《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》T W E N T Y - T W O


Kayla and I were still standing apart, the phone screen lighting back up as another notification rang through.

"I can't open it you know, there's no way around that lie when he comes back in here" I finally spoke, slowly pulling my eyes away from the black Iphone that had suddenly become the most interesting thing in the room.

"I mean even not opening it you have evidence against him, as much as you don't want to admit it." I knew she was right but my mind wasn't gonna process it that way.

Morgan always has been so good about making me known. Assuring me that there were no other girls, but after the Instagram comment and the notifications that kept popping up I finally needed to take the blinders off and face reality. Kayla quickly met my energy without words when she sees me picking up my bag off the leather couch it once had been so comfortably placed on. We weave through the long hallways waving to each person we passed by, within minutes we were back where and pushing the final door open we were met with the cold breeze of the evening air.

"So now what?" my eyes finally meeting Kayla's for the first time since we were backstage.

"I'm sure there is another concert around here somewhere, this is Texas after all" her smile becoming contagious.

"Lead the way babe" We began walking down the street, Kayla searching her phone for any concerts we might happen to get into. As we turn the corner we are met with the big marque lights spelling out Koe Wetzel Tonight Only.

The will call sign read 'Ticket Sales ending in 15 minutes' and we took that as our sign to attend the concert.

"What can I do for you ladies?" a tall man spoke, sliding the little glass window open.


"2 tickets to tonight's show please" Kayla said, debit card already in hand.

"I can pay for stuff sometimes you know" I chuckle out.

"Yeah but then what would be the fun in that. Besides, you're the one having a rough evening, let me do this for you." Without another word the white tablet in front of us binged, indicating the transaction had gone through and we were now the proud owners of a pair of Koe Wetzel tickets.

"You think we'll ever not do random shit like this?" I question, pulling the large double doors leading into the already loud venue.

"Honestly? I hope not" She laughs back with me, letting the door slowly shut behind her.

"We're never gonna make it to the front" I sigh, peering my head overtop of the hundreds of other people that had managed to squeeze themselves into this small little smokey bar.

Kayla looks at me shaking her head, "we are currently on one of the biggest headlining tours in the country and you're worried about being front row at Koe" her laugh towards the end sending me in a fit of my own.

"Well I mean it is Koe Wetzel babe I mean come on." We continue to laugh together until the lights officially die down and the beginning chords of kuntry & western start.

Slipping my phone out of my pocket I slide to the left and begin recording the opening song. 15 seconds in my phone was thrown from my hand as my butt made contact with the dirty floor below.

"Shit! I'm so sorry" a blonde man rushed out. It didn't take long for Kayla and I to make eye contact, noticing the black and white member pass hanging from his right short pocket.

"It's all good" I laugh, connecting my hand with his, allowing him to pull me up.


"John" he smiles, holding his hand back out to me once again. This time for me to shake.

"Bailey" I laugh, returning the favor.

"And this is Kayla" I motion over to the blonde girl now standing beside me.

"Wait, No fucking way" The man we now know is John spoke.

"Bailey and Kayla, like Morgan and Luke's girlfriends?" His words rushed as he reaches for his phone, I assume going to instagram to compare.

"That would be the ones, but seriously we are not that special" Kayla laughs, causing me to flash an awkward smile.

"Dude. Koe is gonna be siked, like Morgan is playing a street over and ya'll are here"

I had come to like John in the few minutes we had been talking with him. Much different than the people we had running around behind the scenes of Morgan's tour.

"John" I spoke, pulling his eyes up and away from his phone which was currently showing Kayla's instagram page.

"Can we get a picture?" A soft smile now playing across mine and Kayla's face

"Are you fucking kidding? ofcourse! I mean I am the photographer around here" He yelled, causing heads to turn our way as the first song of the set had came to an end.

And there you have it, we had ran into Koe Wetzel's tour photographer. What are the odds?

Bay.lee: When John says "ya'll wanna go backstage" you go backstage. 🤠

Tagged: Kay.la7, johnpark

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"Ya'll care if I post this?" John asked, flashing his screen toward us.

"Not at all, just make sure you tag us" I say laughing.

"Oh trust me, I wouldn't think of forgetting something that that." He swiftly wrapped his arms around the both of us, pulling us in for a hug before taking a step back again.

"I gotta go actually do my job before the boss fires me, but please wait at the end of the concert. Koe would love to meet you two" and with a grin John was back weaving his way through the crowd, camera back in hand.

The concert was like a fever dream. I had forgotten how it felt to be on the fan side, the rush was a completely different high; one I had almost forgot the feeling of. It was a short set and before I knew it John was on his way right back to us "You guys ready to head backstage?" his grin stretching across his face.

"As ready as we will ever be" Kayla and I said at the same time.

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