

Diamontè p.o.v

I opened my locker and a card with that knife fell out

Me: shit

I put it back in locker I didn't realize it got blood on me until laya said it

Laya; dia are you bleeding

Me: uh no it's just juice

Rome walked past us and I noticed he had a cut on his face

Laya: y'all not talking

Me: I guess not

She walked away from me and I opened the card

The card: were even now

Me: hmm

I looked at him and he looked at me with a smirk

Maybe he's crazier than I thought

Laya: ouu what's that

Me: nun

Kierra: nah it looks like a love a note

Me: it's nothing

I put it in my pocket and went to class

Bryan: man I wish Laya was wild like that

Rome: noo ya don't

Trey: shit kierra be beating my ass

I walked up to my lab table And they walked away

Me: what was y'all talkin bout

Rome: females that's all

Me: anything to do with me

Rome: nope

Me: oh

I started to do my work when someone tapped me on my shoulder

Sean: wassup

Rome: go away Sean leave her alone

Sean: I'm not talking to you I'm talking to her

Rome: well she don't wanna be bothered by you

Sean: is he yo nigga or some shit

Me: n no

But I wish he was

Sean started talking to me but I zoned him out

End p.o.v

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