《I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP》14


I, Gwen, and David stood under the flagpole while the kids stood around us.

"T-G-I-F, kiddos! Boy has it been a week!" David smiled.

"Monday we went base jumping for Ered's Extreme Sports camp!" I explained. David smiled at me before turning to Nerris and Harrison,

"Tuesday we froze Harrison alive for Magic Camp!" David announced, pointing to the two as Harrison's arm was chipped off.

"I can fix that..." Nerris cried. I think they'd make a great couple. I grabbed the clipboard from David,

"Wednesday was a double-whammy for Arts and Performance!" I continued. Gwen shook her head,

"He's rubbing off on you." She muttered into my ear.

"Do not move a muscle," Dolph said, his voice at a sinister tone.

"And all of these hilarious props and gags are courtesy of Thursdays Visual Comedy Camp!" He finished.

"Thursday's over, Scotty. Go back to your tent." Max ordered. I turned to Gwen,

"Has that kid always been at the camp?" I asked. Gwen opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted,

"So, Gwen, which camper are we focusing on to wrap up the week!" David asked.

"There's still Saturday," I commented. Gwen took the paper from my hand as she slides her finger through the list,

"Oh no." She muttered. I looked over her shoulder,

"Is it Max?" I asked.

"It's... Nurf!" She yelled, pointing to the kid punching on Space kids helmet until it cracked,

"Breach!" Space kid yelled.

"Oh dear. Nurf's... Camp?" David asked, fear lacing his voice.

"What camp did Nurf sign up for?" Niel asked.

"Nurf... Didn't sign up for a camp... His parents signed him up... For behavioral correction camp." Gwen explained. David quivered at the name,

"Boot Camp." He muttered.

"FUCK YEAH! Scare me straight!" Nurf yelled. "In all seriousness though, if I don't see definitive results I'm contacting my parents."

"I don't-"

"AND DONT BE A FUCKING FA-" (was he going to say Faggot-? Like if so that's the second time I've heard someone try to call David a faggot.)

His words were somehow bleeped, causing me to look for the source to find Scotty's hand on his pianos keys.


"-or I'll tell them you touched me!" Nurf finished.


"Knock, Knock," I said out loud.

"Uh, hello?" Space kid asked from inside his tent. I stepped in holding up a glass bowl,

"Nurf broke your old one, so I bought you another from town." I smiled. Space kid grinned,

"Thank you, Samuel!" He yelled, popping off the one with multiple cracks to put on the one I handed him. I then left the tent toward the mess hall.

I opened the door but stopped in my place,

"Well, we're gonna learn that little shit some MANNERS, David! Because we are contractually obligated to!" Gwen yelled, leaning over a scared David. I shut the door behind me, causing both of them to side glance me. Gwen then stood up straight, "I am NOT... Moving back in with my parents." She grumbled.

David stood back up, his shoulders dropped, "but I'm not tough enough to run a boot camp!" He whined.

"David, I'm sure it's not that hard." I smiled, joining myself into the conversation. There was then a loud screech that invaded the cabin, revealing Max with the Quartermaster hook.

"YOU may not be tough enough to run a boot camp, David, but I can teach you," Max smirked.

"Teach me?" David asked.

"Oh yeah." Max snickered, "teach you how to be mean- how to be HARD! How to keep kids like Nurf out there from walking all over you! After all, there's only one camper at Camp Campbell worse than him, and it's me." Max smiled.

"You're gonna let the worst camper TEACH precious David?" I asked Gwen.

"It's worth a shot, Samuel." She shrugged before turning to Max, "what do you want?" She asked.

"Double dessert, no activities for a week, and David's social security number." Max listed.





"No! You can't just back down the moment someone gets in your face, idiot!" Max yelled.

"C'mon David! You gotta bring out the bad and rough side of yourself!" I encouraged.

"Yeah! Ya gotta stand up for yourself! I can't do this with just Samuel, which means you've got to pull yourself together!" She yelled, grabbing David's shoulders to shake him.


"Gosh Darnit, you're right, Gwen. Today's the day I get hard!" David declared. I choked.

"... Okay, maybe we don't phrase it like that."

"Oh no! Rule 1: No backing down!"


"Look out, world! I'm hard and I'm coming!"

"Whether he likes it or not, Nurf is gonna let me in!" David declared before kicking the door open, pausing to hold his foot momentarily before leaving the building.

"... So does he want to help Nurf or fuck him?" Max asked.

"Help Nurf, cause I don't think he understood any of the sexual contents in his words," I commented.

"I don't even think he knows what the word sexual means." Gwen shook her head.

"Even so, I also hope he's talking about helping Nurf."

"I'm sure he wants to help Nurf, cause we all already know who he wants to fuck." Gwen snickered. I felt my face flushed.

"Hey! Shush!" I snapped. Gwen looked to me, cocking an eyebrow.

"Why? It's not like I said your name." She remarked. I felt my cheeks go even darker as Max and Gwen gave each other a fist bump.


I sat at a table, eating a sandwich that tasted like it actually had sand. That's when I heard crying as David walking in, blood dripping from his hands. I quickly stood, taking a bite of my sandwich before running into the kitchen for the first aid kit. I came back with bandages and gently grabbed his hand to wrap the bandage around them.

"What happened?" I asked. He continued crying, doing his best to calm himself down,

"H-He stabbed his knife through my hand." David cried.

"You're pathetic," Max said. I continue wrapping the bandage around his hand, wanting to stand up for David but not wanting to start anything.

"And you got blood on my boots," Gwen mumbled.

"Guys, I just don't know if this whole "Tough guy" technique is going to work. What if we just... I don't know... Give him a hug? Those always make me feel better!" David explained. I thought about giving him a hug before Max jumped up onto the table, smacking David across the face,

"NO HUGS!" he yelled. I slowed my pace at bandaging David's hand, giving a confused look at the 10 yr old. "You've just got to change your perspective on life. Tell me, how do you feel about your co-counselor Gwen?" Max asked. David sniffled,

"Well... She's smart, she helps me run activities..." David started.

"No, no! You're being positive again! Gwen's the fucking worst! She slacks off, reads garbage, and has no idea what she's doing with her life!" Max complained.

"What?" Gwen glared. I gently ripped off the bandage and tapped the piece down.

"There's no time-traveling doctor coming to save you, Gwen! Get your shit together!" Max yelled. A tear poured down Gwen's cheek,

"I just want to have his British babies!" She yelled before running out of the room. Max then turned to me,

"David, tell me about your other Co-counselor, Samuel!" He said, pointing to me. David didn't even hesitate to answer,

"She's smart, pretty, kind, caring-"

"No! Stop with the nice things! Say something you hate about her!" Max yelled. David shook his head, gently rubbing the bandage on his hand,

"There's nothing I hate about her." He answered. Max narrowed his eyes,

"You can't leave this room until you list off one thing you hate about Samuel!" Max declared.

"There's nothing I hate!" David debated.

"There has to be one thing!"

"... She's perfect."

"That's a nice thing, David!"

"You wanted something that I hate about her! I hate that she's perfect!"

"Why would you hate that she's perfect!"

"I just do-!"

Max stepped closer, "Why do you hate that she's perfect!?!?!?"


I took a step back at his outburst. Max and David both looked to me, a heavy atmosphere filling the area. I picked up the first aid,

"I'll go return this to the kitchen," I said before leaving the room.

"Oh... Shit, David." Max mumbled.

(1439 words)

David's so angrily confused and needy :((

He just wants you in his arms...

He's tired of seeing you and fighting back the urge to grab you and just kiss you...

But what will you do when he's finally fed up with waiting?

Will you push him away for the sake of your job?

Or will you comfort his anger and confusion?

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