《Kamen rider Decade x Wakfu Harem:A rider guardien》 Chapter 1:Decade Is Reborn


(Play this song at the top and now let's begin)


You see a something white Infront of you when you see clear now it turns out you are in a white room you got and look around to see everything white but you didn't notice is that someone is standing right behind him.

You turn to see someone in red and begin to speak

???:Hello There

Y/N:Uhm hi and who are you

???:I am Tsukasa Kadoya.Remember it

Y/N:Ok so can you tell me where I am

Tsukasa:We are in you mind

Y/N(Confused):My mind.....Wait what going

Tsukasa:Your Home was destroyed

Tsukasa showed you your home was getting destroyed and people and Family getting killed by robots and monster This got you to cry hearing people dying and screaming.

Y/N:This can't be real please tell me this isn't real

Tsukasa:I'm sorry but this was real.Monster and Robots came out of nowhere and started to attack but it not going to stop you

You stop crying cause of what he said.You look up at Tsukasa.

Y/N:What do you mean not stopping me

Tsukasa:It means protecting someone

He gave you a wired look machine belt with different symbols on it.

Tsukasa:It's called Decadriver it could let turn into Kamen rider decade

Y/N(Confused):Kamen rider

Tsukasa:Kamen rider are hero's who protect the world from Monster and robots but you will be protecting someone

Y/N:And who is this someone

Tsukasa:His name is Yugo a 12 year old boy who was adopt by a man named Alibert who was left with a message saying that Yugo is from a family of Wakfu and now It your turn to be A rider Guardian

You look at down at the Decadriver and Tsukasa spoke

Tsukasa:Once your mission is done everything could go back to normal Which means

Y/N:Everyone not dying alright I'll do it


Tsukasa started to walk away And you got confused

Y/N:Wait where are you going

He stopped and turn to you then he said

Tsukasa:Don't worry I'll be there in your head Remember that


As you were about to finish your sentence everything went completely white and you pass out.


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(Your POV)

You wake To see tree infront of you when you got up you are in a forest surrounded by trees and then you thought to yourself

Y/N:Was it all a dream

But you felt something in your hand when you look it was the Decadriver That Tsukasa gave you


Y/N:So it wasn't a dream but don't worry I will protect Yugo but first i need to find him

You put the Decadriver away and started your adventure through a forest.


Their were so many tree thinking to your that you are lost and it was hard to find a way out of here.

Y/N:I can't find a way out I have Been walking around for Three hours I have nowhere to go

You fall to the ground with frustration cause it was hard finding Yugo and trying to get out of this forest.

Y/N:Is there anyone who could help me

???:Are you a lost traveler

Someone was Infront of you that scared you when you quickly got up.

It was a old man Infront of you

???:Whoa there you have speed

Y/N:Sorry you scared meme there I thought you were a monster for a minute

Ruel:Why do people keep saying that....Anyway My name is Ruel

Y/N:Hi Ruel Name Y/N L/N and it's nice to meet you

You stick your hand out to shake his handshake but he didn't

Ruel:I don't do Handshakes

Y/N:Oh ok

You put your hand away while Ruel look around your body to see if your new

Ruel:So you a new traveler huh

Y/N:Uhh..Yes I'm new and I am trying to look for someone named Yugo

Ruel:Yugo I heard of him

Y/N:You know him

Ruel:Yes and why

Y/N:Well you see....

When you were about to finish you sentence when Ruel look at 2 birds fighting over a coin

Ruel:You know what tell me later

He started to run towards to birds while you just look confused about what happened but you just followed him

Y/N:He must know where Yugo at maybe I'll just follow him

But then you heard a sound that was ringing from your ears

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Y/N:What is that sound

What you didn't notice is someone in red was behind you when you look behind the person was gone.

Y/N:Who was that

But then you heard screaming coming Infront of you.You ran fast as possible.When you got there you see 3 monsters attacking Ruel

Ruel:Stay back it's mine

Destwilder:What are going to do about old man

Ruel trying his the monster with his shovel but the monster block it and hitting him on stomach and sending into a 2 more monster that push and punch him sending him to the ground and being surrounded by them

Psycho-Rogue:Their noting you can do

HiBiko:Yeah and there nobody that can help you


But then someone grabbed HiBiko throwing it behind him and the others tried attacking you but you dodge them and you kicked them in stomach sending them back.

Psycho-Rouge:Who is this kid

Destwilder:I don't know but I think I'm going to kill him

The 3 Monster Got up and got In there fighting poses and you were behind Ruel

Ruel:Whoa kid you were strong out there

Y/N:Thanks but there is no time to explain


The 3 Monster started to get close to you and you didn't know what to do but suddenly You remember something that

Tsukasa Gave you.


Tsukasa:It's called Decadriver it could let turn into Kamen rider decade

(End of Flashback)

Y/N (mind):That right

You took out you Decadriver and put it on your waist.Decadriver was activate as you pulled out a card

Y/N:All right you wanna fight then let fight.Henshin

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Decadriver:Kamen Rider:Deacade!

Ruel was surprised at decade and turn around at Ruel

Decade:Get going I'll take care of them

Ruel nodded and started to run to the forest and as Decade turn to the monster

HiBiko:So you think your mr.Tough guy huh will see about that

HiBiko Started running towards you when he try's to attack you.You suddenly Dodge it you and punch him instead made him fall to the ground

Decade:All right time to end you

You pull out another gold this time it was like a gold card

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Decadriver:Final Attack Rider:Decade!

A bunch of Hologram Cards appeared Infront of you and you jump high as the Hologram cards follow your position then you did a rider kick.That suddenly made that monster explode and the other monster watch at Decade eliminate HiBiko.

Decade:Alright 1 Down 2 To go

Decade turn to the other monster Destwilder Was ready to fight

Destwilder:All right Decade You got yourself a challenge

Psycho-Rouge:Let get him

As They were about to attack Decade.He pull out Another card this time with Another rider in it

Decade:All right let you this

Decadriver:Kamen rider:Faiz!

The monsters were shocked about this one.

Destwilder:He Changed again!

Faiz Pulled out his sword and charge at them.Destwilder Was about pack a punch but you suddenly block it with your sword and attack him.Psycho-rouge Was going to kick you but you suddenly Dodge him and attack him with your sword his was going to punch you again but you block and attack him once more knocking him to the ground.But what you didn't notice is Destwilder Was holding you tight.As psycho-Rouge was about to pack a punch Faiz was able to break free and attack Destwilder With you're sword and You dodge Psycho-Rouge Punch to only stab him on the metal on your shoulder.Then you pull it out of him that made him Blow up.

Faiz:2 Down and 1 to go

Destwilder got up from the floor.He was ready to attack again but...Faiz throw his sword and pull out another card

Faiz:All right now let try this

Decadriver:Kamen Rider:Kabuto

Destwilder Charged at you but you pull out another card

Kabuto:Come and get me

Deacadriver:Attack rider:Clock up!

Kabuto pulled out his sword and started to speed up and Started to attack him with his sword.Destwilder tried to attack him but you were to fast to be hit.But then Kabuto started towards him and kick him so hard he was flying towards a tree slowly.Kabuto Speed up right in front of him as he pulled out another card.

Kabuto:All right let's ends this

Decadriver:Final attack rider:Kabuto!

Kabuto kick the monster face that made him explode in front of Kabuto.Which means that you have defeated all the 3 monsters that Ruel was attack.Then you Demorphed to your regular self

Y/N:Finally it over.But now I still Need to find Yugo.And one more thing where did Ruel run off two

You continue your adventure as you didn't notice that someone was watching you behind the tree

???:Decade I have finally found you

As the mystery person went through the a weird looking portal.

(Your POV)

You were still looking for Ruel of where he ran of too.But then you see a village up ahead.

Y/N:There a village.Maybe Ruel ran off to that village.I have to check it out

You ran to the village to find Ruel but the only thing you find is statues of people that look like they were all In a spell and this shocked you.You stared to walking through the village they were a whole lot of people who were statues you ask to yourself.

Y/N:What happened here

As you were still walking a weird portal open up behind you.And it was the mystery person from earlier.He began walking towards you only to ask you this

???:Are you Kamen rider Decade

Y/N:What If I am

As you ask that question the mystery person smirk as he pulled a Decadriver that was smilers to yours

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