《Alpha Twins (Completed)》Chapter Fourteen:I Will Kill You



Today is the day. Im marrying the loves of my life. Its only been a week since i got engaged.

Wolves like to get married as soon as possible. I mean some dont. Cause we are mates and meant to be together. But others want to act like humans and get married.

I mean me marrying two guys isnt normal actually having two mates isnt normal either.

I started pacing. Im not nervous but im nervous.

"Oh my goodness Yas please stop. You're making me nervous". My mom said.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Sweetie everything will be okay. Logan and Lucas our your childhood bestfriends. Calm down".

I looked in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Yas". Franny said coming in the room.

I turned around. "So do you".

She laughed. "I mean you did pick this dress".

"Very true".

I turned around and fixed my dress while looking in the mirror.

"When they see you they will melt". Franny said laughing.

My dad walked in and smiled.

"Wow you look like a queen honey". My dad walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you dad".

I smiled at him.

Mrs.Matthews walked in smiling.

"Oh my goodness Yasmin you look so beautiful".

"Thank you".

"I came in to say its time".

"Thank you". My mom said to Mrs.Matthews, her bestfriend.

My mom came over and kissed my cheek then walked out.

"See you out there". Franny squealed and walked out.

"You ready"? My dad asked.

I nodded.

I linked arms with my dad and we walked out of the room. I got to the back of the pack house.

The wedding was in the backyard in the flower garden. The doors opened it was packed outside.

I looked dead ahead and saw the twins smiling at me.


They looked so handsome. The music started and my dad and i walked down the isle.

I stood in front of the guys and my dad kissed my cheek.

"You look beautiful Yas". They both whispered. I blushed.

I cant believe im going to marry my bestfriends.

"Before i begin i would like to say im glad to be marrying my sons and soon to be daughter". Mr.Matthews said

I smiled and the guys smiled.

*Skip the boring parts*

It was Logan's turn to say his vows.

He took a deep breath. I could tell he was nervous.

"Yasmin from the beginning Lucas and i both knew that you would be our mate. You are beautiful talent smart an amazing Luna a-".

"Which should be me". Someone cut him off.

Everyone turned their heads and once again this bitch Star is here.

She walked out of the crowd and in the middle of the isle.

Snow growled in my head.

"Star what the hell are you doing". Her sister Sky said yelling.

"Getting whats mine".

Sky went over to her with her daughter in her arms and Star pushed her to the ground which made her daughter start crying and that made her mates rush over to them and they growled.

"Star you need to stop". Logan said.

"Why? You were mine and always was". She growled.

Im going to kill this bitch.

I growled and went over to her.

"You ruined my ceremony and now my wedding. Bitch im sick and tired of you. Logan is my mate and you have ten no five no one second to leave before i beat this shit out of you".

She smirked.

"Bring it on bitch".

I was about to punch her when i was being pulled back.


"Love we will not let you kill her on your day. We will handle her".

I looked back at him. "The fuck you will. Its been months and she still here fuck no. MAMA"!!!!

I huffed and walked over to my mom and where she was sitting.

"Take my dress off please".

"You sure sweetie".

"MOM"!! I yelled.

I was pissed this bitch messed up my wedding.

Soon my dress dropped and Franny picked it up. Right now i dont give a fuck that i was in a slip.

I rushed over to her and shifted into my wolf. So did Star. I pounced on her and scratched her face over and over again.

I and also Snow was so angry. I want to kill this bitch.

"ENOUGH"!!!! I heard Goliath yell. Not Lucas But Goliath. His alpha tone was very powerful.

I stopped and got off of her.


I shifted and Logan rushed over to me and covered me with his coat.

"Get Star and lock her up. Alexander Andrew if that is okay with you".

I looked at the Alpha's and they still locked mad.

"I dont give a fuck what you do to her after what she did to my mate and daughter. She lucky i havent killed her yet".

Two men took Star away and Logan was just holding me.

She ruined my day and Lucas is mad at me.

What the hell did i do.

'We didnt listen to our mate'. Snow said.

Ohhhh i get that bad she needed her ass beat. Ugh













Sorry i havent been updating. Just working alot now.

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