《Emperor Nefarious Male Reader x Crossover:You're Emperor Has Return》Bio


Old Name:Emperor Nefarious

New Name:Emperor Y/N

Age:Doesn't Have an age Cause he a Robot But in Your Form You like 18

Old Look:

New Look:

New form:

(A/N:Not mine Art)

Personality:egomaniacal, sadistic, arrogant, and downright evil villain

Likes:Wine, Power, Shiny objects, Money, Champagne, Weapons, RYNO

Dislikes:Ratchet, Clank, Rivet, Kit, organic lifeforms, Annoying People, Who calls Him Weak, Union Academy, Hero's, Fake hero's, Peverts, Bullying, Anyone who Tries to stop him, Losing, Villains


Energy Charge:

Energy Blast:

Energy Float:

(A/N:Sorry for Watermark First time using Gifs)

Hover Boots:

And Many More Ability

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