《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》T W E N T Y - F I V E


Within minutes of my text to Morgan turning to delivered my phone was blowing up. Texts, calls and everything in between. I had barley enough time to confirm a time with John tomorrow, as well as making sure it was okay Kayla tagged along.

Every message had tears threatening to spill from my eyes, the begging and pleading though I knew in the back of my mind he was with her a few minutes prior and probably still was. I needed to do this for me, I needed to become my own person.

I had sent John a final text letting him know he was more than welcome to come back, finishing it with a "no pressure". I couldn't wrap my head around my emotions and for some reason he made everything feel okay, even if it was just for a moment. I had spent the next hour on tiktok, catching up on everything I had missed. People were quick to start making posts about "Now that Morgan's single" and though I thought they would make me more upset, they were currently the only thing keeping me laughing. I had even replied and liked a few. Our breakup wasn't public news yet but some how a tweet here and a post there could tell them everything they needed to know.

It wasn't long after that I had heard a soft knock on my hotel door.

I quickly jump up and make my way to the peep hole, a habit I had picked up being on the road with Morgan. I was expecting to see John but my breath caught in my throat when not only did I see John, but Koe standing proudly beside him with a bottle of Jack in his hand. I swung the door open faster than I would like to admit and welcomed them in.


"Sorry, hope you don't mind" Koe chuckles pouring himself a glass of the dark whiskey.

"Not at all, honored if anything" I giggle back, causing John to roll his eyes while laughing himself.

"So I hear we have some ass to beat" Koe starts, placing himself backwards on one of the hotel chairs that had once been placed neatly at the little table in the corner. His arms now resting gently on the back of it.

I laughed in response "I don't think it would be much of a fight", earning a toothy grin from Koe.

I knew Morgan and Koe were somewhat friends, though to the public they had never met. I was at a loss for words as to how I ended up with Koe here to pick me up while I was sad. I couldn't help but think back to Morgan every so often though. He hadn't posted anything or tried to call or text me in over an hour and I didn't know if it was because he had finally fell asleep or if it was because he was with her.

My stomach churned just thinking about them being together at this very moment, but here I was with two very attractive men in my hotel room as well.

"You alright?" John asks, turning to me from his place on the couch.

Currently it was 3am and we were watching a movie we had found on TV.

I turned to meet his eyes, "As good as I can be I guess, doesn't hurt that I'm cuddled up with Koe Wetzel and that guy that follows him around" I giggle.

"Mhm, make your jokes little girl. We will see how it ends for you" I thought John's laugh would have pulled Koe out of the trace he was in while watching the movie but he hadn't budged. Who knew Sweet Home Alabama had this kind of effect on him.


John must've noticed my smile fading, his hand gently now had found its place near my knee. A light squeeze pulling me back into our conversation.

"It'll all work out Bails, I promise" he flashed me a tight lip smile as he shrugged his way closer to my spot on the couch.

With a final look at me he laid his head back and slowly closed his eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep, Koe falling shortly behind him. Silence filled my hotel room as I slowly peel myself off the couch and into my warm bed. I took one final glance through all my apps making sure I didn't miss any of Morgan's tweets while I was away. My notifications on Instagram were filled with mentions of me in the comments of Paige's newest post, I didn't want to look but I had to.

LovelyPaige: What a show Wallen!

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I felt dizzy, everything rushing back now that Koe and John weren't awake to keep me distracted. She was there and they were a lot closer than I would have liked to see them, considering our break up was a few hours ago. I did the only thing I thought would make feel better in this moment.

Bay.lee: Sleepy lil Koe boy

Tagged: Koe_Wetzel, johnpark


KoeFAn: Whatttt!? They are friends now

fan7: Here from Paiges post

MWFN2: Morgan is an idiot, you okay bby?

Kay.la7: Besties for the resties!

I closed out of my apps and laid awake looking at the ceiling. My phone vibrating letting me know I had another text, expecting it to be from Kayla I opened it without even looking.

Morgan: You know, no matter what you're doing this evening or how bad I messed up. I couldn't go to bed without telling you this. I love you Darlin

My heart breaking all over again for what feels like the thousandth time tonight. I quietly roll over in bed, the clock reads 5:15 before I finally drift off to sleep.


UGH! Why can't Morgie just act right.

Thank you guys for sticking with me, life has been awful and I'm back and drowning myself in writing to deal with it.

Thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes!


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