《Enda (Boyxboy)》*Special* Chapter 31: What A Twist...MotherF***?!


"It's done."

Fire, blood, sweet red slippery blood. On his hands. Stupid kid. Eyes full of hunger. I snicker. Walls begin to crumble down to the ashes of a great palace. I grin, satisfied by this ridiculous human fiend I pretend to love. He's finally done it. Too stupid to even realize what I just made him do.

I furrow my brows as the smell of burning flesh arises from the rubble and ash. Fire still coursing through the black wood. Ashes flying down from the sky like snowflakes. Some of the ashes smell of burning flesh. I clench my fists and look up to the blackened sky. That sad saviour of Enda, Canton, will not see this coming. I raise my hands up unleashing my claws and raising my chin. Oralile stares down at the ash before glancing at me.

"Kindermin, I...I did it. I'm King now. I'm the King of Enda." The stupid runt says, causing me to snicker. My pulse quickens making my power of darkness rise up into it's rightful place. Oralile smiles down at the rubble. "I'm King."

"Are you sure?" I ask, glaring at the useless boy. He stares.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you think that you were gonna be the King of Enda?"

"Well it's the way it works right?"

"Not entirely, child." I respond, a sinister grin creeping up on my face.

"Kindermin, explain yourself." Oralile demands, standing face to face with me. I grin wider.

"Look around, my sweet."

The blackened sky glows red like the blood dripping onto the ash filled cement under our feet. Oralile looks around as instructed. Eyes widening. The Underworld rising up from below the earth. The cement cracking and falling into the abyss. Pointy tiers of black and red buildings rise up taking down what was left of the Fire Kingdom's castle. Oralile turns around, falling onto his ass. Demons laugh and hiss jumping from the tiers. Landing on their feet and licking their black burnt crisp lips. The castle of the dead standing tall once again in it's true horrible terrific form. The bloody burnt King on his thrown smirking with a smoke hanging out from the side of his mouth. Oralile shudders and reaches out to me.


"Kindermin, please." He pleas.

"Why should I?" I hiss, feeling the silly disguise of the Islandmin costume come loose on my body and slip out from it. The old blood from the real Kindermin tainting my skin, still. I look at the body bag on the ground and walk to my dear brother. The thorns in my shoulders rising up and down. My pointy ears up high. My red bleeding eyes and my horrendous grin all a friendly reminder of all the years I've missed my true terrible form. Oralile watches me.

"Kindermin!" He screams, rushing to me. Wrapping his arms around my waist.

I hiss and throw him onto the ground. Unleashing my hidden true power as my claws grow and chains come from the thorns on my shoulder. Attacking the one I loved. Oralile screams in agony as the chains dig into his palms and dance up his arms. Then tear themselves out. My claws meet his face and body. He gurgles on his blood rising up in his throat. I smirk, tossing him aside. Oralile looks at me. Face bloody and busted.

"Now everyone can see how disgusting you really are." I growl.

"I love you, wh-why would you do this to me?" He asks, holding the split skin on his arms closed.

"That word means nothing to me. But...you were a good fuck." I respond, flicking my hand. The death hounds release from their cages and dash to Oralile. With tears in his eyes he runs.

"Now that was entertaining, brother. Very entertaining, indeed." My brother snickers.

"Today marks the end of the great and beautiful Enda. Let it rain of bodies, ashes, and death throughout all of this useless world." I announce, "Release the gate! Let our soldiers find and kill any who get in our way!"

"Kill this 'saviour' of Enda, my black Knights of death." Brother growls, satisfied. I stand beside him...once again...in 13 years.


0_0 oh fawk!!!

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