《Mages to Nannies (( Twisted Wonderland fanfic))》Scarabia
To say Jamil was exited would be a lie. He already knew he would end up taking care of the Infant when it became their turn. In fact he made sure to... convince Kalim to just let Yuu stay in his room during their stay. Any change the make Kalim seem less then was another chance to up his plan. Besides if he was going to have to watch the child anyway he might as well keep them close. He didn't want an other repeat of Orientation after all. Kalim was many thing but good at Protection spells was not one of them. If word got out he made the Heir of the Asim family take care of the child he would never hear the end of it from his Parents.
Besides he has Experience in Raising children. Even if he himself had been a child at the time. So when he realized kalim had forgotten it was his turn to get the child he went up himself. He walked up into the Office and inside. Jamil was not one to like the HeadMage. He honestly hated it in here. It brought up bad Memories. There was a giggle and Jamil turned spotting the little one. They looked up at him and tilted their head. Jamil did the same.
'AH! Mr. Viper, Wonderful. However where is Mr. Al-Asim?" Jamil held back on Expressing his displeasure. It would not do to get on the HeadMages bad side.
"Busy I'm afraid. So I came instead" Crowley nodded and gathered the Child's baby bag. It was a ratty thing now after being used for almost a month straight. He would probably have to do Laundry. Didn't anyone else thing to do so? He had expected Azul or jade to atleast have it done. Then again they had only their own agenda to take care of. He took the back and walked over to Yuu. The little one was hugging a Pink Bat close to their chest.
"They do not seem to like changing Houses so often. So they may seem a tad down until they get used to your dorm" Jamil nodded and picked them up. They were a Decent weight at least. They looked up at Jamil however Jamil noted something strange. They would not look him in the eye. It was like they knew that this was a bad idea. Jamil felt a small bit of Pride that this child could tell what many others couldn't and then looked at the HeadMage.
"Is there anything I should know?" He asked. It was best to request as much information as they would give for free.
"Hm, Mr. AshenGrotto left a list stating they did not like being left alone, And that they found Strong smelling things caused them to Sneeze. Yuu had been changed In the last hour. They have not had a nap yet today however. When attempted they refused to sleep" Crowley sighed and took out a note book.
"It was found their family life as well. We can thank Mr. Ashengrotto for his Resources." Crowley handed it to Jamil who moved a sad Yuu to one arm to look at the papers. Jamil felt his chest tighten. What kid of family did this to a child!? He sighed. No he would not get attached when he was so close to being free. He had to keep his cool.
"Has This been given out?" Jamil asked. He wanted to be sure it was not just to him. Crowley nodded.
'Yes all the Housewardens were given this so they could better understand the.... Situation" Jamil nodded and then put the paper into Yuu's baby bag. He lifed it up silently casting a feather light spell on the bag. He would have to carry this thing all the way back to Scarabia dorm after all.
"Very well, I'll be taking them then" Crowley nodded and waved them off. Jamil tried not to show his distain. Did he not care at all? Jamil shook his head as he left the office. Walking back to the dorm he meet Kalim on the way. Kalim blinked then rubbed the back of his head grinning like an idiot.
"Oh! That was to day? hehe my bad! Hi sweetie!" He said making a grab for the child. Jamil however stepped back.
'Kalim, Remember they are delicate. They need the upmost Care and are not in a very good mood right now" Kalim grinned and nodded. jamil sighed before handing Yuu over. Yuu did not seem to like Kalim though. they wiggled and squirmed in Kalim's arms. It gave another wave of Pride that he was more liked then Kalim by the Infant. Kalim handed yuu back and Jamil rubbed their back.
'Like a little worm! They seem to like you though Jamil! Got good Taste hehe" Honestly Jamil wished he could slap that Grin off his Face.
"They are probably just Hungry Kalim, They apparently also have not taken their afternoon nap as of yet" Really He hopped Yuu never Liked Kalim. It would mean he atleast had someone who agreed with him. Kalim nodded and walked with him back to Scarabia. It was a long walk and When he glanced down at Yuu they did not seem overly joyed about the constant talking either. Jamil calmed himself and walked into the mirror.
Scarabia was just as grand as always. Open windows and walls allowing Natural wind to blow through and cool the Dormitory. At night you could curl up with a book and be perfectly happy. However the Days were rather warm. Jamil hopped that the little one did got get to warm. They looked around and Kalim grinned and grabbed Yuu's tiny hands.
"Its nice yes? We should have a feast jamil! To celebrate them coming?! Oh they can try so many different foods! And I can dance with them!" Kalim continued and Jamil held back a Scowl. Did he not realize this child was barely 4 months old? They could not eat solid food yet. And if you attempted to dance with them with out Properly holding their head up they could be hurt!
"Kalim" He tried However Kalim continued on.
"We can get music! Oh I should contact the Family and tell them. Perhaps they can send some proper clothes for them. Those will be rather warm won't they? Oh I could help with the baths!" Jamil took a breath and tried again.
"Kalim!!" He said louder. Kalim stopped and looked at Jamil blinking. He straightened and moved yuu in his arms so they were better supported.
"Kalim, They can not have solid foods yet. All they can have is Formula right now for another 2 or 3 months. Not only that but Dancing is out of the Question. They are to young for it. The most they can do is Possibly Crawl. Even then it is a stretch" Yuu babbled at him and he blinked. It did say in the papers that the child was More intelligent then they seemed.
"Oh? But didn't my newest Sibling just start Walking?" Jamil wished he could smack his forehead.
"Rayla is a year now Kalim. Yuu however is barely 4 months old." Kalim jumped back in surprise and looked at yuu blinking.
"OH!" Finally some sense was getting through. If not for the fact that this child was Far more smart then ones their age he would have just Hypnotized kalim into forgetting about them. It would make things certainly easer. Yuu patted jamil's cheek and when he looked down they giggled. He gave them a soft smile and sighed.
"I shale start on Dinner, I also need to get this one feed" Kalim nodded waving him off.
"Sure sure! I'll be fine here!" He said grinning. It was true looking around there were plenty of people here to keep Kalim Ocuppied and give him time to get dinner ready. Walking into the kitchen he set Yuu down in a high chair and patted their head.
"Well, looks like it will be just you and I preparing things." Yuu giggled and patted the table.
"namala!" They said. Jamil nodded to them as he got to work cooking the Dorm's meals. He made something easy enough and cut the spices needed. while it was Simmering he washed his hands of any thing that could be harmful before starting on Yuu's formula. It wasn't hard to make. It was finished rather quickly and Jamil walked over and helped Yuu drink. Yuu drank it rather quickly Jamil noted. It stated in their notes that they would get an Upset stomach if they drank more then a bottle and a half. He would have to remember that.
Once done he burped them making sure to place Protection spells on themself and Yuu. It proved to be important as when Yuu burped Ice came out onto the wall. Jamil waved it away cleaning up. He gave them a small smile and patted their back a little more just in case. They seemed fine as he set them back in their high chair.
'I must send the food out. I won't be just a moment" He stated. Yuu nodded and blinked. Jamil started taking food out. However it took quite some time and by the time jamil had returned Yuu had their face on their little table. Small tears in their eyes. Jamil walked over and picked them up bringing them to his Face. Still Yuu would not look him right in the eye. A smart child.
'Why the tears? It is alright" He said trying to calm then. Yuu patted his cheek then yawned.
"Ah, I see. Tired then?" Yuu nodded and Jamil smirked and held them close so Yuu could rest their head on his shoulder. He rocked them slightly and rubbed their back. It wasn't long before Yuu had fallen asleep. He walked out and Looked for Kalim. They were sitting and eating with the rest of his Dorm.
"Oh! Jamil! Come eat!!" Kalim yelled. Jamil frowned and put a finger to his lips.
"They are asleep, Kalim" He said whispered. The room quieted down and kalim walked over looking at the Infant.
"Wow, They are so cute!" Jamil had to agree they were rather cute. Jamil walked with them in his arms as the night went on. Not putting them down for an instant. It got to 9pm when Jamil told Kalim it was time for bed. Kalim much to form pouted leaving Jamil to act as yet again the bad guy and pull him off to his room.
"Bed, I shale wake you in the morning" Jamil said holding Yuu to his chest and listening for any sigh that they would wake. Kalim pouted.
"Awwe, But I want to stay up and watch Yuu!" Jamil took a breath. Why must he fight with this? It is not as if the baby will do anything of intrest.
"Kalim, You have a test tomorrow. We will have yuu all week. and this weekend as well" He tried to reason. Hoping he would not have to resort to anything... Drastic... To get Kalim to head to sleep. However Kalim proved to be difficult.
"But you get to have them sleep in your room! Come one Jamil just tonight? I can watch them! I used to watch the others for mother!" Jamil bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from correcting Kalim. NO infact he had been the one to watch them while Kalim constantly tried to get them to do things that were not age appropriate. Such as trying to get his 15th younger brother to Horse back ride with him when the boy was only 4 years old!
"" He said. If he had to then he would. As long as this would settle soon. Kalim's eyes started to glow a slight red and Jamil knew he had gotten him.
"Right, It's best they stay with you.. They will be safer with you Jamil" Jamil nodded.
"" Kalim nodded.
"right. Good night Jamil" He said before turning and closing his door to head to bed. Jamil sighed and looked down. Yuu was still sound asleep. Jamil gave them a small smile walking to his room. He closed the door and sighed. Finally some quiet. Setting Yuu into their crib he put the Blanket over them. Looking down he saw the Little Pink bat on the ground.
"Hm... The notes say that they wake up around 3am... maybe if I give you this it will help calm you down till I get up" Jamil said setting the Bat in the Crib with them. He was reminded of his sister. She was Interesting to say the least but he care about her quite a bit. He took care of her as well. His parents far to busy to take care of her. He pet Yuu's head and sighed. Sometimes he wished they would see there was more to them then just more Servent to the Asim family. They were their kids to.
Jamil rolled out of bed and a sniffling. Years of working for the Asim family had made it hard for him to sleep through anything. He always had to be on his toes so he could help them with anything. Jamil looked up at Yuu sniffing and hugging their Stuffed bat. There was small little babbled like they were trying to calm them self down.
"Yuu? Whats wrong?" Jamil said walking over and leaning on the Crib bars. Yuu looked up at him starting at his nose instead of his eyes. Clever child. Though it did set Jamil off a little that someone so young had such a distrust in people already. Where they like this with the others as well?
"ananga" They sniffed and hugged their stuffed bat. Jamil sighed and reached down. Yuu sniffed and reached up. Jamil picked them up and sat down on his bed. He rocked Yuu checking to see if they were wet. No. And they had eaten a short while ago so that wasn't it. He looked at Yuu more closely. How they Hugged that bat close. How they curled as close as they could to Jamil.
"You lonely?" Yuu nodded and rubbed their face. Jamil took a breath and held them close. Ofcourse they were. They had been abandoned, They were only staying at dorms for a week at a time. Enough to get a small attachment and then they were taken away. However perhaps Tomorrow was the Monthly HouseWarden. They would like that atleast. Jamil rocked them to sleep before setting them back in their Crib. Hopefully it would help to see familiar faces.
The next day after classes Jamil dragged Kalim to the HouseWarden meeting. They were going to discuss Events for the year and different Agendas. Walking in Yuu in hand they sat. Jamil was honestly just hear to Keep kalim in line and makes sure he didn't forget to tell him something. Yuu however gave off a loud Squeal at seeing some Familiar Faces. Ridde gave them a smile and a small wave.
Leona gave a raised eye brow keeping his face Neutral however Jamil could see some sort of spark of life in his eyes. Jamil would file that for later. Looking over at Azul he saw his eyes giving him a glance and then looked to Yuu. Before looking away. It wasn't until Jamil took a look around the room to see That Diasomnia was not around. Once again the HouseWarden of Diasomina had not been invited. Jamil was almost thankful. With how the others looked it would not have been the best time. However Jamil noted that Yuu was acting brighter.
By the end of the time Yuu was smiling and giggling. Jamil gave a soft smile after getting to the Safety of his room at the end of the night. He was glad the Kid could smile atleast. They were just feeling alone. Jamil rubbed their back and Picked up a book from their Baby bag.
"The Littlest Dragon?... Yuu how about a bed time story?" Yuu's eyes widened and they Gurbled something. However jamil would take it as yes they would love that. He gave a snort and took the kid in his lap as he opened the book. In Truth he didn't mind Taking care of them. He wasn't sure what he would do once he was free. But he knew he wouldn't have to hold back anymore. He could finally do what he wanted and Be anything he wanted to be. He could get good grades. He could Dance. He could show how good he was at magic!
"Wababaga" Jamil blinked and snorted a little. He gave them a small squeeze. Continuing to read out loud to them he thought about what he would do when Free. He had spent his whole life Taking care of Kalim. What would he do if he had no one to fuss over. There was a yawn and Jamil looked down at the Sleeping Yuu.
Well... Maybe he would find someone better to take care of. Someone that let him be himself. Like this one did. Jamil picked them up and gently walked them over to their crib.
'Night Yuu. Sleep tight" He said Petting their head and heading to bed.
Dungeon Predator
[Class changing to the hidden class, Demonic Swordsman.][You are the first one to discover the hidden dungeon.][You are the first one to discover the hidden...][You are the first one...][You are...]I'm a gamer who uses ESP.I'll take it all!
8 909From the System with Love: A Quick Transmigration Story
User: What's a "transmigration"?System: I believe it's another term for "world hopping".User: Oh.... but I'm not world hopping, I'm fixing timelines?System: The author thought this sounded better.User: Eh well, they're the author so...wait, who do you love?System: ???User: The title says, "With Love", so who do you love?System: Ha. Ha. Ha. The author thinks they are witty.User: So you don't love anyone?System: This system is programmed to work.User: That's not answering my question.System: ...User, about the next mission...-------- Felicia died and somehow got selected for a job fixing dimensional errors. Helping her complete her tasks is a strange machine-like being called DARS. Follow her as she makes her way through 10 different dimensions and slowly discovers the real reason behind her "selection". -------- Author's Note: This is my spoof/homage to the Quick Transmigration genre. There is an overarching story (with the main tags being: romance, slice-of-life, fantasy, and comedy) and then "level" specific stories with their own genres and tags. To get an idea of what you're in for, please read the level below. Levels will (and have!) been changed to fit my mood, but their titles/themes generally remain the same. NO UPDATE SCHEDULE (sorry). A story I write when I need a break from other works. -------- Level 1 (Completed): How to Raise a Cold CEO - Siblings, Child-to-Adult, Slice-of-Life, DramaLevel 2 (Current): The Sins of the Mother - Fictional Medieval Era, Parenthood, Tsundere, Forever AloneLevel 3: The Henchman Demands a Raise - Childhood Friends, Genius, High-school, Rags-to-Riches, SuperpowersLevel 4: Demon Lord, Repent and be Saved! - Magic, Demons, Romance, Overbearing Love InterestLevel 5: Who Needs the Female Lead? - Romance, Modern, Slice-of-Life, Doting Love Interest, TragedyLevel 6: Matchmaker, Matchmaker, What Big Teeth You Have! - Dragons, Princess, Travel, Clingy Love Interest, Time-Loop, MagicLevel 7: Evil Step-Mom Retires to Eat Melon Seeds - Doting Parent, Fictional Ancient China, Absent Father Figure, Court DramaLevel 8: Join Demon Sect Today: High Pay, Fast Promotion, Best Benefits! - Cultivation, Asian Theme, Boss, Minions, Monsters, Comedy, Black-bellied Love InterestLevel 9: Trending: #hivemindwantsyourautograph - Sci-fi, Aliens, Invasion, Misunderstandings, Ambiguous LoveLevel 10: Dogs are More than Man’s Best Friend - Magic, Slavery, Beastmen, Nobility, Riches-to-Rags, Slow Romance
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Balance. Yin. Yang. Light. Darkness. Good. Evil. Only by maintaining balance can one attain the pinnacle of power! Join Kuro as he journeys the world to become strong and enact his vengeance. Together with the other world heroes, Kuro gets entangled with the forces of Light and Darkness in his journey to become the Yin Yang Saint of Athena. Vampires vs. Vampire Hunters. Saints vs. the forces of Hades. Heroes vs. Demons and Demon Kings. In this mixed world of Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, Saint Seiya The Lost Canvass, Saint Seiya the Next Dimension, Castlevania Aria of Sorrow (AOS) and Dawn of Sorrow (DOS), Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Dragon Quest Dai no Daiboken (Great Adventures of Dai), Heroes and Villains, Saints, Gods, Goddesses, Demons, Heroes and Demon Kings are all involved in a struggle for survival and supremacy.
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Энэ бол хувь тавилан. Учирах ёстой хүмүүс учирч, уулзах ёстой хүмүүс уулздаг. Би чамтай сэтгэл зүрхээрээ холбогдсон Жон Жонгүг...©_ᴠɴᴀʙɪ🦋
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Rosie now renamed Mira belle (beautiful vision in a rough translation)[Meaning of "Mira"Latin-American nameOther origins for the name Mira include - Latin-American, Hebrew.The name Mira is most often used as a girl name or female name. In Latin-American, the name Mira means -behold, admirable.Latin-American Name Meaning - behold, admirableOrigin - Latin-America]Before she knew it she had been abducted . She had seen it coming but there was no way of stopping it. Rosie renamed Mira belle by her abductor is forced to help her kidnapper who has built a newborn army . Her job is simply to make sure the kings in Italy don't find out his plans. And if they do tell him when they do...but for Mira, it's a little harder to do that when you find out that your destiny is in that very same coven. Also known as her mate...Only Mira/Rosie is mine(Or any other oc I create) the rest is owned by Stephanie meyers
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My life was normal: no friends, no wife, no family and a worthless job, just like everyone elses, a normal life... One day, I horribly died on an car accident. My reincarnation was a mess, and somehow I ended as the new Demon Lord’s butler. Now I should help her with her plans to rule over this country's monsters and people. Of course, as a former human, I'll be secrectly help them... as long as I can. My dream? Just to have a peacefull life once again...
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