《Alpha Twins (Completed)》Chapter Five:Explain



My first day was amazing. Franny said she is enjoying the new pack. And when i told her about my mates being twins she freaked out. She was jealous that i had two mates and she hasnt even found hers yet. I feel so bad now. But she said shes okay with it now.

And now i am going to a dinner at Alpha Alexander and Alpha Andrew's house. They are also twins with the same mate. Im ready to figure out how she does it. I hear they found each other about a year ago.

Lucas and Logan werent home yet. They said they had one meeting and then they will be home. I did drive my car back.

I went to the room i was staying at until the guys figure out where im staying. I took a shower and by the time i got out of the shower. I heard the guys.

'Princess we know you are home'. Logan said in mindlink.

'I just got out of the shower. You two should get ready. Probably smell'. I mindlinked both of them laughing.

'We are love. But dress nice this is an Alpha dinner'. Lucas said.

'How nice'?

'A dress please'. He said.

I shut my mindlink off and walked out of the bathroom and to my room. I went to my suitcase and looked to see what to wear.

I did my makeup even though Logan said i shouldnt. But im meeting other Alpha's and Luna's and im now nervous.

I grabbed my dress that i picked and put it on.

After i put on my shoes my bedroom door opened. It was the twins looking handsome with their suits on. Staring at me.

"Well dont you two look handsome".

They both smiled. "And you my love are beautiful". Lucas said.

"Even though i think the dress is a little to tight on you". Logan growled.

"Hey dont you growl at me mister". I said sternly.

He came over to me and walked around me and sniffed my neck. "I hate that other men will see our curves".

"But remember im all yours. Both you and Lucas are my mates and i am yours". I smiled.

Logan and Lucas smirked at me. And they both kissed me on the cheek.


"Lets go love or we will be late".

I grabbed both of their hands and we walked out of the room and went downstairs.

We went into the garage.

"So which car are we taking"? I asked.

"Well my love we are taking my truck". Lucas said.

Logan opened the door and Lucas went around to the other side. Logan helped me in the truck and i scooted over beside Lucas who was already in the car. And then Logan got in after me.

He opened the garage door and started the car and then pulled off.

"So how far is this pack"?

"Their pack is 2 hours away". Lucas said

"Oh goodness. Thats why we have to leave so early".

"So if you need to princess you can go to sleep". Logan said

"No i missed so much with you two and i went to talk".

The whole ride just felt like i got my bestfriends back. We joked around and talked about what happened the time i was gone. We talked about when i will be announced Luna and when Franny and i will become apart of the pack.

Which is very soon and im excited and nervous at the same time. Luna's are very respected and everyone loves them.

We finally pulled up at the house and it was huge.

Lucas parked and we got out. We walked to the house and Lucas rung the doorbell.

The door opened and a gorgeous lady girl opened the door holding a baby.

"Star? What are you doing here"? Logan asked confused.

She smiled at him looked like a little smirk to me.

"Well my sister wanted me to watch baby Kennedy while they had the party". She said not taking her eyes off of him.

I looked at him and then looked back at her. From the looks of it seems like they use to be together.

Lucas cleared his throat. Logan looked down at me and his smiled changed to nothing. Like he knew he was in trouble.

"Oh umm Star this is my mate Yasmin".

She looked at me and gave me a really fake smile. And put her hand out and i just looked at it. And then just stared at her.

"Nice to meet you". I said and just walked passed her pulling Logan and Lucas's hand. Bitch think she can look at my mate like that. Im not stupid and if she think she will ever get him back she will have to kill me first.


Lucas soon started laughing.

"And whats so funny". I asked him.

"Cause Logan is in trouble and im not". He said acting like a child.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and looked at Logan.


He rubbed the back of his head. "Princess dont worry about anything. I promise me and Star was over about a year ago".

"And who broke up with who"?

"I broke up with her. Princess its you me and Lucas till the end. I would never hurt you ever".

"Yeah i would break your face if you did". Lucas butted in.

I smiled. "Good, cause i dont have problem with my wolf clawing her eyes out".

Logan pulled me close to him and grabbed my chin and kissed me. "You have nothing to worry about princess".

"We should get going". Lucas said.

I followed Lucas with Logan right behind me. We walked in to this huge dining room. There was a few Alpha's with their mates. I guess they are all close friends. Because not every pack is friendly.

I got introduced to the Alpha's and their mates. They were very nice and the Luna's are sweet.

We sat down in the middle at the table. Logan on my right and Lucas on my left. We waited for the hosts.

A guy walked in dressed like a butler. Im guessing he is their butler. I laughed to myself cause i just sounded stupid.

"I present Alphas Alexander and Andrew with their mate Luna Sky".

The man moved out of the way and they walked in. Luna Sky was in between the guys and her arms were linked with the guys.

She was beautiful. I mean beyond gorgeous.

"Hello everyone". She said.

We sat our hellos and they sat on the other side of me. And she looked at me and smiled. I guess she knew i was in the same position as her. I couldnt wait to talk to her.

After dinner which was amazing by the way, the grilled chicken was so good. I meant Luna Sky.

"Hello Yasmin". Sky said smiling then giving me a hug.

"Nice to meet you". I smiled.

"Come on lets leave our men and you and i can talk. I need to check on my little on. Follow me".

I followed her upstairs to her daughters room. She was sleeping. Sky kissed her on the forehead and we walked out of the room and into another room. Looked like their library.

We sat down on the couch.

"Its so nice to found a Luna who is in the same position as me. I have so many questions". I said

She laughed. "Well go ahead and ask".

"Well how do you give attention to both of your mates with out them getting jealous".

"They know that i love them both so much then dont really get jealous of each other. Only jealous of other men". She giggled.

I laughed. "So how does the sex work then".

"Oh honey". She smiled and moved closer to me. "Well sometimes they take turns but most of the time i have them together. One in front one behind. Them both behind on the top and bottom. Honey trust me when i tell you that you will enjoy".

I covered my mouth and blushed.

"Having two mates is something to be happy about cause you have twice the love twice the protection".

"So your daughter. Who is the father"? I questioned

"They both are her dad. Im surprised i didnt have twins as much times as the have put their seeds in me".

This Luna do not hold her tongue when it comes to sex.

"So two mates is a good thing".

"Oh of course honey it is a very good thing and as time goes on you will love it more and more. I cant get enough of them. But sometimes those men do get on my nerves but its out of love". She smiled.

Wow. I know it will take some time for me to get use to the twins but im looking forward to it.













I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It is longer than i usually write. So i will hope you liked it.


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