《The Ðevil's Mate (Complete)》character descriptions


SO funny story and here how it starts, i pre right chapters so i can update regularly and currently I am writing chapter 7 when i realize i haven't really given a character description( exept for Luke) so i will do them in this "chapter" or authors notice i guess ? I will still update on Tuesday next week so think of this as an extra. there will also be pictures which are just my ideas of what the characters look like ( if you would like to imagine them differently go ahead.)



blue eyes

mid back long straight dark(really dark) brown hair

slim but a bit curvy (DD cup)

*change= longer hair ( this is also a difficult photo because i base it off of my Ideal beauty PS what i would like to look like, not that im hideous or anything)



blue eyes

long straight light brown hair

slim (b cup)

* this was a hard one because i based this character on my friend but i didn't want to use her picture because this is public




unknown eye color

medium hair (for a guy)(in pucture)

athletic build (6 pack)

* changes to picture= reflective sun glasses, a shirt ,hoodie is covering more hair, no facial hair ( a better picture will come in a later chapter were you can see how he actually looks)




Green eyes with skinny pupils

blond shaggy hair, slightly curling

Athletic build (6 pack)


Mackenzie (amie's boyfriend)


green eyes

fluffy hair

slim ( no pack but not fat)

*change= green eyes

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