《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 34: Storm On The Horizon...


"We're going back." Mynx states. My mouth falls open.

"Why?! We don't need to!!" I shout, Mynx glares at me.

"We need the air clan support whether you like it or not." Mynx hisses. I sneer at him. Getting in his face.

"No, you go back. You can stay. Then it will be as they said." I growl, Mynx's eyes grow dark.

"You stupid coward." Mynx growls. Gritting his teeth. I scowl.

"Don't be a bitch, Mynx." I growl.

"I'm going. I don't care if you wait or not. Just know that if you're on your death bed don't fucking expect me to help you." Mynx scowls, flips his eyes and turns his back to me. Dukem following him.

"Du-dukey?" I whisper, watching Dukem, Ujik and Suzuki following my little brother back to the caves. I glance around at who's left and feel my confidence die.

Lowering my eyes and turning away from them. Shoulders slumped and knocked well off my high horse. Daegi watches me, closely. I slump down onto the ground, crossing my legs and sighing at the ground. Zi sits down beside me. Daegi stands crossing his arms. The black book on the ground.

"What are we doing now?" Daegi asks, glaring down at me.

"You guys can go wait inside. I'll be here." I respond, lying back on the dirt. Closing my eyes.


My arms feel cold? Huh? I peer up at those intense ice blue eyes.

"Demise?" I hiss, clutching dirt in my hands. Melting away the ice around me.

"Who said you could act like this? Because I certainly didn't." Demise growls back. I glare.

"If you haven't noticed my team left with my brother-"

"I've noticed. I've also noticed that you haven't trained with the elements yet. Hardly. You are fast to release power when needed but not fast enough." Demise crosses his arms. Oralile standing beside him glancing between us.


"Well I've only had a Islandmin teach me. I think in order to be quick you need an experienced teacher." I get up, dusting off my pants.

"Well I could-"

"DEMONS!!!" A bloodied soldier runs out to us. Hand reaching out.

"Where?!" Oralile freaks, fire spewing around him as he rushes flinging the soldier out of his way. I look around, scared. They just had to leave. Daegi runs out holding the book. Zi guarding him with his axes in hand. Connected by a titanium chain. I grimace. Demise looks at me, unsure. Before giving a shrug and dashing to the door.

"Daegi, change!" I command, running quickly behind Demise. My hands gathering up power rushing through my veins.




"What was that?" Ujik asks, looking back suspiciously. I eye him up, glaring.

"What do you feel vampire?"

"Demons?" Ujik lowers his eyes, nervous. Suzuki faces the cave entrance. I feel uneasy.

"The King of Dragons?" I ask, mouth dry.

"I can feel Luckie, Canton, and the others but there's this darkness...demons...I think." Ujik hesitates, stepping back.

"Should we go back?"

"Let's." I nudge, speed walking back to the entrance.

Seeing the familiar light. Watching something small fly into the cave. Rolling down and stopping at my feet. Eyes black and empty. Jaw tainted with blood. I twitch. Someone's head. A soldiers head. I glance up meeting fiery red eyes. Blood leaking down his face. He chuckles. Giving a small wave from the entrance. Fleeing as I take a step. Then dash towards the entrance. Seeing Canton whipping around some 8 legged demons. Demise killing them and burning them to death. Oralile meets eyes with me and runs towards us.

"Canton, Demise!!!"

"Blow it up." The red eyed guy commands. A circle written in blood around him and 4 darkness warriors. Raising their hands. A line from the circle to the cave entrance lighting up.

My eyes widen.

"Fuck!! Away!! Get Back!!!!"


Huhu (OwO) oh jaaa!!!!

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