《Mages to Nannies (( Twisted Wonderland fanfic))》Diasomnia
That night Crowley gave Malleus the Child, Now known as Yuu. Malleus held yuu in his arms and smiled when they giggled and touched his face. Human children were so Fearless. Lilia smiled tenderly as Crowley handed them the Baby bag. Inside were all the Essentials to taking care of the Infant. Diapers, Whips, Baby formula, Bottles, Baby powder, A story book from the Library, and A blanket or Two. Sadly Clothing was going to have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully yuu wouldn't have any Issues with needing a change.
Malleus took the child. Lilia not far behind and left before all the others. It was late in the night and Children needed to already be in bed. Or so Lilia informed him. Malleus had never actually cared for a child. Sure he had helped in watching Silver grow from a young age but the Actual care he had never done. The most he had done was Feed the poor boy. Lilia truly would have made him starve if he had not.
Lilia was many things, A great Warrior, A loyal companion, A patient Teacher, A caring father. But a cook he was not. Even the Greatest of people had Weaknesses. Lilia smiled gently as they made their way back to Diasomnia Castle. Once inside he started speaking about how he was excited for the thought of caring for young again. Malleus remembered how Lilia had helped in his own upbringing. He had taught him every thing he knew. Took care of him when his Grandmother could not.
Truly Lilia was him most Trusted Friend. The child, Yuu looked up at them and giggled. human children always seemed to have no fear of him. SO why did adults? Malleus never understood such a thing. He was not known for harming anyone. Perhaps he pulled small Pranks or was a Tad Mischievous. But he had been raised by Lilia. So ofcourse he liked to partake in a bit of fun now and then.
Only Lilia knew how much it hurt him to never be send Invitations to gatherings. He wished to connect with others of his Emotional age. While he was far older then most at this School, Physically and Emotionally he was still only 22. The child seemed to sense Malleus digging deep into his thoughts and patted his cheek. He looked down at them and they smiled brightly making small sounds. Little pits of Spit gathered as they tried to speak. Malleus chuckled and took a handkerchief from his pocket to whip it away.
It will be nice to have someone New to be around. Lilia was wonderful but He was A Tad overbearing at times. Malleus was just grateful that his Companion had Silver now to distract him. He was not one for the Games Lilia was now into. They just did not Peek his interest. He much preferred his walks and checking in on the small Pocket pet he had in his possession.
"Ahhgara!" Yuu said to him. Malleus nodded along as if he understood.
'Yes I believe you are right. It is time for your feeding. However after you will need to sleep" The infant almost pouted. As if they understood Malleus back. Lilia chuckled at the Interaction.
'Shale I go heat the Formula" malleus had to come up with and Excuse quickly. Who knows what would happen if he allowed Lilia anywhere near the Kitchen. It had only just been repaired from the last time. And it was not even a month into the Semester yet.
"No I will, Could you inform my Retainers of our new Development?" Lilia blinked and smiled nodding.
"Ofcourse" And then he was gone. Malleus felt around and when he did not feel Lilia's magical Signature he sighed. Victory, A disaster was once again held at Bay. Atleast for now. Malleus looked at the child and made sure to keep them close to his chest.
"Well, Let us get you feed." Malleus went to the Kitchen and started heating up the formula. He was thankful for the instructions on the Powder filled container. It made it much easier to know exactly what he must do. After a moment he used his Wrist to check the temperature just as the Instruction stated he must do.... It did not feel to hot. He nodded and shook the bottle one more time before giving it to Yuu.
Yuu seemed to have been quite hungry as they drank it down quickly. Malleus watched in fascination as the white Liquid was drank down to nothing. thinking a head Malleus put up a Protection spell before using a hand towel by the stove to put over his shoulder. He brought Yuu up so that the child was facing the his now Toweled shoulder and patted their back Gently. Yuu grumbled and whimpered before they finally Burped. A small cool air was let out and Malleus turned. Just as he suspected. The wall had a small coat of ice now on it.
Malleus shook his head and looked down at Yuu who had started to fall asleep on his shoulder. Poor thing must be Exhausted. Malleus waved his hand and the Baby supplies were put away. He walked up the stairs to where Lilia was speaking with his Retainers. Silver and Sebek. While Silver was young he had been Malleus Guard for five years now. Sebek however even though he was Older time wise he was younger Mentally and had only begone Serving Malleus this year.
"OH, Malleus is the little one already done feeding?" Lilia asked smiling brightly. Malleus nodded.
"Yes, They seemed to be quite hungry. But they are asleep now" He whispered glancing at the sleeping yuu on his shoulder. Sebek went to open his mouth but Malleus stared him down. If he woke the child Malleus would not be happy with him. Thankfully Sebek was quite loyal to him already. He knew when malleus wanted him quiet and wisely shut him mouth.
"Well we should put them to bed. I have set up a crib in the corner of your room" Lilia said. Malleus nodded and walked off. He pretended not to hear as Lilia informed them of their new Tasks. Shutting His door he sighed and walked over to the Crib. It was a modest Crib. Nothing special. However He did note the little Dragon mobile over top the Crib. Malleus smirked and gently touched one. It turned flapping its wings while it did so.
When had Lilia gone and gotten this? It had not been taken out sense he was a babe himself. He shook his head and Gently placed Yuu inside. He pulled the Blanket over their body and noted the stuffed animal beside them. Lilia had truly gone into thought for the child.
Malleus smiled tenderly and pet the little babe's head. They were so small. So easily breakable. He would need to take care in making sure none of the Other houseWardens got any ideas on harming them. He knew some of his Classmates ways and he would not stand for it when it came to this one. They were to young to know the Dangers they would be facing. It was up to those Older then they to keep them on the right track.
With a nod Malleus went to work. He after all had a Kingdom to help run along with him School work. Sometimes being a Fae had it's advantages. One being needing very little sleep. So when 3am hit and the child started to Stir Malleus stood and walked over. Yuu had wet eyes and looked to have been about to cry out. But stopped as seeing Malleus standing over them. He had thought this would surely make the child cry but they did not.
'Instead they reached out and clenched and unclenched their hands in a grab motion. They wished to be picked up. Malleus abridged and held them close. He held their head gently and rocked them.
'It is still early Little one. Why have you woken?" The Babe grumbled and Gurgled sounds that could not be made into words. However malleus nodded along as if he understood.
"Oh, Bad dreams perhaps. Yes Those are hard to get ride of. Would you like to sleep in my arms then? I am not particularly tired my self" The babe sniffed and nuzzled their head into Malleus chest. It was not long before they fell asleep once again. Truly this was not a normal child. When silver was young he was not this Intelligent. But Malleus Digressed. It did not matter. They were still an Infant. They would still need someone to keep them safe and Nurture them.
The night passed quickly and it was time to give the Child Breakfast. It went the same as it did last time only this time instead of Ice it was Fire. Scorching the wall in black soot. Malleus chuckled and rocked them. He Felt a bit of Pride in yuu for having such powerful magic. Was this how Lilia felt when he himself had burned Lilia's bangs so very long ago? Perhaps.
Then it was time to drop them off with the HeadMage. While he knew Crowley was an old soul much like himself and Lilia, He did not trust the man. Crowley was always up to something. Working for a higher power that even himself did not know. Thus it caused a strange Anxiety to leave the child with him. Malleus took a breath as Lilia walked with him. Baby bag in hand.
"They will be fine, We must put trust in Crowley to do what is right" Lilia stated being oddly serious. That was the good thing about Lilia. He always knew what to say to calm Malleus nerves. He was also Rather Protective of children himself. malleus liked to think it was because of the wars of old. Where lilia would fight only to see the innocent blood shed. It caused an effect on lilia. Making him soft to children. Wishing only peace for them.
Adults however were another story. Lilia would gladly take down any adult that came his way. He had stated one time after traveling he had even found an island where none grew old. However there was a child there that fought a band of Pirates. The only Adults on the island infact. This caused a many issues and Lilia had to help. Wither this was true or another Ruse build but Lilia himself malleus did not know. But it was a good story none the less.
The Two fae walked into the Headmage's office. Crowley was at his desk reading another of his in Malleus opinion Dirty romance novels. Once the door opened Crowely threw the book and looked at them shocked before clearing his throat. He smiled a the two.
'Ah here to drop them off? Good good I have an area just for them. Aren't I truly Gracious!" He stated. malleus Tried his best to keep his face Neutral. That fraise tended to get old rather quickly. and as old as all three were they had heard it said more then there were even stars in the sky.
However true to his word there was an area for Yuu to stay in. Infact it as actually rather up to par with Malleus expectations. There was a Play pen for Yuu to stay in filled with Blankets and Foam blocks and Stuffed animals. there were pillows and it was all cushioned quite well. Nothing sharp was inside and there were even Games to play with so that little Yuu did not get bored. Crowley smiled Proud of himself. Yuu however looked at Malleus then at the pet and their bottom lip Quivered. Malleus held them and bounced yuu a little in his arms.
"Shush child, It will only be for a short time" Malleus stated. yuu almost seemed to understand as they sniffed. Crowley took the child even though something in Malleus told him to tare the child back into his arms. A deep voice of sounded in his mind. But malleus pushed the Voice down. Now was not the time to allow his Instincts to take over. This was what was best for Yuu not for him.
After handing the bag to Crowley Malleus walked out. Lilia in tow. The door closed and Lilia put a hand on Malleus arm. He always knew when Malleus was upset. Lilia gifted him a soft smile.
'Come, we should head to our Studies. The quicker we finish the quicker we can return to the little one" He stated. malleus knew he was right but as the day continued he found it hard to concentrate. Was the child ok? Did Crowley remember to check their Nappy? What if they were crying? Perhaps he should check on them. However each time he felt that urge Lilia would give him a look and Malleus would find himself heading to his next class.
By the end of the day Malleus all but ran to the HeadMage's Office. He had dignity though and walked inside calm as he could portray. However he did not expect to see the HeadMage Crowley with Yuu reading them a children's story. Yuu giggled and patted the pages of the cardboard book.
Looking up Crowley gave Malleus a smile and set Yuu down in the Play pet. Yuu pouted and made Grab hands wishing to be picked back up. However Crowley gathered the Baby supplies and handed them to Malleus.
"They were wonderful today. Truly so Intelligent! They napped after their lunch so they will perhaps not be ready to sleep until later after they dine." Malleus nodded. He took the bag and walked over to Yuu picking them up. Giving a smile and Yuu patted malleus cheek and giggled. Immediately Malleus felt the Tension lift from his shoulders. The babe was safe and back in his arms.
"They were just changed an hour ago, they will likely need to be changed again soon however as they seem to not wish to settle down. You will find new Clothes in their Bag. Crewel and Trien dropped them off. Perhaps a Bath is in order" Crowley informed him. Malleus once again nodded before departing. He would rather not be in Crowley's presents more then was required. After checking his Pocket pet quickly and feeding them Malleus smiled at Yuu. He was gifted with a large toothless smile back.
"Well, Shale we return home?" Malleus asked. Yuu garbled once again in response. They walked outside into the now chilling air. Fall was Upon them. soon they would need to get ready for the Winter months. That was something Malleus was actually thankful for. How times had changed and now one did not need to prepare all summer to ready for the Frozen Winter. Now you could buy what you needed all year round and not feel the Anxiety of not being Prepared.
They made it into the Mirror chamber and walked straight to Diasomnia's mirror. He found that Yuu did not seem to like Mirror travel. They would get rather Fussy after appearing on the other side. However they would need to be used to it soon. It was the only way to travel at NRC after all. It was not like back home where one could Fly were you needed to or take a simply Transportation spell. No here one must Travel Via mirror as it was the staple of the schools very being.
Malleus walked inside his Dorm where many quieted as he entered. Even here in the Dorm he was out-casted. A Pariah in his own home. While it caused pain in his chest he would ignore it. He understood many had heard stories of him even before they knew him. They had formed their opinions already. And it would not change for a long while. Honestly you accidentally set fire to an event and everyone believes you to be Cruel.
Yuu did not think he was cruel though. No Yuu seemed to Adore Malleus. Smiling brightly whenever he was around. Malleus could understand Lilia's love for children when he looked down at those Large Doe like eyes and saw only love and happiness looking back at him.
However it became apparent just how cruel being a Fae could be. Time went far to quickly for Malleus and before he knew it it was his last night with Yuu for a two months. It would be Two months with out that smile in his life.
He found did find it better knowing that Crowley could be trusted with the babe now. However he was not sure how to feel about the Other HouseWardens. As Malleus himself Bathed the child by hand he thought about how it would be with out them there at night. To wake and find him not there to greet them after their Nightmares. Would RoseHearts be there to make sure they did not cry? Would Leona put effort into their care? Or leave them to that Hyena of his?
Malleus sighed and gave a sad smile to the child as they splashed in the water. He would miss this. Taking care of them. He would have to keep a close eye on the other Wardens to make sure they did not Skimp on Their duties. The Gods forbid AshenGrotto tried anything with this little one.
He took the child out of the water and dried them with a quick and Gentle wind spell. He had found himself getting better and monitoring his Control now that he had a Babe to care for. If he put to much power into it it could harm them.
Malleus dressed the child in a Onsie. It was rather cute Blue and green. With little Thorn Designs decorating the arms and legs. They looked adorable. Yuu wiggled while it was being placed upon them but it was all in play. They were not truly distressed. Malleus held them close and sighed.
'You will be good for RoseHearts Child Yuu. I will be watching to make sure of your Safety I promise you this" Malleus stated putting his forehead to yuu.
"Be safe"
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