《》Never Go To Bed Angry


So, I recently received a reader's request to create a scenario in which one gets into an argument with their favorite Boy.

We all know that even the happiest couples occasionally get into it, don't we? The main thing is, it is so much FUN to make up!

But, aside from that, here's who'd win in an argument.

-Kid is an Enhancer, and a Taurus. That means, basically, he's stubborn as a rock. (Rock, scissors, paper.)

-Even if you are arguing that the sky is blue and he's insisting that it is pink with purple polka dots, or that the Pope isn't Catholic, or do bears shit in the woods, or whatever--he will stick to his guns even if he sounds like an idiot (and probably knows he's wrong, anyway)

-He will win the argument. And be very middle-school, 14-year-old, bratty about it. But you guys usually only argue about stupid things anyway.

-Loses his temper in an argument and will call you awful names

-Will feel bad almost immediately after, and cry hysterically

-You usually win arguments with him. He occasionally wins, if he has an extremely valid point.

-Doesn't lose his temper. Ever. (This makes YOU blow your top.)

-Whatever he is arguing, he will calmly back it up with facts-based research--a shit ton of it, at times

-He can be such a prick, geez.

-He always wins the argument.

-REALLY loses his temper, screams, yells. (Remember, this is canonically the only character who dared to call Illumi a nasty name to his face)

-He has a super short fuse

-Arguing with him is really no fun, so you try to avoid it, even though he admittedly cools down pretty quickly, and you probably could twist his arm to make him agree you are in the right.


-Does not argue.

-Giggles infuriatingly at whatever you have to say.

-If you keep at it, he will escalate things by humming a pleasant little tune while you yell at him

-He always wins the argument.

-Does not argue.

-Leaves the room when you attempt to argue with him.

-You end up with a sore foot from kicking the wall, door, or whatever hard object you can find in abject frustration. Bonus points if you manage to put a hole in the plaster.

-He always wins the argument.

-This is Chrollo we are talking about okay?

-He always wins the argument.

-It is very hard to draw Feitan into an argument, but not impossible

-If you manage to rope him into one, he will immediately switch into "Feitanese," which you do not understand. And furthermore you don't know if he's just merely arguing back or if this is a sign he is going to unleash Pain Packer/Rising Sun, which scares the living bejeebus out of you.

-He wins the argument. But again, he doesn't argue much.

-Shalnark is a sweet boy who never argues, and if you try to get him into an argument, he will smile at you with THAT CUTE LIL' SHAL SMILE, and tell you "you're right."

-What a buzz kill!

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