《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》S I X T E E N


I can't not begin to tell you the look on Kaylas face when Emma said "you boys ready". To say she was mad would be a hell of an understatement. Luke and Morgan decided it would be a good idea to let them come along for the rest of the night. Hell not even just come along but plan the whole damn thing. This is what makes the statement men don't listen true, "they have no clue these are the bitches we hate do they?" Kayla muttered as I climbed in the front seat of my Jeep once again. "No but they gonna wanna know something if they think those two are getting in here" I fake laughed while side eyeing Kayla.

Currently Morgan and Luke were still outside my Jeep talking "details" with Emma and Justine but to me it looked more like Justine was having a Snapchat party with my boyfriends face.

"Morgan. Can we please go!" "Preferably without those two" I mumbled under my breath. Kayla heard me and started to chuckle.

"Yeah babe, they just need to grab their things" he looked back at me real quick.

As soon as the word babe left his mouth Justine rolled her eyes. "She really doesn't know who she's messing with Bailey, like this isn't gonna end well for her"

Before I could think another thought Justine and Emma grabbed their wallets and were locking Emma's car.

"No kayla I can not do this" when they were almost to the door kayla jumped out and headed to the back door with Luke

"Kayla, hunny. It's fine. Sit up front" Emma started "no 'hunny'" kayla mocked. "I think I'll sit right here on Luke's lap, since you know he comes home to me at night not you"

"Kayla babe, it's okay. No need to get hasty" kayla rolled her eyes at Luke's comment "shut up or you won't have a home to come to at night" Luke's eyes got bigger and he might've finally realized this wasn't a smart choice for them to make.


"Morgieeee, sit with me"

"Sorry Justine, but I'm gonna sit up front. I haven't got to see my girl very much" I smiled at his comment but it soon went back to a straight face. When Morgan finally got his ass in the car he leaned over and kissed me. Right on the lips, for a lot longer than normal. He must've noticed the tension in the car. But suddenly I didn't feel as bad. Morgan's attention was on me, Luke was kissing the back on kaylas neck while she was on his lap and Emma and Justine were rolling their eyes "you know girls we haven't left yet. You can still get the fuck out" kayla said matter of factly

I couldn't help but try to hide my laugh, "kayla, why are you being so hateful. They're fans, and you went to school with them. You guys use to be friends"

"Yeah kayla why so hateful, Luke likes having me around" Emma's words sounded more mocking then anything and I could tell this was going to be a long night.

It's been 15 minutes since we left and because Luke insisted we listen to what the "girls" wanted to do we are currently almost to a little honkytonk just outside of the town limits. Great a bar.

"We are here!" Justine clapped as we pulled into the parking lot "yayyyy" kayla mocked with a monotone "babe, try to enjoy this" Luke was getting annoyed with her and well Kayla was beyond mad at this point.

As we finally park and are walking in Morgan says "Thank ya for doing this darlin. It means a lot to me"

"Mhmm" was all he got in response. I know he hasn't been all that bad. But they should know better than to invite random girls who we openly talk about disliking.


"Bailey. I love you, please just make it a good night" alright that one melted my heart "I love you too Morg"

As we were walking through the front doors I heard Justine fake gag. Dumb bitches I tell ya.

Finally inside and I'd rather be home. Music was blaring, drunk people on top of drunk people. It took us 5 minutes to weave through the small openings of people to get to the actual bar. Morgan and Luke grabbed a beer while Kayla and I stayed sober. We always made a deal if one of us had to DD we'd both stay alcohol free. Justine and Emma on the other hand weren't shy about taking shots after shots.

"I'm gonna lose my shit Bailey I mean it." She said finally looking defeated "it's like he's almost taking up for them" she was now full on staring at Luke and I couldn't help but feel her pain. "Luke is a great guy, and there's no doubt he loves you by the way he puts up with your shit. But this has gone a little far" she huffed and walked back towards him.

"Hi darlin" Morgan was now by my side and I felt a wave of relief hit me. "Hey cowboy, hows the bar" not so bad, would rather be home cuddled up with you" he started while kissing just below my ear. Chills went down my spine and a smile soon appeared back on my face.

"You know, I've never been so distracted by someone in my entire life. You just catch my attention 24/7 and I can't get enough"

"Then why did you all invite those girls?" I questioned

"They invited themselves. But they also convinced Luke that they were long time friends of y'all. I told him otherwise but Luke can be a flirt and here we are" I shook my head with that.

"Kayla looks miserable" I felt pain for her. "Morgan fix it" I whined

"I'll be back, I love you" this time Morgan grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my lips closer to his. It felt like all the music in the place stopped. Like there wasn't half naked drunk girls constantly bumping into me, it was just me and him for a split second. But when his lips left mine so did he, back into the crowd of people to go make my best friends night just a little bit better

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