

Rome p.o.v

I walked into the nail shop

Erica: oh look ladies it's Rome

Mel: what do you want

Me: to talk to diamonte

Diamonte: nah I'm good

Me: no your not

Erica: hmm sounds like it's trouble In paradise to me

Me: shut up

Diamonte: no Rome you shut up and leave

I gave her a look

Diamonte: or not

Me: when I get off work be ready

Diamonte: I said no Rome

Me: and I said yes the fuck

I turned to the other ladies

Me: enjoy the rest of y'all's day

I went back over to footlocker

Chad: so did it work

Me: I hope soo

Darrius: ro she ain't gonna get back with you

Me: man nigga shut up

Chad: ooop

..I was in the food court waiting for diamonte

Me: man where is she at

End p.o.v

Diamonte p.o.v

I sat down right in front of him

Me: I'm here what do you want

Rome: I miss you baby

Me: oh

Rome: I got ya favorite food too

I looked down at the plate

Me: thanks

Rome: all you can say is oh and thanks

I started stuffing my face with fries

Rome: baby I miss you I need you my love

I started to blush

Me: I miss you too

End p.o.v

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