《REIGN OF NAWAAB》The Strongest


Nawaaz (pov)

"Yes.. you can have her. She is yours.. just spare our lives" he answers in a second.. not even a minute.. wow did he just sell his wife without a thought? I thought he was just a fool.. too dumb, but no he is a selfish bastard.. hmmm but he just made my day with his antics.

When I first saw her I wanted to rule her... never did I ever think I will actually meet her here.. in this royal palace. When I first saw her entering the courtroom looking all distracted and... broken. That same look on her face.. when I saw her in the jungle. I thought maybe she is a member of royal family.. I mean she did look like a beautiful broken angel on that night. But never did I expect her to be married...on the same day we attacked the royal palace. What a fate!! I smirk at the thought.

My eyes find its way back to her.. once again she is looking so shattered.. as if she didn't expect him to be soo fast in selling her for his life.. hmm what is their story? Does she love him? I look at that loser of a prince.. who looks at me excited.. as if he just won his life back. Hah! He thinks he is too smart.. to make a deal with me.. he doesn't know he just made a deal with a Devil.... And a deal with the devil never works in your favor.. This will be interesting.

Diya (pov)

What have I done soo wrong in my previous life.. or my present life, to get such a horrible fate!

These past weeks have been the worst of my life... I wouldn't wish for days like these ever.. even for my enemies. In the past 24 hours I have been married off to a stranger... so called Prince, Without my consent.. who tried to touch me... without my consent. Now I am being sold to another Man.. again without my consent.


When I was a child.. I always saw my Ma Sa being a puppet for my Pita Ji. Doing things according to him, according to his wish. He has always been the master of her life. I hated that.. I hated it when my sweet mother would praise my paintings but at the same moment she would take them away.. away from my Pita ji's eyes. I know she did not have any bad intensions.. I would never blame her for anything.. because the society declares a different set of rules for Men and Women.

My Ma Sa, was just following those rules.. which she was instilled with by her own mother, by other woman of our Society. She tried to teach me too.. but I guess I never learned. She has taught me many good values.. be a good human being, always help the needful, Respect others no matter who or what they are.

I have always followed all her teachings and tried to be good human being like her.. but never a Man's puppet like her.

I tried to be an ideal daughter and married the guy they chose for me.. the hidden monster they chose for me. I look at the loser.. who took my responsibility.. in sickness and health in the presence of All Gods and elders. Who vowed to protect me in front of the Holy fire. All lies...Bloody pathetic Lies..

I don't say anything... I don't utter a word on my Sale. Why? Because that's what my Ma Sa, Pita Ji, and whole Society would want me to do right?? Be a Damsel, always in Distress. Anyways.. who is asking me? who gave me a choice? They wanted me to be this Pathetic woman. Here I am. Broken to no extent.. Lost in this Men's world.


I stand there with no more expectations. No more Faith. My teary eyes look at The Nawaab, who is already looking at me with a blank expression. He speaks directly to me, "So from this moment you are sold to me Girl.." he tells me. He doesn't even know my Name.. "Diya" I mutter exhaling a sigh.. tired of my miserable life. He walks to me.. my eyes staring at him.

He stops at a distance and pulls my arm.. making me stagger into his arms. I feel like he just pulled my leash... he holds my waist and stares straight into my teary eyes. "Wajid.. lock them all in the Jail.. every single one of them!!" he shouts on my face but its directed to Wajid.

A scream breaks our stare.. making me grasp his words.. did he just.. he ordered to lock all of them! I turn my head to look at the royal family.. he notices my curiosity and turns me in such a way that my back is touching his chest.. but am still in his arms.

All of his men start taking away the royal family. The King.. his wives... other Prince and princesses, all the ministers of court.. all taken away.. all to be locked away in jails. My eyes go to My dearest Husband.. who is shrieking all the curse words at the Nawaab "We made a deal!!! I sold my bloody Woman in exchange of my Precious life!!!You Pig of Mongol!!"

"tch tch tch.. I did spare your pitiable life Prince... I completed my part of the deal. We are done." The Nawaab mocks from behind me. I can feel his normal heartbeat.. not at all hyper.. A calm rhythm. It somehow calms me..

I look at that shrieking baboon.. his cries, his tears.. his expression of being betrayed by the Nawaab. Oh I can relate to that feeling.. I look into his red ugly eyes.. look straight into his bloody eyes. And I smile.. I feel a surge of happiness. I smile wide on his ugly face.

Oh my Ma Sa taught me one more lesson.. "never enjoy someone's misery". Oh well I guess I just did that. I would never have done that, will never do again..

But this, His Misery is soothing. I guess I was wrong.. they have not broken me.. they did not make me a pathetic woman.. I have just become the strongest.. I feel the greatest.

ok I know I am a bit late.. I am soo sorry!! I just got busy and was not able to write anything. so sorry for the delay.

I hope you all love this chapter.. I loved writing this one!!

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Ps- I did not end it on cliffhanger.. but it's definitely a beginning of something great!! ;)

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