《Shhh》For keeps


Rome p.o.v

I was laying on my bed with Erica

Erica: so are we just gonna lay here orr

Me: yeah we just gonna lay here

Erica: why I thought you wanted to fuck

I rolled my eyes at her

Me: nah

Erica: then imma just leave

Me: then leave then leave

I was mocking the leave song by ol girl

Erica: you been acting mad differently lately

Me: well I'm broke soo and school been on my ass lately

Erica: mhmm or is it that bitch

Me: who

Erica: you know who..diamond or whatever her name is

Me; i don't even be around her she annoying

Erica; mhm

She got up and started putting her shoes on

Erica: well I gotta go to work..see you

Me: bye

After awhile I started looking out my window and i was deep in thought

Me: oh god why is this happening to me I've been a good man I think well I don't know but I need you lord

At this point what is life like what does this girl want from me

Diamonte: Rome can we talk again

I looked down at her

Me: sure

I couldn't lie she was looking good to good..

End p.o.v

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