《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 33: Imperfect Perfection.



"Yeah, Oralile?"

"How was Kindermin when you guys were alone together?" I furrow my brows, laying on my side.

"Why are you aski-"

"Just answer, please."

"Well...mm...he was kind. I thought that I was a dead man before he saved me. I could have been fish food. Hehe."

"To the point."

"Okay. Kindermin held me close so I wouldn't freeze during the night. He told me that he was an evil bad person. But I didn't know back then that he meant it. I didn't-"

"Canton." Oralile shifts his frame walking towards my bed. I stiffen but relax as his bright eyes glow in front of me. "Kindermin, didn't ever say anything like that to me."

"Even though he was yours." I whisper to him, seeing his bright eyes dim in sadness.

"I thought so." Oralile's eyes glimmer as tears fill them. I move away from him and hold open the covers for him. Oralile stares.

"Come on." I command, Oralile hesitates while climbing into the bed. Facing me laying on his side. A wet line sliding from his eyes. I send him a small smile. "It's okay."

"It's okay here but when we leave it's not going to be okay. Nothing will be the same as when you last saw it, Canton. The Underworld is not a pretty place." Oralile whispers, voice weak.

"Then we can help the Underworld remember it's place." Demise's voice says loudly from the door. He stands there hands on the sides of the door frame. Before clicking on the light. I see Oralile's puffy eyes.

"Do you think we can, Canton? Can we really band together to save Enda?" Oralile asks, upset.

"If we never try, how will we ever know." I state, Demise snickers. Walking behind of Oralile. Lifting the covers and making him get up slowly.


"I see we both wanted the same thing, Canton. But this," He ushers to Oralile, "Will never be yours."

"Eh? What?" I choke out.

"Stop touching what I own...and we won't have bad blood between us." Demise grumbles, slipping his arm around Oralile and dragging him off. Leaving the light on and door open like an asswhole.

"What I own?" I question. "What?"


"Canton?" Mynx's soft voice asks.

"Mm?" I manage. The moonlight glimmering from a crack in the ceiling near my bed. I blink my dry eyes. Feeling something shuffling into my bed beside me. Wrapping it's arms around me and snuggling closer. "Mynxie?"

"Do you not like this?" Mynx asks.

"No, go ahead." I respond.

"This war, are you sure about not asking the air clan to help. If we get the air clan we get the Dragonhearts. We could win. Why are you playing with fire?" Mynx asks, quietly. I look at him. Seeing his face for the first time. Small holes on his cheeks. Jaw crooked and slightly hanging in a slant. The skin on his face looking like it was burnt away making him look dis formed. I grimace, looking at the ceiling. "Are you scared?"

"No, I'm mad." I answer, glancing back at Mynx, angered, "Why would mother do this to you?"

"You need to get over that? Canton, I knew that you would come and get me. I knew but no one would believe me. Not even Ravinous. Some of the air clan said that I wouldn't get to leave. That...you would never come back to Enda. They were the people that made me what I am today. Please don't forget that I wore masks to conceal what I really was. I always wanted my brother to accept me for what I am."


"What's that?"

"I'm...a monster." Mynx mumbles, lowering his eyes from mine.

"No, you're human. You're probably more human than me."

"Do you know how stupid that sounds?" Mynx raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, you know what I mean." I hiss, making Mynx snicker. Before letting me go and laying away from me.


"Well thanks." I grumble, rubbing my forehead. A headache making it pound. Before drifting away again.


Meh, some brotherly bonding doesn't hurt anyone eh?

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