

Diamonte p.o.v

Damn now I know I fucked up but damn

Kierra: you in some shit

Me: look I can handle it

Laya: handle what everyone is afraid of you or spreading rumors

I was on FaceTime with the girls

Me: I said it's handled damn

Kierra: well are you gonna confess or apologize or something

Me: uhh maybe I don't know

Laya: maybe you shouldn't come to school today

Me: but I have to I got a test today

Kierra: I don't know dia

I hung up on them

Me: they just don't listen to me

Rome: yeah maybe you shouldn't go

Me: really baby

Rome: ay Erica and Sean said they gonna drop the charges

Me: okay but how does everyone know I'm "crazy"

Rome: shiit

He face palmed himself

Rome: Bryan loud mouth ass

Me: you told him

I threw my phone at him

Me: you said you wouldn't tell you supposed to be down for me..do you even love me

Rome: I'm sorry we got drunk

Me: get out

He got up

Rome: baby-

Me: I'm nothing to you go baby Bryan or some shit or go have fun with Erica

Rome: Woow okay bet

Me: yeah bet

I watched him walk out the door

End p.o.v

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