underneath the white bandage. My blood boils. I grimace, falling to my knees. Luckie glares at me, the veins in his face blackened. Evil. I grit my teeth but keep my eyes on Dukem. On his knees. Blood spewing from the tattoo. The bandage in his hands. The marking a bloody dragon. The only person I know that could do that is Luckie.

"Luckie, enough!" I growl. My voice not my own. Only making Luckie use more of his power between Dukem and I. Everyone standing away from us watching in confusion. I grunt, plopping onto my stomach a ripple of pain taking over me. I whimper for help. Luckie watches over as more blood drips from the marking on Dukem.


"Show me what you saw, child." A much deeper and strong voice demands.

I glance up, to see giant horns form around Luckie's head creating a crown. My mouth falling in amazement as the Dragon King reveals his true terrible form once again. The blood red misty cloak, the white paled face with the nasty underbite of an Orc's, straight cat like black and white eyes, of the dragons. Black mist crawling up the coldness of his skin. Behind the mist, Mynx's eyes light up.

"It's him." I hear his faint voice. Others swarming into my head. I shake my head.

"Show me your dear mother, assassin."

"Ma?! Mother?! Mommy?! Mama?!" Children's voices scream in agony. A woman lays on a stone bed in the middle of the burning children. A thin paled frame in a long black Victorian dress with her long black hair tangled around the stone bed. Hands clasped together on her chest.

Lightning rumbles and lights up the room in flashes. The children letting out horrific cries of pain as bubbles form on their young faces. Bubbling up and popping. Sending blood gushing towards the woman. A small drop landing upon her beautiful pristine face near her eyes. They burst open and blood ripples down her chest as she screams in torment. Chains ripping away her beautiful calmness turning her into nothing but another wretched demon. With her neck stretching long like a snakes and hands contorting into long ugly masses of claws. The children cry out as a shadow on the ground emerges. The lightning shadowing his movement towards her. Before she lets a cry in pain.

"Let my children go." She pleas, blood pooling around her stone bed. The children look directly at me. I shudder. Their bodies distorted and ripped flesh hangs from their once taunt young faces.

"Mommy's calling us home now."

"Hah!" I gasp for air. Eyes burning.

"Mynx, no. Don't-"

"It's you." My vision returns. Mynx is grasping onto the Dragon King and is leaning his head on the King's chest. Peering up into his eyes, "I waited. I waited for you. I always knew you would show up someday!"

"Mynx, let go." Luckie commands, his long black nails only grazing the hemming of Mynx's shirt. Mynx lets go but blushes, furiously. I grunt, moving my head to see Dukem's tattoo stop bleeding and it healing fully in a few seconds. He gasps for air with me.

"Dukey?" I whisper. His eyes graze mine. The huge blade slides from his hands clanging onto the ground. Still in pain, I slide myself closer to him and give a grin, "It's okay, Dukem."


"Dukem, I'm sorry about Mother Shadow but you cannot let da burned children control you." Luckie states, Dukem nods, solemnly.

"I know. But the voices-"

"Listen, da mother of da assassins will be put back to her slumber as soon as we can get da Underworld back in its place. Pfft, dis is coming from me." Luckie grumbles, Mynx chuckles.

"But that's what makes you a King. Your definition of fair." Mynx gushes, hiding his embarrassment.

"Mother of the assassins?" I ask, confused. Lithu grabs my hand and helps me up. Cupping my face in his hands and gazing into my eyes. I stare back, blankly.

"Mother Shadow. She is da veil of darkness dat shrouds and protects her children. Da children dat deliver da dead to her and feed her as she sleeps. It is not an if dey want to matter, dey simply must. Mother Shadow does not take kindly to being ignored. Especially by her own children." Luckie answers, crossing his arms, giving a slight shrug, "Her children are da assassins, if you hadn't noticed."

"When exactly did the assassins in Enda actually begin?"

"They began 1500 years ago." My Dad chirps in, "It was the only way to keep their mother satisfied. For you see, Mother Shadow was a beautiful young maiden adorned by many men. Eventually obsession would be the death of Mother Shadows true sweet nature."

"A group of men stormed into her home one night and used her until the first light of the Suns. That alone was enough to shatter her love for the world. Mother Shadow discovered that she was with child months later. She turned into a devious woman. Plotting to use her grown children to find and kill the men and what family they had found during those future years. Mother Shadow originally birthed 12 children. 6 boys, 6 girls. Those were accepted ones. Many tell of her having more than 20 children but killing the ones she thought were improper and useless. But we like to only speak of the beautiful ones that were chosen." Lithu explains, tightening his grip on my waist. Pulling me closer to him and away from Dukem. My eyes scanning Dukem's upset face.

"Word got around of the crazed witch living in the forests that wanted revenge on a tainted world. A revenge she never got." Dad adds. Luckie nods, agreeing.

"Mother Shadow didn't get her revenge because a great powerful Mage of da black arts came and imprisoned her to a life in slumber. Da deal was dat the children were given horrendous tasks."

"That was the start of the blood contracts. Assassins would then be given one to be taken care of. The blood contract in the deal meant that to whoever was killed by her children meant that she would be able to feed. That she could keep her beauty and stay alive with her perfect children until Enda were to be no more. That is the true history of the assassins. The tattoo is a marking that they are given when children, going through with the training. A small prickle of blood and they are to be devoted to Mother Shadow for the rest of their lives. So if she were to hunger, as she is now, the children would have no choice in the matter of who they kill but how much blood they can get to put dear mother to bed."

"So that Mage, Luckie, was it the same one that imprisoned you in the black book?" I ask, Luckie tenses up before looking defeated.

"Yah. Dat wretched bitch." He growls, hurt and angry.

"Will you be okay, Dukey?" I ask, Dukem's eyes brimming, "What's wrong?"

"My Dad. I-I have to go check on my Dad at home." Dukem cries out, shaken.

"Dukem, Urian will be fine. You-"

"My Dad is one of the original 12! I need to get going!" Dukem tries to rush but an air soldier steps in his way.

"Then I will accompany you." The soldier suggests, before a fire, earth and ice soldier appear.

"As will we." They say.

"Canton? Can I?" Dukem pleas, I tighten my jaw then smile with a nod.

"If anything happens, it's okay. We'll wait as long as we can."

"Thank you." Dukey gushes, relieved. Giving everyone a wave. Disappearing with the soldiers.

"Urian is next." Luckie says, grimly. I shoot him a shocked glance. Eyes wide.

"Next for what?" I question.

"When hungry Mother Shadow begins to eat her children in the order they were born." Luckie says, a-matter-of-factly, "Urian is next."


Imagine having a mom that would eat you if you didn't feed her dead things? That life is messed up. :X

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