
Nawaz (pov)

Hmm.. she is smiling.. it's the first time I am seeing her smile. I like it.. but what I like more is that she is smiling.. watching that Prince suffer. Hmmm I love it!

I lean more onto her.. inhaling her fragrance. She smells divine. She is mine now.. mine to play with, mine to rule.

I look at that fool, the prince, her supposed husband. He is cursing me to hell.. hah! What did he expect me to do? Just spare them? He thought he could win this situation. But he doesn't know.. Nawazuddin never loses. Never!

I hold her close to me. She stills but does not fight it. The prince looks at us and his face looks like it would just burst from anger. His face makes me laugh out loud, startling her, who is standing in my arms.

"Wajid take care of them" I order Wajid, who understands the irony of my order, and looks quite happy to obey. I look at the scared servants.. hmm they will be of my use. "Hey! Take her to her room" I order one, who runs towards Diya and takes her hands. She turns back and looks at me. A look of fear? Or Gratefulness? What is it? I cannot interpret it.

Maybe a mix of both. Whatever it is.. I shouldn't care.

Diya (pov)

Once again I am back in my room. But this time, not as a wife, not as a married woman, not as a princess. This time I am a captive. I guess, nothing has changed because earlier I might have been legally married but I was still brought without my wish, still touched without my consent.. yes I was always a captive. It is just that the captor has changed.

I sit on my bed... waiting... waiting for him. So that I could understand his reasons of making such deal with prince. Why Me? "WHYY!!" I throw the damn vase in anger. "tch tch tch ... what is with all this noise girl!" I hear his voice. He enters my room with a glass of wine in his hands.


There is pin drop silence for a minute. I decide to ask my question, be done with this madness. "why? Why did you buy me from the Prince?" Why me? why didn't you just lock me up like them.. or—or just kill me!!!!" I shout at him taking out all my frustrations. I have had enough.

I don't realize when my tears start to fall, I don't realize when he moved in front of me.. until his fingers slowly wipe away my tears. He moves closer.. I just breakdown more, I try to hide my face, shrinking into myself. He leans down to look directly into my eyes. He brings his fingers with stains of my tears in front of my face. I look at them and then at him, confused.. why is he being nice to me? why is he consoling me?

"do you see these tears? these are soo beautiful... so precious. You should not waste them on anyone. But I love seeing.. I loved seeing you cry on that night.." he whispers... am I hearing it right? Did he just say he loves tears? He is Mad! Or I am Mad?

I back up my head a little.. " I asked you a question.. answer me!" I grit my teeth irritated at his confusing response. "Girl.. when I first saw you in the jungle, you looked like a broken angel, crying, begging for someone to save you---" "you did! You saved me!" I cut him off.

He laughs... loud.. like a maniac at that statement. "Saved you? Me?" he laughs again. He holds my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.. shaking me in the process. "don't be such a Fool Girl!!" he brings his face closer to me and stares deep into my eyes.


I try to look away but he holds my chin forcing me to look at him. "I let you go because you were of no use to me then, Now... it's a whole different story" he smirks "Now... your own husband sold you for his own Life!" his nose rubs against my cheeks. I don't know what more to say... what more to hope.. what more to believe.

"Just Kill me" I exhale, exhausted of this awful life. His lips are now on my earlobes, that's how close he is. "I could...... But I will not" his teeth nips at my earlobe, making me shiver.

I have had enoughhhh!!!... I push him with all my strength.. he stumbles back as he did not expect that or maybe because he is a little drunk. But in the process, his dagger falls downs from its holder. I look down at the beautiful blade and without any other thought I pick it up and swing it to slash my own neck......

He jumps on me in full strength and speed, in the blink of an eye... I am on the floor, with him on top of me..... and the dagger.. farr away from my reach.

His one hand grabs hold of both of my wrists. Other one, chokeholds my neck, not very tight, definitely not for a kill....but enough to make my blood run cold.

"Never repeat this.... Never Ever" he whispers in a deadly low voice. I am too scared. Truly terrified of my own actions and his reaction, to respond.

"I am telling you this for the last time.. so listen very carefully" he loosens his chokehold and squeezes my chin, forcing me to stare into his Kohled eyes. These eyes... I have dreamed of them, these eyes... have saved me in my nightmares.. and these kohled eyes are staring at me... in anger, pure scary anger.

"this life.. is not yours anymore. These precious tears are not yours. It is all Mine.. every damn inch.. from your soul to your outer body. It is all Mine. So don't you ever dare to repeat such stunt ever again.. I will decide, your life and your death... because from the moment your husband sold you to me.. he sold your body and soul to me. So Angel.. I own you, body and soul."

Their story has just begun!!! Excited??? I am ;)

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