《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 35: Get Up And Let Me Love You!


"NO!!!" I scream, using my power to flinging the rocks behind me. Digging with my nails. Breathe shaky. "NO! NO! NO!"

"Mynx, calm down." Dukem says, holding his arms out to me. I hiss.

"My brother is out there!!"

"I recall you saying you wouldn't help him." Ujik snarls, crossing his arms and flipping me off.

"We need to get to Favera quickly!"

"Well let's get going then." Dukem growls through gritted teeth. A look of worry upon his face, his eyes looking at the blocked exit.

"Fine. Let's run there!" I command, taking off.


"Agh." I grunt, as a claw slaps me from outta nowhere.

I form a claw with my hand and fire ignites from it. Burning the demon. I freeze my hand into a thick piercing dagger and thrust into the ugly creatures chest, repeatedly until blood covers my elbows. Then swing around cutting off another demons head like butter. The black clothed demon falls to the ground. I tip toe like Dukem taught me. Putting all my recently learned skills to the test. Suddenly I am pushed off balance. Oralile falls onto me. I brace for the death hound getting ready to pounce on us. But in an instant, I flop Oralile onto his back and hold the bloody iced dagger out. Flinching and closing my eyes looking away. Hearing nothing. Peering from the corner of my eye at the death hound hanging limply on the dagger. The dagger in his heart. Then I let out a sigh of relief. Before a fireball taints my back. I scream in pain. Oralile still unconscious behind me. I pull my hand loose. Blood spurts onto my face and clothes. Slightly burning.

That wasn't Oralile, then who? I turn to see those yellow eyes. Tainted yellow eyes. Blood surrounding us. Dead bodies lying everywhere. This was the true way we were supposed to meet. My eyes glancing around. Daegi and Zi getting pushed up into a corner. Death hounds pushing them in more and venomous giant black widows crawling down the wall behind them. I grimace. Catching Demise using a sword created from rock and fire to fight with what looks like the death hound's leader. A warrior with nothing but a black blurring cloak and bright orange eyes. Demise dodging hits from a big black sword that the monster carries with both hands like a scythe. I hear a click in front of me.

"Hello, love." Kindermin chuckles, right in my face. I gasp. He grabs my arms and it burns through my clothes. I grunt in pain. Falling onto my knees. I reach for Oralile. Kindermin makes a clicking sound with his tongue, unimpressed. "He won't fight me. Don't be stupid, Canton."

"Let go." I growl, he giggles. Leaning down to my face and staring into my eyes.


"Just a little more. I just need a little more of your power, Freedom." He says with venom. I scrunch my face up in anger. Glaring up at him. My body feeling numb but I focus my power. Refusing to let him win.

"Get off!!!" I jump up to my feet. Releasing the power of air around me. Kindermin flies away and rolls into the wall.

I grow impatient and dash to Daegi and Zi. Swiping my hands around the death hounds. Sending them flying in all directions before throwing my arms up and making ice spikes rise from the ground. The death hounds landing on them and let out a ear piercing cry for life before dying. A black widow flies by me. Zi digs his axe into it's big back and uses the other to cut into her black eyes. Killing her instantly. Daegi grits his teeth and snarls. Thrusting his arms out, glowing bright. I cover my face with my arm. Before the light fades and I peek. Looking up in amazement as the biggest Dragonheart I've ever seen takes steps over me and flings it's red spiked tail around at the demons. I grin, jogging to a underworld soldier. Holding my hand open creating a sword made of fire like Demise and slicing through the soldier. Then staying beside Zi and Daegi has his way with the endless ward.

Baerin and Aranok emerging into the huge courtyard. Glancing around before pointing at me in their devilish forms. Using their hands, claws and teeth as weapons biting off pieces of necks and ripping away body parts. The King rushing to us behind his boys. Eyes on the huge Dragonheart having the time of his life then smirking.

A flash of light glows from side to side of all the courtyard. Magic? I see older people like Dukem's dad raising their arms and mouthing something. The courtyard starting to glow bright. I shuffle my feet and kick an ugly ogre in the balls before slicing into his heart. Terrified. It's hurting...me. I croak and grit my teeth tightly together as I fall onto my ass. Clutching my chest. The mages power gets stronger and I breathe frantically for air. Falling onto my back. Mouth moving open and closed. Gasping for air. What's happening? Why is this happening? I'm the good guy. Is everyone playing me? I clutch my stomach and move my legs in more. Oralile grunting in pain where I left him. Oralile too?


Air blows monsters and soldiers across the room. Boulders crushing some. I move my head. The mages cry 'murder' and sound devastated. Their barrier broken. A white as snowflakes Dragonheart emerges from the cave and glares around. Daegi reverted to his human form. Laying in Zi's arms with cuts on his face and a huge hole in his stomach. I grunt in pain. No! Daegi! Don't die! I reach my hand out to them but it falls onto the ground limply. I see white cloaks and what looks like ghosts made of nothing but a solid pure substance. I quiver in hopelessness. Fuck. I'm gonna die. I reach my hand up towards the ceiling. Focusing all my power into this one. A small blast of a white light goes up and stays alone in the air. My eyes get heavy. Trying to close.


Suddenly the small light is struck with another ball of light. Then another and another and another. Growing immensely in size. Before it's lighting up my whereabouts in the courtyard. The Dragonheart's eyes land upon it and quickly it walks to me. Stepping on the monsters like tiny cockroaches. Spurting their insides around its huge claws. The Dragonheart gazes into my eyes with possessiveness. My eyes heavier than before. I move my lips but nothing comes out. The Dragonheart moves and shines brightly before revealing Lithu. Lithu grabs me and then snaps his fingers. The white light above us gliding to me and then fading into my chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his chest. Lithu stays limp, is he unsure? I was unsure at first too but now I know we aren't strong enough alone.

"Everyone needs someone to be complete." I whisper to Lithu.

"Thank you, Canton." Lithu's strong voice replies.

I feel a smile form on my face but it fades quickly. Mynx probably used my name instead of the meaning to them. I look around. All the dead soldiers and monsters. Is there really a reason for all this? My eyes landing on an angry Kindermin glaring down Lithu. Lithu glancing around us. Watching, waiting to kill the stupid idiot that tries anything. My eyes stay on Kindermin. Envy? That's what they call it, right? Thats what's on his face. Envy. Jealousy. That's what's on his face?!

Lithu stands and drags me onto my feet. Grabbing my hand, leading it to his mouth and kisses it. My hand burns up and I see a huge bright white amount of power within my hand making me glow like fresh clean snow. I feel so much power. Is this where mom hid the rest of my power? In Lithu?

"Banish them back to the Underworld, my love. We are not prepared for this fight. No one is. Not even them. We have lost enough Endamin now. Send them away. We'll end this ridiculous dispute later on when we are ready." Lithu instructs, I gaze into his eyes. Immersed in them. I could swim in them. Gah, now I sound like a chick. I blush.

"Show me how to use our power." I request. Lithu sends me a small sexy smirk. Intertwining our fingers together. His skin turns like mine. I follow his gaze as he raises his hand above my head only getting a little over his. I stare at his face. He's getting closer! Oh my god! Why? "Lithu, how does this work?"

"Just..like..this." Lithu licks his lips and plants them upon mine. My eyes slowly close. But I peek through my lashes to see lights dancing around us in lines and circles. Then fall into the kiss. Kissing back, harshly.

Lithu pulls away and throws our hands down. The white power shooting into the ground and spreading through the earth like bad weeds. I peek to Kindermin and see him glaring at me. Grinding his teeth. The ground shining brightly then it freezes the monsters, soldiers and him before they all disappear into thin air. The light dims and I look around. All the Underworld army sent here are gone. I look at Lithu.

"Well...wow." I let his hand go and awkwardly lower my eyes, "You should have come sooner."

"Just so you could kiss me?" Lithu teases. I scowl and he nudges my arm. An air soldier is near Daegi healing him. I smile. We're going to be alright.

"Freedom?" I stop and face my dad, quickly. Turning pale.

"Dad?" I respond, lowering my head. I hear a chuckle. Before a hand grabs my shoulder and playfully nudges me back and forth. I look up, confused, "What?"

"You did great. This was the first time I could experience that again and it was a whole lot more powerful than when you're mother and I did it." Dad says, amused.

"Did what?"

"The banishing act." Dad answers, before letting out a long sigh, "My boy, it's not that you wanted to scare your people. It's that you wanted them to be prepared for the worst when we emerged into Enda once again. I understand. You got that caring side from me."

"Thanks...dad." I respond, speechless. But perk up into a smile. I'm like my dad then. Mynx would be like mother then. That's why he accepts being called a monster. Like mom, he knows he can't change what he is. "Hey, old guy?"

"Me?" Dad asks, before chuckling.

"This is where our chances in driving the Underworld back where they belong is closer to the percentage of beating them, right?"

"Hehe, I guess so."


Battle scene! Holy cheese balls!! Hard and long to write. But it turned out mmkay lol.

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What do you think Kindermin has to be jealous about? Why was Canton getting hurt by the mages?

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