《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》T W E N T Y - O N E


Life on the road has been more than I ever expected it to be. There was nothing like the rush of a concert every night with your best friends. Things have been fairly good. Luke and Kayla finally kissed and made up and have been happier than I've ever seen them honestly.

Morgan and I, well things were doing good but as his fame has rose more and more over the last few months there seems to be less time for us and more time for everyone else.

"Babe? Can you come in here?"

Words I use to dream of hearing come out of Morgan's mouth, but anymore It felt like a game of Russian Roulette. Which time would be the final time; when would The Morgan Wallen realize he could have any girl he wanted and had settled for me.

"Whatcha need?" I say slowly making my way into the bedroom we were currently sharing on our few day layover in Texas.

"Would you mind getting my clothes ironed and ready while I go shower? Sound check is in 30 and I can't afford to be late again.

"No problem, anything for you cowboy." A warm smile spreading across his face at my words. One I have been longing to see for the past few days.

"Love you" He spoke, shooting me his crooked grin once more before making his way into the bathroom and shutting the door before I even had the chance to say...

"I love you" i mumble out

Music started blaring soon after, telling me I was alone to my thoughts once again. But it wasn't silence I felt. I quickly press his pants before grabbing one of his classic cut-off flannels. Within minutes I'm done and flopping myself back onto our shared bed, pulling my phone off the charger.


Bay.lee: Whata Man

Tagged: MorganWallen


Mwfan2: he shouldn't be ur man but

Kay.la7: It's the sunglasses for me ya'll

Fan3: does she reply?

HARDY: Tell him i need my jacket back

MWFAN8: Where's Morgan's comment?

I quickly switch to TIKTOK before the hate comments start rolling in.

You see, two months ago Morgan and Luke went out to a few bars while Kayla and I were back home for a friends birthday. The next morning social media was covered with alleged stories and photos of the two way too close to some college girls that even we will be the first to admit our way out of our league.

Fast forward two months, Kayla and Luke are picture perfect and well us... you get the picture.

Morgan really has tried to make things better, but everyday I get constant reminders. Which takes us back to now, where I am currently in our bed staring at my TIKTOK for you page with my boyfriends face plastered against another woman's, from once again, two months ago.

"What's wrong now?"

He said before throwing himself on top of me, still in nothing but a towel.


"Is this about the tiktok's again?"

His tone changing to sincere as he raises his face to find mine.

"I'll get over it, it's a me thing."

and I'm sure I could with time.

"Get dressed you have sound check!" I say with a smile finally reaching my face

"But you're so much more fun" he beams, bouncing up and down. Sending little water droplets from his hair into my face.

A laugh meeting my lips just as his meet mine. A feeling I've missed more than I'd care to admit.

A knock at the door sent us flying apart as he scurried back into the bathroom, this time with clothes in hand.


"Hey babe" I yell, swinging the door open to reveal Kayla.

"How'd you know" She giggled.

"God your room is so much better than ours." she says, flopping herself down onto our bed.

"Should've dated the talent" A smile creeping back onto my face.

"I tried, remember" she says rolling her eyes before we both bust out laughing

Bay.lee: did you even go to Texas if you didn't get a picture 🤠



Kay.la7: whata babe😍

Fan8: ❤️❤️

MorganWallen: My girl ❤️

CaleighRyan: girlll😍

Fan5: still not seeing the obsession with her

It's been an hour and Kayla and I are suppose to be at sound check... again. But well you see we never seem to find ourselves on time.

"Morgan still acting weird?"

Kayla let it slip as we were making our way to the Venue.

"Weird is an understatement. He's so loving and open, but I keep seeing things pop up on his phone that make me question our entire relationship"

"Things like what?" She had stopped us mid stride and we were now sitting on a bench around the corner of the filling venue.

"He's been getting snapchats all hours of the night again, I think it says Paige but I can never really see and you know I don't snoop"

I finally let out a laugh at the end.

"I'll go fbi mode I don't even care, I gotcha babe"

She sent me a warm smile before pulling my towards her, finishing our walk to the venue.

After another short walk we had made it backstage just as Morgan was finishing up his vocal check.

"Babe! Get a picture of me and the boys" he yelled running into the dressing room.

He always got this way before a concert, but truth be told it was one of my favorite things about him.

MorganWallen: FamBam

Tagged: LukeMW


Fanmw: 😍 baby daddy

Morganfan7: HOT HOT HOT

LovelyPaige: you're hot stuff wallen😘

LukeMW: let's goooo

3,754 more...

"You see what I just saw?" Kayla and I looking up at the same time.

"Lovely Paige might've just told on herself" though this time there was no laugh attached to her statement.

"Babe, our set starts in 5 you going front row?" Morgan was now face to face with me and I swear I've never locked my phone faster.

"I'll be there, be great" I matched his smile before meeting him with a kiss.

Luke and Kayla did their weird handshake and with one last kiss on the cheek from Morgie they were out the door, so that only left Kayla and I here.

Silence settled into the room for what felt like the first time today that was until I met where Kayla's eyes were,

Morgan's phone with a lit up screen and a notification from none other than LovelyPaige.


I've struggled with the motivation to write this story but seeing everyone's comments and messages has made me love this story again even with all the mistakes and cliché's throughout it!

Thanks for all the votes and comments, please keep them coming!

Here's to Finding Morgan. Revamped

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