《Burnouts》I'll Be Seeing You


Her hand brushed over mine again. She glanced at me before stepping a bit closer, if possible, making it even more obvious that she wanted to hold hands.

I sigh before giving in and just taking her hand in mine— she smiled shyly in response.

Her hand is soft, and her nails are painted green and orange. I thought it was weird at first, but it sort of suits her.

"So, uh-" I break the silence before it could make things too awkward. "I'll buy the tickets, and you'll buy the snacks?"

"Sure," she said enthusiastically, smiling at me yet again.

"Do you know what you want to see, or-" I stop speaking when we approach the movie theater and I see Evan and Annette standing at the entrance. They both turned toward us and I locked eyes with Evan before quickly putting my head down.

"Ugh!" Annette groaned, "finally, you guys are here," she ran over to hug Karlie, and Karlie met her halfway as I stayed behind.

I could practically feel Evan's gaze on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Zach, you know Evan right?" Karlie asked after stepping back to join me again.

I nodded hesitantly but continued staring down at the ground.

"Okay, every movie we can get into being underage is really lame, so I think we should buy tickets for one of them and sneak into an R-rated movie," Evan proposes.

The girls nodded and shrugged while muttering "yeah" and "whatever." I figured I could go without responding, but...

"Is that cool with you, Zach?"

My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Me? Yeah...cool," I stuff my hands in my jacket pockets.

Evan has already given his to Annette.

Who invented that form of territory marking?

"You guys go get the tickets, we'll meet you inside, Okay?" Annette asked rhetorically before placing a kiss on Evan's cheek, and weirdly, he stared at me as she did it.

Still, we didn't speak at all. I trailed behind him and just followed his lead when he bought tickets to "Space Jam." Despite the fact that the guy at the ticket booth cocked his eyebrow at our choice in films.

Evan looked past me as he went to find Annette. I guess we're not even friends anymore...

"You like Twizzlers, right?" Karlie smiled as she held candy in one hand and a drink in the other.

"Right," I smiled back and put my arm over her shoulder.

"There's something called "Breaking the Waves," it sounds boring but it's rated-R, come on," Evan suggested and walked toward the theater before we could respond.

"Um-" Karlie says before leaning in to whisper in my ear, "isn't this movie like...really intense?"

I shrug, "I've never heard of it."

We take the very top row of seats. Evan is next to Annette, Annette is next to Karlie, and Karlie is next to me. The room is mainly filled with middle-aged adults who thankfully didn't notice us sneaking in here.


We missed the previews and the beginning of the movie, but I get the feeling none of us are here for it anyway. The movie is a bit heavy...one of those emotionally draining films that can't even be lightened up by the sex scenes because those are depressing too.

"Are you okay?" Karlie asks.

"Yeah," I nod reassuringly, "I'm great."

"Great," she looks at me in the weird way she always does...probably the way I looked at Evan before he kissed me and everything went to shit.

She took my arm and put it around her shoulders again as she cuddled up to me. I sighed but let her do it anyway, we are on a "date" after all.

Annette is feeding Evan popcorn and leaving kisses on his neck in between bites. I try to zero in on the screen, but no matter how much I want to pretend I'm here alone, I know he's here too.

Karlie suddenly looks up at me. I return her gaze expecting her to speak. Instead, her eyes shift to my lips and she starts to lean in.

"Uh..." I pull back before she can kiss me, "I'm gonna get us another drink, okay?" I stand up from my seat and crouch down as I head into the aisle, rushing out of the theater.

I shuddered when I finally reached the open space of the lobby. Karlie's affection for me makes me feel...queasy. Not like butterflies...more like sick and uncomfortable.

Being this self-aware of it all makes it really hard to pretend I can do this with her...I give up.

I sigh and sit on the leather bench near the popcorn station. I should just walk home, but I don't want to embarrass Karlie by ditching her here.


I look up.

"...hey," I lose my breath.

"You don't like the movie?" Evan asks.

I shrug, "I guess not."

He sits next to me on the bench.

"Want to see a different one and let the girls stay in there?"

I turn toward him and narrow my eyes, "no."

"Why not?" He seems surprised.

"I'm with Karlie."

"...Do you like her?" Evan furrows his eyebrows at me.

"What's not to like?" I ask rhetorically and he immediately scoffs in response like the answer is obvious. He doesn't say anything else, and the sound of my heart racing seems to fill the silence. "I'm gonna go..." I look around for somewhere to escape, "to the bathroom," I point toward the sign.

"Zach-" Evan calls out, but I don't turn around to answer him. It just had to be you showing up here today. "Zach!" I hear a little louder before I'm pressed up against the wall of the hallway leading toward the men's room. Though he's right in front of me, I still can't bring myself to speak...or look at him, for that matter. "Why are you being so weird?"


"You make me feel really shitty, you know that?"

His facial expression softens, "...I don't mean to."

"Yeah, well," I push him back and try to leave, but he grabs me again.

"Well..." his hands latch onto my waist and he presses his forehead to mine. "I don't want you to stop liking me."

"Why not?" I challenge.

A smirk seems to come across his face, if only for a moment. He lifts my chin up with his finger before leaning in to kiss me. It's brief but the familiar feeling leaves me warm inside.

He pulls away and I wonder if I look as flustered as he does...

"Why?" Evan asks rhetorically, "Because, I like you."

"Her brain is literally so small that if she shakes her head too hard, she'll lose it."

I laughed in response, "Who are we talking about here?"

"Pornstar Alison Sinclair," Audrey rolls her eyes.

And yet it's me that she's not friends with...

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine, just perfect, on a date with Johnson Dealy, actually."

"She's dating Johnson Dealy?" My eyes widen. "But he-"

"I know," Audrey shakes her head, "and two days ago she was with Nathaniel Manders. Suddenly, she's every guy's wet dream, a playboy bunny."

"Aw, poor Alison," I sigh.

Audrey scoffs and glares at me, "Don't pity her just because she's too daft to realize that they only want her because she's easy." I flinch at her tone. "She thinks this is popularity. Oh, don't even get me started on that."

"Maybe we should talk to her..."

"What do you think I've been doing, Heather? I was just on the phone with her before you got here. She went on and on about all the gifts and flowers she's been getting. It's pathetic, really." Audrey rolls her eyes, her jealousy shining through.

"She's happy, at least..."

Audrey sneers, "Yes, and soon enough, she'll be happily telling me about whatever gift Jace has given her."

I shake my head and turn away from her, "Why do I bother talking to you?"

"I'm only kidding. Don't frown, hon, you'll get wrinkles."

"I'm going to go, Audrey. I still have homework to finish before tomorrow."

"Okay, love you, kisses," she says casually as I grab my bag from off of her bed. "Oh— and don't forget, you need to get a dress for the fashion show Friday night."


"Heather...the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show...super exclusive, not even the socialites get in. I've got us spots front row, I told you ages ago."

"Right..." I breathe out, "but, I can't..."

"Excuse me?" Audrey spat, "what the hell do you have to do that's more important than me?"

"I- uh, there's just a..." I stumble over my words, "nothing. Never mind, I'll cancel it. It was stupid anyway."

"Well, obviously," Audrey teases, "What was it, a study date?"

"Birthday party."

"Well," Matt laughs, a cheesy smile sprawled out on his face, "maybe I can pick you up, buy you dinner or something, I don't know."

"Oh, really?" The hostess says unconvinced as she takes a drag from her cigarette.

"Would you look at him," Danny scoffs, nodding in the direction of Matt and the girl."Who does he think he is?"

I laugh in response, "he thinks he's going to get her number."

"She's out of his league. Besides, what happened to Sierra- HEY, MATT, WHAT ABOUT SIERRA?" Danny shouts.

Matt turns to us, his face stunned in embarrassment.

The girl glances at Danny and me and then back at Matt before scoffing through laughter and walking off.

"Wait— no no no. He's only joking, wait-" Matt tries to catch her, but she waves him off.

"Whoops, she got away," Danny comments, and I almost topple over in laughter. His smug expression doesn't fade even as Matt storms over to us.

"Ah, fuck you guys. You suck, you know that?" Matt huffs and I continue laughing. "Sierra happened one time, okay?"

"I call bullshit," I smirk and shake my head.

"Alright, twice, but that's it."

"Yeah? Now I call bullshit," Danny crosses his arms.

"Well, what do you care how many times I fucked her?" Matt rolls his eyes. "You're just mad that you're tied down and Val doesn't let you have any fun."

Danny glares at him, "I do what I want, nobody controls me but me." He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

Matt and I look at one another and then seem to snicker simultaneously.

"Okay," Matt says sarcastically.

"What's so funny, huh?" Danny huffs.

"Man," I say empathetically, "we all know Val would chew your head off if she heard you say that."

"Oh, yeah? Okay, when's the last time either of you got laid?" Danny challenges.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I could've gotten laid a second ago if you hadn't ruined it," Matt complains.

"Sure," Danny says sarcastically. "I bet being tied down doesn't sound so bad when you're in bed alone, does it?"

"You don't need a girlfriend to have sex," I interject.

"So, you're celibate on purpose?" Danny says in disbelief.

"If I wanted it, I could have it."

"Then why don't you?" Matt raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Danny looks over at me for a second and then chuckles smugly, "because...he can't have the girl he wants it from."

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