《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》T W E N T Y - F O U R


I finally arrived and settled into the hotel room before I pull my phone out again. Checking all the messages that have been flying in for the past 20 minutes.


Baby, Im so damn sorry


He's a douche, did you text John back? Dude you could party with Koe's family!


Just kidding don't do that, I'll be jealous

From John:

Offer still stands. I guess Morgan didn't take the break up well?

To John:

We didn't break up, just on a break.

From John:

Shit my bad! You wanna talk about it?

To John:

I moved to the Holiday Inn just to get off the bus, don't feel obligated.

I knew in my heart this wasn't right. I mean not that I had intentions of doing anything other than talking with him. Two wrongs never make a right, even when it is with Morgan Wallen.

It didn't take long for him to get here, sneaking in the back way to avoid all the fans that had caught me sneaking in here. Social media was already blowing up with rumors as to why I was staying at a hotel alone and it was already linked to Morgan's instagram post. Sometimes I wish I didn't have people following me around 24/7, but that's another reason why I allowed John to come to talk. He would understand.

"I'm still in shock you even texted me back honestly" he jokes, pulling the pillow onto his lap from the small couch he was now sat on.

"I've told you, we literally are not even famous. Like I see you and want to freak out because you photograph Koe Wetzel." I gush, earning a red face back from John.

"Yeah but, you're dating Morgan Wallen" He rushes, putting his head down before taking a quick glance at me for my reaction. "That's the shit you only dream about, like the man is huge"

I sigh before continuing, "I'll be honest with you, I don't feel any different than I did the morning before we went to that first concert. I'm nothing special and how we even got into a relationship is beyond me." Now it was my turn to put my head down, thought that was exactly how I've always felt, it felt weird to admit that to someone like him. "That is, if there is even a relationship to save anymore" I took a deep breath before turning my eyes back to John. He was now up and moving his way towards me.


"Don't take this the wrong way and if I freak you out I'm sorry" he starts, before he wraps his long arms around me, pulling me into him as he takes a seat next to me on the bed.

Instantly a weight was lifted off my shoulders and before I knew it I was sinking further into him, warm salty tears streaming their way quietly down my face.

He was quick to catch onto my silent cries, "shh, you're okay. I'm here" he coos, rubbing my back softly up and down. "I just don't get it" I choke out.

He looks down at me waiting for me to continue as more tears pour out. I realize then that this was the first time I truly was letting all of my built up emotions out.

"I would trade it all in not to feel like this right now." I take a deep breath trying to steady my breathing. He pulls me in tighter before nodding, letting me know it was okay to continue.

"It's not worth all the fame and attention to be cheated on, you know?" he nodded, hanging onto my every word. "I feel like an idiot and I don't want to be Bailey, the girl Morgan Wallen cheated on. I just want to be Bailey" The tears were back, and If I thought John and I couldn't get any closer it was a lie because he was now pulling me up onto his lap, whispering into my ear.

I couldn't tell you why i felt so safe with john, just something about him made me feel like it was all going to work out how it should. "You're too special to be crying over a guy, even if he is Morgan Wallen." he giggles, causing a laugh to escape my lips as well.

"There she is!" He smiles back down at me.

"I think I know what I want to do" I start, looking at John for an answer he wouldn't be able to give me, this had to be my decision. "Oh, and what would that be?" He questions, pushing himself away from me enough to get a full look at my face.


"I think it has to be the end" I practically whisper, searching his face for any reaction of this being a bad choice. But his face remained still. A soft smile playing across his features as he begins again, "You have to do what's right for you, but just know, to us, you are just Bailey"

It was all I needed to hear. Morgan and I would have to be done, at least for now. I knew if I didn't do it soon I wouldn't do it, I needed to go back to the bus.

"Call me when you're back, I'll come over." John spoke, pulling me into another hug at the door.

"You promise they won't mind if I come?" My confidence fading as I ask if for the 50th time this evening.

I had decided to enjoy what time I had left in Texas before I fly myself home, so I promised John I would attend Koe's sister's party tomorrow with the crew. Honestly I would do anything to keep my mind off of Morgan right now.

"They'll love you being there I swear. Text me or call if you need me in the meantime" He rushes, pulling his arms back down to his sides.

"I promise" I smile, closing the door gently behind him.

I decided I needed to call Kayla and fill her in on everything before I head over there and ruin everyone's night even more than I already had.

It took 2 rings for her to answer and a smile stretched across my face as her familiar yelling took over the speakers on my phone. "Where the hell have you been I've been texting you for hours"

"I'm breaking up with Morgan"

"I was about to send out a damn swat team to fin- Wait a second, what?" She catches herself, realizing exactly what I had said. "Are you sure?" she finishes, her voice lowering.

"I just need time to be me, I'm tired of just being Morgan Wallen's girlfriend" I rant, knowing she would support me in anything I wanted to do.

"I'm going to miss you Bails" she sighs, "It won't be any fun without you. When are you leaving?"

"I promised to go to Koe's tomorrow" I start.

"Wait when? I wanna go" she laughs, pulling me back into a better mood instantly.

"I just promised John, it's around 1 tomorrow I think, do you think Luke will let you go?"

Her laugh became louder from the other end of the line, "I am my own boss Bails, and I say I'm going" I laugh with her before she starts again "Wait, when did you talk to John?"

"Oh when he was over" I laugh, knowing she wanted to hear the drama, but not playing into her just yet.

"Just tell me" she whines, causing me to giggle more.

"He came over to talk, and no nothing happened. Before you start that shit" her laughs faded out before she spoke again, her tone now soft but urgent "Morgan isn't here"

I sat in silence for what felt like ever, "Bails?" I heard her but I didn't want to respond. Something in my gut told me exactly where he was and I couldn't bring myself to seek out the truth on my own.

"Is he with her?" I knew she'd know exactly what I meant.

"Luke says no, but I saw her outside of the venue" I sigh, no tears left to cry and I felt numb. I wish now John had never left.

"We'll pick you up tomorrow, be ready" I say before hanging up the phone.

I quickly switch to my messages app and start my message.

To Morg:

This is it, I'm ready for this to be done. I wish I could have said it in person but I know you're already moved on. I'll have my stuff off the bus in the morning, please don't ruin this for Kayla.


I'm back!

Please don't hate me, Morgie will always be end game just bare with me.

I've really liked how the story has been playing out and I have so many ideas, so be ready!

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