《Only For You》30


"Ion give no fuck you still got feelings, I can't feel nomo" Me and Jaymar were on our way to the airport to drop Preius and Tanya off while singing along to OK cool by CEO Trayle.

"Ion een like looking at chu BITCH ion want no kids nomo" Preius screamed inna backseat saying the bitch part extra hard.

"YOU BROKE MY HEART YOU STANK BITCH ION WANNA KISS NOMO" Jaymar and I screamed as Tanya pulled her phone out, recording us while she was laughing.

"Hollon HOLLON TURN DAT DOWN" Preius screamed as Hers, Jaymars, mines and Tanyas phone got to blowing up from people sending us somebody instagram live.

Jay turns the music down and I unlock my phone, slding over to the instagram app and joining the live everybody kept sending me.

It was that Dreas sister, that Ro girl I was arguing wit a few days ago who was in Demetrius comments talm bout fuck yo pops.

"Bitches wanna jump my sister when ian dere but don't wanna get up wit me like da fuck bitch you scary" That Ro girl said.




"stop speaking on Drea befoe u get spit on" The Ro girl said towards Adriens comment.

"They weird as da fuck" Jordan screamed from the back.



"Riah bitch don't get ta laughing cuz when I catch you im beating yo ass again watch and its gon be one on one this time imma do you bad"


"Why you so worried bout what she look like she look better den you"







"And I heard Demetrius inna hospital hope his ass DIE" Rosa said before ending the live.

"On my dead grandma ghe fuck this flight turn da cah round we finna find whea dis bitch stay at" Preius said leaving out the live.

"Nah chill chill we got ha youn een gotta worry" Jaymar said pulling up to the airport.

"If yall kill that hoe please let me know. Imma get a jersey and put her name onnit" Preius said making me and Tanya burst out laughing.

"Gotchu" Jaymar nodded his head at her as they got out the car.

"Bye I love yall" I said hugging them.

"We love you too" They said back walking into the airport and we drove off.

"So whats dat word?" I ask jay as he drove out the parking comlex of the airport.

"Nahhh I got this yo ass gotta go ta scoo tomorrow don't worry bout it"

"Mmcht" I smacked my lips and looked out the window.

"Did you kill dat one girl boyfriend?" I asked looking back at him and he just smirked not answering the question.

"Why you ain kill her too" I said with an attitude.

"I shot that bitch but she run too fast. It was either I chase her or I kill them niggas innat house and chose them niggas...you beat ha ass anyways" he responded.

"Shes a runner shes a trackstarrr" I sang and we both started laughing.

I was sitting in the back the bus, listening to Rodwave-Roaming through my headphones. I just ready to go back home and ian even get to the school yet. Then I was extra tired from doing my own braids last night.


Today I didn't really care to dress up. I just put on some black jeans, with a white shirt and my black sandals, leaving my toes out. They were painted white and looked good so I was coo.

Im just so ready for this school shit to be over

"Aye Riah scoot over" I look up seeing James just getting on the bus and trying to sit next to me.

I move my leg out the seat, scooting over while putting my headphone back in.

"Our asses really seniors" He said.

"Finally im ready ta leave this scoo shit and im not going ta college, fuck that shit" I respond.

"Nah forreal"

"When demmy gon be able ta come to scoo?" I ask taking my headphones out.

"Shiiiiiddd prolly next week" He answers pulling his headphones out his hoodie pocket.

"I miss him" I said looking back out the window.

"Me too" he says putting in his headphones.

He ended up dozing off to sleep on my shoulder and I kept trying to fall asleep with my head on the bus window but that mfka kept rocking around so I barley could.

I was in my first class tired as fuck, trying my hardest not to go to sleep.

"So class what would be mx multipled by D?"

"Bitch what" I realized I said that shit out loud because the teacher shot his eyes towards me and I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"I am so sorry" I apologized towards the teacher as I heard little giggles and laughs around the classroom.

"If you needed help Riah thats all you had to say" He said furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"My apologies sir" I said putting my head down tying to hold back a laugh.

"Ill let it pass this time, next time your going to the office"

Bitch I do not care

I went to sleep on the desk then kept hearing my phone ding and woke up.





Mister sir



What class you in rn?





Meet me inna br after dis?



I read the message she sent and then looked up seeing everybody gather their stuff to get ready to leave for the next class.

I get up out of my seat, not having to grab anything since I kept my bookbag on the whole class.

I walked my way towards the bathroom I assumed she wanted us to meet at since thats where we used to meet at our Junior year.

"Heyy Riah, ouu you smell good" Alana pops out of a bathroom stall.

"Hey Lana" I give her hug and we both walk out of the bathroom.

"What class you got after dis" She askes me and I pull my phone out to look at my schedule.

"Chemistry" I answered.

"Dang I just had that class..do we got the same lunch?"

"I got 1st lunch whatchu got?" I ask her.

"Same" she responds as we stop infront of her class and this girl walks up to her, hugging her and she hugs her back.

"Bet imma talk to you at lunch den" I told her before walking away to my next class.


I was walking my way towards the lunch room then James and Adrien walked over to me with this other nigga.

"Johnny yo ass is ugly" Adrien said as that Johnny nigga started Krump dancing.

"Who is dat?" I turn towards James who didn't hear me because he had his headphones in so I ask Adrien instead.

"Who is you?" Johnny said towards me smartly.

Yea already don't like you

I just kept walking ahead of them with James as I heard Adrien in the back talking, " Johnny dis is Riah, Jays girl and Riah this one of my uncles li homies".

"Aw" The johnny nigga said then running past me putting his arm around sum girl.

"Wusssss yoo nameee" He said towards her and she pushed him off making me chuckle.

"Da fuck you laughing at?" he walks beside me into the cafeteria saying.

"Boy get out my face" I responded, looking for Alana.

"Hannin Lana" James said as she walked towards us.

"Sup slime" Adrien gave her a side hug saying.

"Where yo mans at?" Adrien asked her.

"He don't got this lunch" she responded walking into the lunch line with Adrien.

"Riah you ain eating?" Adrien asked me.

"This nasty ass food..fuck no" I answered pointing at the food then waving it off.

"Riding witta g shot SHUUSHHH" Adrien had brought his speaker out just playing music at our lunch table.


"JOHNNY GET OFF THE TABLE NOW" the administrator grabs onto his bookbage after he hopped on the table and started beatboxing.

"Dont be grabbing on me like that lady" he snatches himself away from her and she makes a heavy sign walking away.

Lmaooo bitch don't get paid enough for this

I started busting out laughing and James serious ass just started mugging him.

"What grade dis nigga in he is bad" I asked outloud slightly laughing still.

"Imma sophomore whatta bout you?" Johnny answered sitting back across from me.


"Damn yo old ass"

"Bitch" I replied and chuckled.

"Aye sis can you throw dis way for me" James asked me passing me sum food he ain want on his tray.

I take my bookbag off and grab the tray walking it over to the trashcan when I make eye contact with Rosa (Dreas sister) .

What the fuck

I continue walking towards the trashcan as I see her walking towards me.

"What was you sayin onna gram ho?" She said with her fist in her hand walking closer to me.

Ohhh my gooddddd bitch just die already damn

"Ian fighting you in scoo just send me yo addy" I responded trying to keep my cool as I threw his food away.

"Nah I wanna fight right now" she started walking even closer to me.

"You touch me imma lay you out li gorl" I told her grinning still trying to control myself but I start feeling my adrenaline rush.

Next thing you know she punches me in my face and snatches me by my hair, uppercutting me. I grab her head with both my hands then throw her onto the floor.

"Bi-" she started saying before I cut her off by

throwing punches at her face with my right hand while holding her head down by her hair with my left.

"AYE RIAH CHILLAT SHE LEAKING SHE LEAKING" I hear James yell trying to break the fight up.

"DAMNNNNN WHOOPING SHAWT ASS" I hear someone else yell, sounding like Johnny.

I continue hitting her then feel someone pick me off of the ground. I lift my head up seeing blood on my knuckles and some spread on the floor. Then look towards Rosa whose being walked out the cafeteria, covering her face.

"I TOLD YOU BITCH" I screamed towards her smiling.

Right when I was starting to be walked out of the cafeteria I feel someone snatch me by my braids and I try to swing back but the security guards were grabbing my hands.

"ALANA STO-" I hear someone scream as the girl who grabbed my hair fumbles on the floor.

I try squirming out of the security guards hands but they had a tight grib on me. I look over seeing Alana send a kick towards the girl who snatched my hair in her head before being pulled away.

I just stood there in shock that li ole nice Alana was fighting.

"Let me go real quick A" Alana said calmly towards Adrien who had picked her up, walking her out of the cafeteria.

"Sorry for the wait Ms.Jones" the principle walked into his office and sat at his desk, across from me.

"I just got done talking to Rosa now I would like to know your side of the story" He says taking a sip of his coffee.

"Bitches walked up to me inna cafeteria trynna bump, I told her ian wanna fight her in scoo, she kept stepping up so we fought. That simple" I told him with a straight face.


"Can I go wait outside now my momma on er way"

"Ummm just give me a little background story on why you guys had problem in the first place"

"Because shes a mad hoe now can I go"

"Mr.Johnson theres a parent asking for her daughter" The front office lady walked into his office telling him.

Danggg she got here quick

We walk out of his office and I see my momma with a mad expression on her face.

"Hi Ms.Jones" The principle tried shaking my mommas hand but she just stood there staring at it then looked back at him.

"Soo the way its looking, your daughter might not be able to come back just because of how bad the fight was" he tells my momma putting his hand into his pocket.

"Okay thats fine" my momma responded, not caring, while signing the sign out sheet so I can leave.

"Ummm..ok well heres the information about her online courses" The principle passes my momma this paper and she gives it to me.

"Have a blessed day" He semi-yelled as we walked away.

"Shut the fuck up" my momma replied walking out the school doors as I laughed.




I click on our messages as I get in the car and see its my fight.


What a way to start senior year Riah

Ion care dat bitch started wimme so fuck her and dis scoo


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