《》You're A Mean One, Hisoka


Continuing with the holiday spirit, here's another Christmas favorite of mine...jazzed up a little, Hunter X Hunter-style!

(Let's hope Hisoka's heart grows three sizes too big this season, shall we?)

You're a mean one, Hisoka

You really are a heel

Taking down opponents with your slick magician's spiel, Hisoka...

You're an unripe banana with a bitter green peel!

You're a monster, Hisoka

Your heart's an empty hole

Your brain is full of spiders, you've got Chrollo in your soul, Hisoka...

I wouldn't touch you with a 44-foot Whale Island fishing pole!

You're a foul one, Hisoka

You have a clown-like smile

What's a nice Zoldyck doing with you, all this time and while? Hisoka...

Your comments about his brothers makes you...well, I just have to say it: A downright pedophile!

You're a vile one, Hisoka

You march to your own drum

Your heart is full of murder, and your thoughts of Bungee Gum, Hisoka...

The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote,


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